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Receive AWS health notification events and format to a Slack message and publish over SNS

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

Receive AWS health notification events and format to a Slack message and publish over SNS




# aws-health-event-publisher
[![Build Status](](

Publish an AWS Health event formatted as a Slack API _chat.postMessage_ message to an SNS topic. **This currently supports AWS Health notifications and not issues because issues are not sent as _aws.health_ events.**

![System Architecture](/diagram.png?raw=true "System Architecture")

This is intended to be used with [aws-sns-to-slack-publisher](

## Service Interface

* __Event Type:__ AWS CloudWatch Event - Health Event
* __Event Message:__ The message shape may be found here:

Example event:

"version": "0",
"id": "7bf73129-1428-4cd3-a780-95db273d1602",
"detail-type": "AWS Health Event",
"source": "",
"account": "123456789012",
"time": "2016-06-05T06:27:57Z",
"region": "%%region%%",
"resources": [],
"detail": {
"eventArn": "arn:aws:health:%%region%%::event/%%id%%",
"service": "service",
"eventTypeCode": "AWS_%%service_code%%",
"eventTypeCategory": "%%category%%",
"startTime": "Sun, 05 Jun 2016 05:01:10 GMT",
"endTime": "Sun, 05 Jun 2016 05:30:57 GMT",
"eventDescription": [{
"language": "%%lang-code%%",
"latestDescription": "%%description%%"

## Deployment

This application is intended to be deployed using [AWS Serverless Application Repository]( However, [Serverless Framework]( is also supported.

### Serverless Application Repository / CloudFormation

* AWS Serverless Application Repository: [aws-health-event-publisher](

### Serverless Framework

$ npm install -g serverless
$ npm install
$ serverless deploy -v

## Exports

* __${AWS::StackName}-HealthEventSnsTopicArn__: AWS SNS topic ARN where health events are published to.