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Discord C++ library for interfacing with the API. Join our server:

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Last synced: 2 months ago
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Discord C++ library for interfacing with the API. Join our server:




Library is discontinued. Due to Discord's lack of communication and out-of-touch attitude towards library developers, this library is no longer being maintained. Recommended alternative: - designed similarly to how aegis was and created by users of aegis and a far more complete library than aegis (or any other C++ library) ever was.

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Aegis Library

C++14/17 library for interfacing with the [Discord API](

# License #

This project is licensed under the MIT license. See [LICENSE](

Libraries used (all are header-only with the exception of zlib and openssl):
- [Asio](
- [Websocketpp (unofficial fork)](
- [JSON for Modern C++](
- [spdlog]( (by extension, [fmtlib](
- [OpenSSL 1.0.2](
- [zlib](
- [zstr](

# TODO #
- Voice data send/recv
- Finish documentation
- Finish live example of library in use

# Documentation #
You can access the [documentation here]( It is a work in progress itself and has some missing parts, but most of the library is now documented.

# Using this library #
This library can be used compiled or as header only. All ways require recursive cloning of this repo. Some of the dependencies are version locked.

#### Header only ####
Including the helper header will automatically include all other files.

int main()
aegis::core bot(aegis::create_bot_t().log_level(spdlog::level::trace).token("TOKEN"));
bot.set_on_message_create([](auto obj)
if (obj.msg.get_content() == "Hi")
obj.msg.get_channel().create_message(fmt::format("Hello {}",;

#### Separate compilation ####
You can include `#include ` within a single cpp file while defining `-DAEGIS_SEPARATE_COMPILATION`, have `#include ` in your program, then build as usual.

#### Shared/Static library ####
You can build this library with CMake.
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd aegis.cpp
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
// or to use C++17
You can also add `-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=1` and it will build 3 examples within the ./src directory.

`example_main.cpp;example.cpp` will build a bot that runs out of its own class

`minimal.cpp` will build two versions, one (aegis_minimal) will be with the shared/static library. The other (aegis_headeronly_no_cache) will be header-only but the lib will store no internal cache.

## Compiler Options ##
You can pass these flags to CMake to change what it builds

`-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=1` will build the examples

`-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-7` will let you select the compiler used

`-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17` will let you select C++14 (default) or C++17

##### Library #####
You can pass these flags to your compiler (and/or CMake) to alter how the library is built

`-DAEGIS_DISABLE_ALL_CACHE` will disable the internal caching of most objects such as member data reducing memory usage by a significant amount

`-DAEGIS_DEBUG_HISTORY` enables the saving of the last 5 messages sent on the shard's websocket. In the event of an uncaught exception, they are dumped to console.

`-DAEGIS_PROFILING` enables the usage of 3 callbacks that can help track time spent within the library. See docs:

1. `aegis::core::set_on_message_end` Called when message handler is finished. Counts only your message handler time.
2. `aegis::core::set_on_js_end` Called when the incoming json event is parsed. Counts only json parse time.
3. `aegis::core::set_on_rest_end` Called when a REST (or any HTTP request is made) is finished. Counts only entire HTTP request time and includes response status code.

##### Your project #####
Options above, as well as:
`-DAEGIS_DYN_LINK` used when linking the library as a shared object

`-DAEGIS_HEADER_ONLY` to make library header-only (default option)

`-DAEGIS_SEPARATE_COMPILATION` used when linking the library as static or separate cpp file within your project

## CMake misc ##
If configured with CMake, it will create a pkg-config file that may help with compiling your own project.

It can be used as such:

`g++ -std=c++14 myfile.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs aegis)`

to link to the shared object

`g++ -std=c++14 myfile.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs aegis_static)`

to link to the static object

You can also use this library within your own CMake project by adding `find_package(Aegis REQUIRED)` to your `CMakeLists.txt`.

## Config ##
You can change basic configuration options within the `config.json` file. It should be in the same directory as the executable.
"token": "BOTTOKENHERE",
"force-shard-count": 10,
"file-logging": false,
"log-format": "%^%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e [%L] [th#%t]%$ : %v"

Alternatively you can configure the library by passing in the [create_bot_t()]( object to the constructor of the aegis::core object. You can make use of it fluent-style.