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L.MoveMarker is a leaflet plugin that is used to create moving marker and also trail polyline animation.

gis javascript leaflet leafletjs moving-marker react-leaflet

Last synced: 9 days ago
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L.MoveMarker is a leaflet plugin that is used to create moving marker and also trail polyline animation.




### General Information

L.MoveMarker is a leaflet plugin that is used to create moving marker and also trail polylines animation, equipped with a variety of features that are quite complete. plugin currently built in `leaflet version ^1.9.2`.

#### Feature

| Marker | Polyline |
| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| animate marker | animate polyline |
| duration by speed | duration by speed ❌ |
| rotate marker | show/hide polyline |
| show/hide marker | limit max polyline length |
| disable/enable animate marker | disable/enable animate polyline |
| stop animate marker | stop animate polyline |
| follow marker when moving | |

### How to install

you can go to [npm package](

npm i l.movemarker

### Import

if you are using ES6, you can import

import 'l.movemarker'

### Demo

| demo | description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [basic demo (codesandbox)]( | basic demo is a simple usage example |
| [basic demo (github)]( | basic demo is a simple usage example |
| [real case demo]( | an example of a real L.MoveMarker implementation using multiple markers and the lat lng mock API |

### First Call

`prevLatLng = [lat, lng]` (required) first position
`nextLatLng = [lat, lng]` (optional) it will be call animate to next position
if you just fill lat lng without nextLatLng, it will still work and will only create marker that are positioned in prevLatLng

const instance = L.MoveMarker(
[[prevLatLng], [nextLatLng]],

the `L.MoveMarker` will return the instance layer `L.FeatureGroup` and it inside have many layers L.MotionLine and one layer L.MotionMarker.

### Options

### Polyline Options

| props | type | default value | description |
| ---------------- | ------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| color | string | red | used to set the color of the polylines |
| weight | number | 4 | used to set the weight of the polylines |
| animate | boolean | true | this will activate the moving animation effect on the polyline |
| duration | number | 5000 | value in milliseconds, we recommended duration the marker and the polyline must same |
| hidePolylines | boolean | false | hide polylines from map, you can also show/hide with method hidePolylines(boolean), for more detail see on method documentation |
| removeFirstLines | boolean | false | this will remove first line of polylines, this prop have relation with prop maxLengthLines |
| maxLengthLines | number | 3 | This prop used to limit the number of polylines and if it exceeds the limit then the first polyline will be deleted |

You can also fill in the default options polyline from the leaflet polyline [options polyline](

#### Marker Options

| props | type | default value | description |
| ------------ | ------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| animate | boolean | true | this will activate the moving animation effect on the marker |
| duration | number | 5000 | value in milliseconds, we recommended duration the marker and the polyline must same |
| followMarker | boolean | false | this will activate the follow marker feature, when the marker moves, the screen will follow the movement of the marker |
| hideMarker | boolean | true | hide marker from map, you can also show/hide with method hideMarker(boolean), for more detail see on method documentation |
| rotateMarker | boolean | false | this will activate the rotation marker and props rotateAngle will be required |
| rotateAngle | number | 0 | 0 to 360 degrees |
| speed | number | 0 | if the speed value is filled then the duration props will not work and the value unit is km/h |

You can also fill in the default options marker from the leaflet marker [options marker](

### Feature Group Options

currently we dont make specific props for feature group, you can also fill in the default options feature group from the leaflet feature group [options feature group](

### Methods

after you make a first call, you can call severals method from the instance

##### addMoreLine

this method used to add more line and move the marker, example usage method `addMoreLine(latLng, options)`

instance.addMoreLine([-8.822512, 115.186803], {
duration: 5000, // in milliseconds (optional)
speed: 25, // in km/h (optional)
rotateAngle: 141, // (required if rotateMarker enable)
animatePolyline: true, // (required)

##### getMarker

this is used to get marker instance and will return object class of marker, example usage method `getMarker()`


##### hideMarker

this is used to hide/show the marker and this method called from `getMarker`, example usage method `getMarker().hideMarker(boolean)`


##### activeAnimate (marker)

this is used to enable/disable the marker and this method called from `getMarker`, example usage method `getMarker().activeAnimate(boolean)`


##### activeFollowMarker

this used to disable/enable screen follow the marker moving and this method called from `getMarker`, example usage method `getMarker().activeFollowMarker(boolean)`


##### getCurrentPolyline

this is used to get the polyline instance which is moving, example usage method `getCurrentPolyline()`


##### hidePolylines

this is used to hide/show the polylines and this method not called from `getCurrentPolyline`, example usage method `hidePolylines(boolean)`


##### activeAnimate (polyline)

this is used to disable/enable the current polyline which is moving and this method called from `getCurrentPolyline`, example usage method `getCurrentPolyline().activeAnimate(boolean)`


##### stop

This is used to end the animation of the marker and polyline that are currently in moving animation and this method not called from `getCurrentPolyline`, example usage method `stop()`


### Report Issue/Question

if you have a question about `L.MoveMarker` or if you found a bug, you can make a issue, more detail how to make a report/question [here](
