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Discord library for Swift

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Discord library for Swift




# Sword - A Discord Library for Swift

[![Swift Version](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Tag](](

## Requirements
1. macOS, Linux, iOS, watchOS, tvOS (no voice for iOS, watchOS, or tvOS)
2. Swift 4.0
3. libsodium (if on macOS or Linux)

## Installing libsodium
### macOS
Installing libsodium is really easy on mac as long as you have [homebrew]( After that is installed, all you have to do is `brew install libsodium`. That's it!

### Linux
This depends on the version of Ubuntu you are running, so I made a nice table here:

| Ubuntu 14.04 | Ubuntu 16.04 |
| `sudo -E add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/libsodium && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libsodium-dev` | `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libsodium-dev` |

It's easier to copy and paste that command right into shell, and follow any on screen instructions if needed so.

## Adding Sword
### Swift Package Manager
In order to add Sword as a dependency, you must first create a Swift executable in a designated folder, like so `swift package init --type executable`. Then in the newly created Package.swift, open it and add Sword as a dependency

// swift-tools-version: 4.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
name: "yourswiftexecutablehere",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branch("master"))
targets: [
name: "yourswiftexecutablehere",
dependencies: ["Sword"]

After that, open Sources/main.swift and remove everything and replace it with the example below.

import Sword

let bot = Sword(token: "Your bot token here")

bot.editStatus(to: "online", playing: "with Sword!")

bot.on(.messageCreate) { data in
let msg = data as! Message

if msg.content == "!ping" {
msg.reply(with: "Pong!")


### CocoaPods
Adding Sword to your iOS, watchOS, or tvOS application is easier than ever with CocoaPods. All you have to do is add Sword as a dependency to your Podfile, something like this:

target 'yourappnamehere' do
pod 'Sword'

Then all you have to do is `pod install` and you're ready to go.

## Running the bot (SPM)
Build the libraries with `swift build`, then type `swift run`

## Running the bot in Xcode (SPM)
To run the bot in Xcode, you first have to compile the libraries with `swift build`. Then to build the xcode project, type `swift package generate-xcodeproj`. Finally, type `open yourswiftexecutablehere.xcodeproj`, look at the top and follow the steps below

![Step 1](images/step1.png)

![Step 2](images/step2.png)

![Step 3](images/step3.png)

Then click the play button!

## Links
[Documentation]( - (created with [Jazzy](

Join the [API Channel]( to ask questions!