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Julia electrical engineering package

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Julia electrical engineering package




# ElectricalEngineering.jl

This is a Julia package on electrical engineering based on [Unitful](docs/ and [PyPlot]( The package ElectricalEngineering.jl is tested with Julia 1.1.0. To install the package, start Julia and hit `]` to switch to the package manager.

add PyPlot Unitful ElectricalEngineering
In order to update to the actual version of GitHub in the package manager, hit `]` and apply:

update ElectricalEngineering

To switch back to the Julia REPL and to start working hit `Backspace`.

The module ElectricalEngineering.jl has to be loaded by `using ElectricalEngineering`. In order to use all the features of ElectricalEngineering.jl, modules Unitful and PyPlot have to be loaded as well. It is thus recommended to appy:

using Unitful, Unitful.DefaultSymbols, PyPlot, ElectricalEngineering

# Features

## Phasors

- Function `pol` to generate a complex quantity based on the length and the angle (polar representation)
julia> U1 = pol(2V, pi)
-2 + 0im V
julia> U2 = pol(sqrt(2) * 1V, 45°)
1 + 1im V
- Constant `j` representing the imaginary unit equivalent to `1im`
- Function `phasor`
- Plot publication ready phasor diagrams
- LaTeX labeling with absolute or relative rotation of text

![Phasor diagram]( ![Circuit diagram](
- Function `phasorsine`
- Plot phasor in the left subplot of a figure
- Plot sine wave corresponding to the phasor in the right subplot
![Phasor and sine wave](
- Function `angulardimension`
- Draw arc to indicate angle between phasors
- Chose between different arrow shapes
- Create dimension of phasor
- Function `phasordimension`
- Create auxiliary lines and parallel shifted dimensions
![Length dimension](

## Circuits and Physics

- Function `∥`
- Calculate parallel connections of impedances
- Calculate parallel impedance with or without units
julia> 4Ω∥6Ω
2.4000000000000004 Ω
julia> 4Ω∥(j*4Ω)
2.0 + 2.0im Ω

## Inputs and Outputs

- Function `printuln`
- Print complex variables (including) units in rectangular and polar form
- Limit output to six significant digits
- Convert printed quantity optionally into a target unit
- Works with scalars and vectors of real or complex quantities
julia> U1 = 300V + j*400V
julia> printuln("U1", U1, kV)
U1 = 0.3 kV + j 0.4 kV
= 0.5 kV ∠ 53.1301°
julia> printuln("real(U1)", real(U1),kV)
real(U1) = 0.3 kV
julia> printuln("U1", U1, V, label="(a)")
(a) U1 = 300 V + j 400 V
= 500 V ∠ 53.1301°
- Function `save3fig`
- Save one figure in the three file formats `png`, `eps` and `pdf`
- Optionally crop figures

## Plotting

- Assign two different color schemes (may be loaded alternatively)
- Color scheme `ElectricalEngineering.Tab20bc` based on

- Gray scale scheme `ElectricalEngineering.Gray` based on four gray shades
`colorBlack1`, `colorBlack2`, `colorBlack3`, `colorBlack4`
- Additional light background color `colorBlack5`
- Different line and marker types
- `lineStyle1`, `lineStyle2`, `lineStyle3`,` lineStyle4`
- `lineWidth1`, `lineWidth2`, `lineWidth3`, `lineWidth4`,
- `marker1`, `marker2` ,`marker3`, `marker4`
- `markerSize1`, `markerSize2` ,`markerSize3` ,`markerSize4`
- `legendFontSize`
- Type `?ElectricalEngineering.Gray` or `?ElectricalEngineering.Tab20bc` to see application examples
- Assign color schemes to quantities, using either `using ElectricalEngineering.Gray` of gray scale graphics or `using ElectricalEngineering.Tab20bc`
- Function `removeaxes`
- Removes the axes of the active plot
- Function `arrowaxes`
- Plot graphs with arrowed axes
- Add plot labels
- Function `lengthdimension`
- Create length dimension with arrows
- Create auxiliary lines and parallel shifted dimensions
![Length dimension](

# Other Packages related with Electrical Engineering

- [ColorPalette.jl]( allows exchangable color palettes to be used in Julia, LaTeX and [Ipe](
- [ESeriesRounding.jl]( provides functions to round given values to the nearest standardized value for circuit components, namely the E-series.
- [Modia.jl]( is a package for modeling and simulation of multidomain engineering systems described by differential equations, algebraic equations, and (space-discretized) partial differential equations.
- [ModelingToolkit.jl]( is a modeling language for high-performance symbolic-numeric computation in scientific computing and scientific machine learning.