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C binding generator and Julia interface to libclang

binding-generator julia libclang

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C binding generator and Julia interface to libclang




## Clang

[![GitHub Discussions](](

This package provides a Julia language wrapper for libclang: the stable, C-exported
interface to the LLVM Clang compiler. The [libclang API documentation](
provides background on the functionality available through libclang, and thus
through the Julia wrapper. The repository also hosts related tools built
on top of libclang functionality.

## Installation

pkg> add Clang

If you'd like to use the old generator(Clang.jl v0.13), please checkout [this branch]( for the documentation. Should you have any questions on how to upgrade the generator script, feel free to submit a post/request in the [Discussions]( area.

## Binding Generator

Clang.jl provides a module `Clang.Generators` for auto-generating C library bindings for Julia language from C headers.

### Quick start

Write a config file `generator.toml`:
library_name = "libclang"
output_file_path = "./LibClang.jl"
module_name = "LibClang"
jll_pkg_name = "Clang_jll"
export_symbol_prefixes = ["CX", "clang_"]

and a Julia script `generator.jl`:
using Clang.Generators
using Clang.LibClang.Clang_jll # replace this with your jll package


include_dir = normpath(Clang_jll.artifact_dir, "include")
clang_dir = joinpath(include_dir, "clang-c")

options = load_options(joinpath(@__DIR__, "generator.toml"))

# add compiler flags, e.g. "-DXXXXXXXXX"
args = get_default_args() # Note you must call this function firstly and then append your own flags
push!(args, "-I$include_dir")

headers = [joinpath(clang_dir, header) for header in readdir(clang_dir) if endswith(header, ".h")]
# there is also an experimental `detect_headers` function for auto-detecting top-level headers in the directory
# headers = detect_headers(clang_dir, args)

# create context
ctx = create_context(headers, args, options)

# run generator

Please refer to [this toml file]( for a full list of configuration options.

### Examples

The binding generator is currently used by many projects in the Julia package ecosystem and you can take them as good examples.

- [JuliaInterop/Clang.jl]( the low-level wrapper [LibClang.jl](./lib/14/LibClang.jl) is generated by this package itself
- [JuliaSparse/SparseArrays.jl]( generate platform-specific bindings for SuiteSparse
- [maleadt/LLVM.jl]( generate platform-specific bindings for LLVM (multiple versions)
- [JuliaGPU/VulkanCore.jl]( generate platform-specific bindings for Vulkan with optional third-party JLL dependencies
- [JuliaGPU/oneAPI.jl]( generate bindings for oneAPI and format the generated code with [JuliaFormatter.jl](
- [JuliaGeo/GDAL.jl]( generate bindings for GDAL with customized docstrings extracted from doxygen
- [JuliaGeo/LibGEOS.jl]( generate bindings for LibGEOS with customized rewriter
- [JuliaMultimedia/CSFML.jl]( generate bindings for CSFML with multiple library names
- [SciML/Sundials.jl]( generate bindings for Sundials with highly customized rewriter

Other Users:
- [CEED/libCEED]( libCEED's Julia binding
- [JuliaGPU/CUDA.jl]( CUDA programming in Julia
- [scipopt/SCIP.jl]( Julia interface to the SCIP solver
- [JuliaParallel/MPI.jl]( MPI interface for the Julia language
- [JuliaGPU/Metal.jl]( Metal programming in Julia
- [JuliaIO/VideoIO.jl]( Reading and writing of video files in Julia
- [JuliaGPU/AMDGPU.jl]( AMD GPU (ROCm) programming in Julia
- [JuliaGeo/Proj.jl]( Julia wrapper around the PROJ cartographic projections library
- [JuliaIO/PNGFiles.jl]( Julia wrapper around libpng
- [JuliaSparse/KLU.jl]( Julia wrapper around the SuiteSparse solver KLU
- [JuliaGraphics/FreeType.jl]( FreeType bindings for Julia