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Async CryptoCompare API client library for .NET and .NET Core

api api-client api-wrapper async bitcoin bitcoin-api btc cryptocompare cryptocompare-api cryptocurrency dotnet-core dotnet-standard dotnetstandard ethereum litecoin ltc

Last synced: 8 days ago
JSON representation

Async CryptoCompare API client library for .NET and .NET Core




# CryptoCompare-Api [![Build status](]( [![Codacy Badge](]( [![NuGet](]([![NuGet](](

.Net and .Net Core async Crypto Compare client for newest Min-API

## Installation
This Crypto Compare api wrapper library is available on [NuGet](

## Basic Usage
// Using ctor
var client = new CryptoCompareClient();
var response = await client..OtherClient.GetCoinList();

// Using Singleton
var btcId = 1182;
var btc = await CryptoCompareClient.Instance.OtherClient.GetSocialStat(btcId);

Package manager
Install-Package CryptoCompareAsyncApi
dotnet add package CryptoCompareAsyncApi
Paket CLI
paket add CryptoCompareAsyncApi

Target Frameworks and Dependencies
> .NETFramework 4.5
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost (>= 5.2.2)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 11.0.2)

>.NETFramework 4.6.1
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost (>= 5.2.2)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 11.0.2)

>.NETStandard 1.3
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 11.0.2)

>.NETStandard 1.5
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 11.0.2)

>.NETStandard 2.0
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 11.0.2)