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A PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "Attention is All You Need".

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A PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "Attention is All You Need".




# Attention is all you need: A Pytorch Implementation

This is a PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "[Attention is All You Need](" (Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin, arxiv, 2017).

A novel sequence to sequence framework utilizes the **self-attention mechanism**, instead of Convolution operation or Recurrent structure, and achieve the state-of-the-art performance on **WMT 2014 English-to-German translation task**. (2017/06/12)

> The official Tensorflow Implementation can be found in: [tensorflow/tensor2tensor](

> To learn more about self-attention mechanism, you could read "[A Structured Self-attentive Sentence Embedding](".

The project support training and translation with trained model now.

Note that this project is still a work in progress.

**BPE related parts are not yet fully tested.**

If there is any suggestion or error, feel free to fire an issue to let me know. :)

# Usage

## WMT'16 Multimodal Translation: de-en

An example of training for the WMT'16 Multimodal Translation task (

### 0) Download the spacy language model.
# conda install -c conda-forge spacy
python -m spacy download en
python -m spacy download de

### 1) Preprocess the data with torchtext and spacy.
python -lang_src de -lang_trg en -share_vocab -save_data m30k_deen_shr.pkl

### 2) Train the model
python -data_pkl m30k_deen_shr.pkl -log m30k_deen_shr -embs_share_weight -proj_share_weight -label_smoothing -output_dir output -b 256 -warmup 128000 -epoch 400

### 3) Test the model
python -data_pkl m30k_deen_shr.pkl -model trained.chkpt -output prediction.txt

## [(WIP)] WMT'17 Multimodal Translation: de-en w/ BPE
### 1) Download and preprocess the data with bpe:

> Since the interfaces is not unified, you need to switch the main function call from `main_wo_bpe` to `main`.

python -raw_dir /tmp/raw_deen -data_dir ./bpe_deen -save_data bpe_vocab.pkl -codes codes.txt -prefix deen

### 2) Train the model
python -data_pkl ./bpe_deen/bpe_vocab.pkl -train_path ./bpe_deen/deen-train -val_path ./bpe_deen/deen-val -log deen_bpe -embs_share_weight -proj_share_weight -label_smoothing -output_dir output -b 256 -warmup 128000 -epoch 400

### 3) Test the model (not ready)
- Load vocabulary.
- Perform decoding after the translation.
# Performance
## Training

- Parameter settings:
- batch size 256
- warmup step 4000
- epoch 200
- lr_mul 0.5
- label smoothing
- do not apply BPE and shared vocabulary
- target embedding / pre-softmax linear layer weight sharing.

## Testing
- coming soon.
- Evaluation on the generated text.
- Attention weight plot.
# Acknowledgement
- The byte pair encoding parts are borrowed from [subword-nmt](
- The project structure, some scripts and the dataset preprocessing steps are heavily borrowed from [OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py](
- Thanks for the suggestions from @srush, @iamalbert, @Zessay, @JulesGM, @ZiJianZhao, and @huanghoujing.