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A PyTorch toolkit for 2D Human Pose Estimation.

hourglass-network human-pose-estimation mpii-dataset mscoco-keypoint pose pose-estimation pytorch

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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A PyTorch toolkit for 2D Human Pose Estimation.




# PyTorch-Pose


PyTorch-Pose is a PyTorch implementation of the general pipeline for 2D single human pose estimation. The aim is to provide the interface of the training/inference/evaluation, and the dataloader with various data augmentation options for the most popular human pose databases (e.g., [the MPII human pose](, [LSP]( and [FLIC](

Some codes for data preparation and augmentation are brought from the [Stacked hourglass network]( Thanks to the original author.

**Update: this repository is compatible with PyTorch 0.4.1/1.0 now!**

## Features
- Multi-thread data loading
- Multi-GPU training
- Logger
- Training/testing results visualization

## Installation
1. PyTorch (>= 0.4.1): Please follow the [installation instruction of PyTorch]( Note that the code is developed with Python2 and has not been tested with Python3 yet.

2. Clone the repository with submodule
git clone --recursive

3. Create a symbolic link to the `images` directory of the MPII dataset:
ln -s PATH_TO_MPII_IMAGES_DIR data/mpii/images
For training/testing on COCO, please refer to [COCO Readme](

4. Download annotation file:
* (MPII) Download [mpii_annotations.json]( and save it to `data/mpii`
* (MSCOCO) Download [coco_annotations_2014.json]( or/and [coco_annotations_2017.json]( and save it to `data/mscoco`

## Usage

**Please refer to []( for detailed training recipes!**

### Testing
You may download our pretrained models (e.g., [2-stack hourglass model]( for a quick start.

Run the following command in terminal to evaluate the model on MPII validation split (The train/val split is from [Tompson et al. CVPR 2015](
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python example/ --dataset mpii -a hg --stacks 2 --blocks 1 --checkpoint checkpoint/mpii/hg_s2_b1 --resume checkpoint/mpii/hg_s2_b1/model_best.pth.tar -e -d
* `-a` specifies a network architecture
* `--resume` will load the weight from a specific model
* `-e` stands for evaluation only
* `-d` will visualize the network output. It can be also used during training

The result will be saved as a `.mat` file (`preds_valid.mat`), which is a `2958x16x2` matrix, in the folder specified by `--checkpoint`.

#### Evaluate the [email protected] score

##### Evaluate with MATLAB

You may use the matlab script `evaluation/eval_PCKh.m` to evaluate your predictions. The evaluation code is ported from [Tompson et al. CVPR 2015](

The results ([email protected] score) trained using this code is reported in the following table.

| Model | Head | Shoulder | Elbow | Wrist | Hip | Knee | Ankle | Mean |
| ---------------- | -----| -------- | ----- | ----- | ---- | ------|------ | ---- |
| hg_s2_b1 (last) | 95.80| 94.57 | 88.12 | 83.31 | 86.24| 80.88 | 77.44 | 86.76|
| hg_s2_b1 (best) | 95.87| 94.68 | 88.27 | 83.64 | 86.29| 81.20 | 77.70 | 86.95|
| hg_s8_b1 (last) | 96.79| 95.19 | 90.08 | 85.32 | 87.48| 84.26 | 80.73 | 88.64|
| hg_s8_b1 (best) | 96.79| 95.28 | 90.27 | 85.56 | 87.57| 84.3 | 81.06 | 88.78|

Training / validation curve is visualized as follows.

##### Evaluate with Python

You may also evaluate the result by running `python evaluation/` to evaluate the predictions. It will produce exactly the same result as that of the MATLAB. Thanks [@sssruhan1]( for the [contribution](

### Training
Run the following command in terminal to train an 8-stack of hourglass network on the MPII human pose dataset.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python example/ --dataset mpii -a hg --stacks 8 --blocks 1 --checkpoint checkpoint/mpii/hg8 -j 4
* `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0` identifies the GPU devices you want to use. For example, use `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1` if you want to use two GPUs with ID `0` and `1`.
* `-j` specifies how many workers you want to use for data loading.
* `--checkpoint` specifies where you want to save the models, the log and the predictions to.

## Miscs
Supported dataset
- [x] [MPII human pose](
- [x] [Leeds Sports Pose (LSP)](
- [x] [MSCOCO (single person)](

Supported models
- [x] [Stacked Hourglass networks](
- [x] Xiao et al., Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking, ECCV 2018 ([PDF]( | [GitHub](

## Contribute
Please create a pull request if you want to contribute.