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PyTorch implementation for 3D human pose estimation

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PyTorch implementation for 3D human pose estimation




# Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: a Weakly-supervised Approach

This repository is the PyTorch implementation for the network presented in:

> Xingyi Zhou, Qixing Huang, Xiao Sun, Xiangyang Xue, Yichen Wei,
> **Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: a Weakly-supervised Approach**
> ICCV 2017 ([arXiv:1704.02447](

**Note: ** This repository has been updated and is different from the method discribed in the paper. To fully reproduce the results in the paper, please checkout the original [torch implementation]( or our [pytorch re-implementation branch]( (slightly worse than torch).
We also provide a clean [2D hourglass network branch](

The updates include:
- Change network backbone to ResNet50 with deconvolution layers ([Xiao et al. ECCV2018]( Training is now about 3x faster than the original hourglass net backbone (but no significant performance improvement).
- Change the depth regression sub-network to a one-layer depth map (described in our [StarMap project](
- Change the Human3.6M dataset to official release in [ECCV18 challenge](
- Update from python 2.7 and pytorch 0.1.12 to python 3.6 and pytorch 0.4.1.

Contact: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

## Installation
The code was tested with [Anaconda]( Python 3.6 and [PyTorch](( v0.4.1. After install Anaconda and Pytorch:

1. Clone the repo:

git clone POSE_ROOT

2. Install dependencies (opencv, and progressbar):

conda install --channel opencv
conda install --channel progress
3. Disable cudnn for batch_norm (see [issue](

# PYTORCH=/path/to/pytorch
# for pytorch v0.4.0
sed -i "1194s/torch\.backends\.cudnn\.enabled/False/g" ${PYTORCH}/torch/nn/
# for pytorch v0.4.1
sed -i "1254s/torch\.backends\.cudnn\.enabled/False/g" ${PYTORCH}/torch/nn/
4. Optionally, install tensorboard for visializing training.

pip install tensorflow

## Demo
- Download our pre-trained [model]( and move it to `models`.
- Run `python --demo /path/to/image/or/image/folder [--gpus -1] [--load_model /path/to/model]`.

`--gpus -1` is for CPU mode.
We provide example images in `images/`. For testing your own image, it is important that the person should be at the center of the image and most of the body parts should be within the image.

## Benchmark Testing
To test our model on Human3.6 dataset run

python --exp_id test --task human3d --dataset fusion_3d --load_model ../models/fusion_3d_var.pth --test --full_test

The expected results should be 64.55mm.

## Training
- Prepare the training data:
- Download images from [MPII dataset]( and their [annotation]( in json format (`train.json` and `val.json`) (from [Xiao et al. ECCV2018](
- Download [Human3.6M ECCV challenge dataset](
- Download [meta data]( (2D bounding box) of the Human3.6 dataset (from [Sun et al. ECCV 2018](
- Place the data (or create symlinks) to make the data folder like:

|-- data
`-- |-- mpii
`-- |-- annot
| |-- train.json
| |-- valid.json
`-- images
|-- 000001163.jpg
|-- 000003072.jpg
`-- |-- h36m
`-- |-- ECCV18_Challenge
| |-- Train
| |-- Val
`-- msra_cache
`-- |-- HM36_eccv_challenge_Train_cache
| |-- HM36_eccv_challenge_Train_w288xh384_keypoint_jnt_bbox_db.pkl
`-- HM36_eccv_challenge_Val_cache
|-- HM36_eccv_challenge_Val_w288xh384_keypoint_jnt_bbox_db.pkl

- Stage1: Train 2D pose only. [model](, [log](

python --exp_id mpii

- Stage2: Train on 2D and 3D data without geometry loss (drop LR at 45 epochs). [model](, [log](

python --exp_id fusion_3d --task human3d --dataset fusion_3d --ratio_3d 1 --weight_3d 0.1 --load_model ../exp/mpii/model_last.pth --num_epoch 60 --lr_step 45

- Stage3: Train with geometry loss. [model](, [log](

python --exp_id fusion_3d_var --task human3d --dataset fusion_3d --ratio_3d 1 --weight_3d 0.1 --weight_var 0.01 --load_model ../models/fusion_3d.pth --num_epoch 10 --lr 1e-4

## Citation

author = {Zhou, Xingyi and Huang, Qixing and Sun, Xiao and Xue, Xiangyang and Wei, Yichen},
title = {Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: A Weakly-Supervised Approach},
booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {Oct},
year = {2017}