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# Thingsboard-HomematicIP Bridge

Pull changes from Homematic IP Access Point / Cloud and push them into Thingsboard via REST API.

The latest build is avialable as a container running a cron job to push the values every 10 minutes.

If you need more freuquent updates you have to modify the crontab in the container or build your own image. Please be gentile to the Homematic IP API!

## Setup with container

1. Follow steps below to create a working `config.ini`
2. Create a volume to store the config `podman volume create thingsboard-homematic-client-config`
3. Copy the contents of the `config.ini` to the volume `podman run -it --rm -v thingsboard-homematic-client-config:/config vi /config/config.ini`
4. Run the container as deamon `podman run -d --name thingsboard-homematic-client -v thingsboard-homematic-client-config:/config`

## Development

You can run the bridge in a local virtual environment, in a standard python container or use the lates released container image from ``. Setup for virtual environment is below.

### Run development container

podman run -it --rm -v${PWD}:/root/src python:alpine /bin/sh

### Create virtual environment

python3 -m venv .env

### Activate virtual environment


source .env/bin/activate

### Install required packages

(Build dependencies for alpine)
apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gcc musl-dev git

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

### Register with HmIP Access Point

python3 .env/Scripts/

### Add Thingsboard configuration to config.ini

url = >>>thingsboard url here<<<
rootDeviceId = >>>root deivce id here<<<
username = >>>username here<<<
password = >>>password here<<<

### Run bridge
python3 ./src/