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🎈 A cross-platform Discord Rich Presence integration for mpv with no external dependencies.

discord discord-rich-presence golang lua mpv rich-presence

Last synced: 4 months ago
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🎈 A cross-platform Discord Rich Presence integration for mpv with no external dependencies.





Discord Rich Presence Integration for MPV Media Player


Left: looping song in playlist (mouse hovering on small icon)

Right: paused in movie

github releases
release date

## Features

* 🛠 Easy configuration
* đŸ“Ļ No third-party dependencies
* 🚸 Simple installation (installer scripts included)
* 🏁 Cross-platform (embrace my beloved Golang!)
* ℹī¸ Displays song metadata (title, artist, album)
* âŗ Displays real time player state and timestamps
* 🔕 Toggle activation on the fly by key binding
* đŸ‘ģ Automatically hide when player is paused
* đŸ–ŧ Customizable image assets

## Why?

Currently, there are two alternatives I found on GitHub.

1. [cniw/mpv-discordRPC](
2. [noaione/mpv-discordRPC](

**Discord RPC**

In order to interact with Discord Rich Presence using RPC, the client needs to connect to Discord's IPC socket.
However, both of the above alternatives do not keep a connection with Discord's IPC socket, which I think is rather unreliable.

See also: [how _mpv-discord_ works](#how-it-works).

**Third-party Dependencies**

Both of the above alternatives require users to install third-party dependencies such as `python-pypresence` or `lua-discordRPC`.
I found it hard to set up the dependencies and I also don't want to mess up my environment.

## Installation

Installer scripts for Windows, Linux and OSX are provided.

1. Download .zip from [the latest release]( and extract it.
* or you can download .zip by clicking on the green download button in GitHub
* or you can also use `git clone`
2. Run the installer script of your platform.
* run `` in Terminal for OSX
* run `` in Terminal for Linux
* run `install_windows.bat` by double clicking on it for Windows
3. Before using, you must specify `binary_path` in the config file first.

## Configurations

For OSX and Linux, config file is located in `~/.config/mpv/script-opts`.

For Windows, config file is located in where the `mpv.exe` executable is.

* **key** (default: `D`): key binding to toggle activation on the fly
* **active** (default: `yes`): whether to activate at launch
* **client_id**: specify your own client ID to [customize](#customization) the images shown in Rich Presence
* **binary_path**: full path to mpv-discord's binary file
* **socket_path** (default: `/tmp/mpvsocket`):
* `use_static_socket_path=yes`: set the full path to the static IPC socket path
* `use_static_socket_path=no`: set the full path to the directory placing the IPC socket with a *dynamic name*
* **use_static_socket_path** (default: `yes`): whether to use static IPC socket path or *dynamic name* in the path
* **autohide_threshold** (default: `0`): time in seconds before hiding the presence once player is paused (`0` is off)

*dynamic name* is in the format of `mpv-discord-1234` where `1234` will be the PID of the mpv instance.

## Customization

Go to [Discord Developer Portal](,
create an application and upload the following art assets with their corresponding asset keys:
* `mpv`: large image (app logo)
* `play`: small image used when playing
* `pause`: small image used when paused
* `loop`: small image used when playing and looping
* `buffer`: small image used when buffering

Then, set the `client_id` option in the config to the application ID.

You can also find the already provided client ids and their image assets [here](./assets/).


Using mpv-discord with IINA, a media player based on mpv.

Client ID: 834116350884577280

## How It Works

This plugin consists of 3 files.

1. [`discord.lua`](./scripts/discord.lua) -- mpv user script
2. [`discord.conf`](./script-opts/discord.conf) -- configuration file
3. [`mpv-discord` binary](./mpv-discord/main.go) -- backend binary of the plugin

When mpv launches, mpv will run all the user scripts including `discord.lua`.
Then `discord.lua` will read the configurations from `discord.conf` and do two things:
(1) create an `input-ipc-server` socket of mpv. (2) start a subprocess of the `mpv-discord` binary.
Then, `mpv-discord` will interact with the `input-ipc-server` to get the player state and properties of mpv.
Finally, `mpv-discord` will update Discord's Rich Presence with the properties through Discord's IPC socket.

## Contributing

If you have any ideas on how to improve this project or if you think there is a lack of features,
feel free to open an issue, or even better, open a pull request. All contributions are welcome!


Made with â™Ĩī¸Ž by tnychn

MIT Š 2021 Tony Chan