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:movie_camera: mpv pepper plugin

electron mpv node-webkit pepper player ppapi video

Last synced: 4 months ago
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:movie_camera: mpv pepper plugin






All format embeddable player for Electron/NW.js applications.

Powered by marvelous mpv.



## Get libmpv

In order to try mpv.js you need to install mpv library first.

* Windows: download [mpv-dev](, unpack, put corresponding `mpv-1.dll` to `C:\Windows\system32`
* macOS: `brew install mpv`
* Linux: `apt-get install libmpv1 libavformat-dev`

## Example


[Simple Electron application](example) yet capable of handling pretty much any available video thanks to mpv. Run:

git clone && cd mpv.js
npm install
# Only on Linux: npm run use-system-ffmpeg
npm run example

## Usage

### Add npm package

npm install mpv.js --save

Package includes prebuilt binaries for all major platforms so no need to setup compilers.

### Load plugin in main process (Electron example)

const path = require("path");
const {app} = require("electron");
const {getPluginEntry} = require("mpv.js");

// Absolute path to the plugin directory.
const pluginDir = path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve("mpv.js")), "build", "Release");
// See pitfalls section for details.
if (process.platform !== "linux") {process.chdir(pluginDir);}
// Fix for latest Electron.
// To support a broader number of systems.
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("register-pepper-plugins", getPluginEntry(pluginDir));

Don't forget to enable `plugins` feature when creating `BrowserWindow`:

const win = new BrowserWindow({
// ...
webPreferences: {plugins: true},
// ...

### Use MPV component (React example)

const React = require("react");
const {ReactMPV} = require("mpv.js");

class Player extends React.PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.mpv = null;
this.state = {pause: true, "time-pos": 0};
handleMPVReady(mpv) {
this.mpv = mpv;
this.mpv.command("loadfile", "/path/to/video.mkv");
handlePropertyChange(name, value) {
this.setState({[name]: value});
togglePause() {"pause", !this.state.pause);
render() {
return (


Currently only React component is provided.

### See also

* [mpv properties documentation](
* [mpv commands documentation](
* [ReactMPV source](index.js) with JSDoc API comments
* [example player source](example/renderer.js) for a more advanced usage

## Packaging

Basically all you need to ship is `mpvjs.node` and mpv library. Make sure they both and also Electron/NW.js distribution have the same bitness!

### Windows

You may use [lachs0r builds]( Copy `mpv-1.dll` to the directory with `mpvjs.node` and you are done.

### macOS

[Homebrew]( can compile `libmpv.1.dylib` and all its dependencies. To find dylibs that need to be packaged and fix install names you may use [collect-dylib-deps](scripts/ script.

### Linux

Two options are normally acceptable:

1. Ask your users to install `libmpv1` with package manager or simply depend on it if you build package.
2. Compile static `` with e.g. [mpv-build](

## Pitfalls

### Path to plugin can't contain non-ASCII symbols

This is unfortunate Chromium's []( restriction. To workaround this relative path might be used.

On Windows and Mac it can be done by changing working directory to the path where `mpvjs.node` is stored. You can't change CWD of renderer process on Linux inside main process because of zygote architecture so another fix is just `cd` to the plugin directory in wrapper script.

`getPluginEntry` helper will give you plugin entry string with that fix applied.

### libmpv is being linked with Electron's libffmpeg on Linux

On Linux plugins loaded with `register-pepper-plugins` inherit symbols from `electron` binary so it leads to unfortunate effect: libmpv will use Electron's libraries which is not supported.

To workaround it you need to either replace `` with empty wrapper linked to `libav*`:

gcc -Wl,--no-as-needed -shared -lavformat -o /path/to/

Or use libmpv with statically linked `libav*`.

## Build on x86

To build `mpvjs.node` by yourself you need to setup dev environment.

### Step 1: setup node-gyp

See [installation]( section.

* Windows: Visual Studio 2013 is required

### Step 2: setup NaCl SDK

See [download]( page.

* Windows: unpack `` to `C:\`
* macOS & Linux: add `export NACL_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/pepper_49` to `~/.bash_profile`

### Step 2.1: compile 64-bit NaCl host binaries on Windows

1. Open `C:\nacl_sdk\pepper_49\tools\` and replace `32_host` with `64_host`
2. Open cmd, run `"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64`
3. Run `cd C:\nacl_sdk\pepper_49\src` and `make TOOLCHAIN=win PROJECTS="ppapi_cpp ppapi_gles2"`

### Step 3: setup mpv development files

* Windows: download [mpv-dev](, unpack to `C:\mpv-dev`
* macOS: `brew install mpv`
* Linux: `apt-get install libmpv-dev`

### Step 4: build plugin

* Run `node-gyp rebuild` in project directory
* Run `node-gyp rebuild --arch=ia32` to build 32-bit version of plugin on 64-bit Windows

## Build on ARM

**Important:** Electron 1.8.x ARM releases are [broken]( so use 2.x or 1.7.x instead.

**Note:** instructions below have been tested on Raspberry Pi 3, [see more](

### Step 0: enable hardware graphics acceleration

* Run `sudo raspi-config`
* Select **Advanced Options**, then select **GL Driver** and then **GL (Full KMS) OpenGL desktop driver with full KMS**. When configuration is finished you will see following message: "Full KMS GL driver is enabled"
* Select `` and then `` and raspi-config tool will ask you if you would like to reboot
* Select `` to reboot the system and apply configuration changes

### Step 1: setup node-gyp

See [installation]( section.

### Step 2: setup NaCl SDK

The NaCl SDK itself is [only built to run on x86](!topic/native-client-discuss/yrtiu63iBQ4), so you can't use `./naclsdk`. Instead you have to download [pepper's archive]( directly and unpack it to some directory. Then add `export NACL_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/pepper_49` to `~/.bash_profile`.

### Step 3: setup mpv development files

`apt-get install libmpv-dev`

### Step 4: compile ARM host binaries

Run `cd /path/to/pepper_49/src` and `make TOOLCHAIN=linux PROJECTS="ppapi_cpp ppapi_gles2" CFLAGS="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0"`.

### Step 5: build plugin

After the process is done, head back to mpv.js directory and run `node-gyp rebuild`.

## Applications using mpv.js

* [boram](
* [Arclight](
* [BeyondPlayer](
* [Torrent Player](

Feel free to PR your own.

## License

mpv.js is licensed under [CC0](COPYING) itself. However if you use GPL build of libmpv (e.g. lachs0r builds) your application might violate GPL dynamic linking restrictions. LGPL build should be safe, see [mpv copyright]( for details. (This is not a legal advice.)

Example video is part of Tears of Steel movie (CC) Blender Foundation |

Logo is by @SteveJobzniak.