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An audit tool that tests the whole system functionality of Spinnaker


Last synced: 12 days ago
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An audit tool that tests the whole system functionality of Spinnaker




## Winnaker
[![](]( "Get your own image badge on")

____ __ ____ __ .__ __. .__ __. ___ __ ___ _______ .______
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## Archive notice

In August of 2021, this project was archived.

## What is Winnaker?
Winnaker is an auditing tool for Spinnaker. Real testing in a real browser!

## What do you need on your work station?
1. python 2.7
2. a copy of [ChromeDriver]( in your PATH

## What do you need in your system under test?
1. a spinnaker url
2. a sample app
3. a sample pipeline

## Run headlessly in Docker
1. Build Docker:

docker build -t winnaker .

2. Config : copy the sample env file and edit it.

cp winnaker/.env-sample .env


3. Run :
docker run --env-file .env -it -v $(pwd)/winnaker-screenshots:/winnaker-screenshots/ winnaker

4. Add [options](#options) as needed.

## Run GUI mode

1. run
1. Add [options](#options) as needed.

## What does the default run do?
- Logs in to `spinnaker` through chromium browser
- Searches for `sampleapp` app
- Searches for `samplepipeline` the pipeline
- Gets the last build status
- Generates screenshot :
- `./applications.png`
- `./pipelines.png`
- `./last_build_status.png`
- `./login.png`
- `./stage1.png`
- Any error will result in a non-zero code to the system.
- Error screenshots will be timestamped.

## Screenshots

- screenshot folder by default is winnaker-screenshots

## Options
The config file is located at ./src/ but you can simply add any of the options below to your command.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --start starts manual execution of the pipeline
-fb, --forcebake force bake, to be used wth --start
-a APP, --app APP the name of application to look for
-p PIPELINE, --pipeline PIPELINE
the name of pipeline to test
-nl, --nologin will not attempt to login
-hl, --headless will run in an xvfb display

## Examples:
##### Example 1: Gets the last build status of the default pipeline

##### Example 2: Starts default pipeline execution

`./ -s`

##### Example 3: Start the pipeline with force rebake

`./ -s -fb`

##### Example 4: Start build execution on different pipeline than config file

`./ -s -p "deploy to npe"`

##### Example 5: override default app specified in the config file

use with --caution--, will override the sample app.

`./ -a "differentapp" -p "different pipeline"`

## How tos

#### How to setup a Winnaker Hipchat bot
- create a hipchat bot
- grab the post url
it should look like

#### How to import the Winnaker python package
- `pip install git+git://`
- Then in your python script you can import the Winnaker modules. For example you can import the `models` module via `from winnaker import models`

#### How to deploy to minikube
- Start minikube

minikube start

- Activate minikube docker in your bash

eval $(minikube docker-env)
- build docker

make build-docker-nocache
- Fill out secret and configmaps and change default 5 minute cronjob to your needs. (edit configmap and secret inside kube folder)

- apply kube files

kubectl apply -f kube