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A mixin library for ES6

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A mixin library for ES6




# mixwith.js

A simple and powerful mixin library for ES6.

`mixwith` differs from other mixin approaches because it does not copy properties from one object to another. Instead, `mixwith` works with "subclass factories" which create a new class that extends a superclass with the mixin - this is called a _mixin_ _application_.

#### Example


let MyMixin = (superclass) => class extends superclass {
// mixin methods here


class MyClass extends MyMixin(MySuperClass) {
// class methods here, go ahead, use super!

### mixwith.js Helpers and Decorators

The subclass factory pattern does not require any support from a library. It's just a natural use of JavaScript class expressions. mixwith.js provides a few helpers that make mixins a little more powerful and easier to use.

mixwith.js makes some use cases very easy:

* Determine if an object or class has had a particular mixin applied to it.
* Cache mixin applications so that a mixin repeatedly applied to the same superclass reuses its resulting subclass.
* De-duplicate mixin application so that including a mixin multiple times in a class hierarchy only applies it once to the prototype type chain.
* Add `instanceof` support to a mixin function.

### mix().with()

mixwith.js also provides a little bit of sugar with the `mix()` function that makes applying mixins read a little more naturally:

class MyClass extends mix(MySuperClass).with(MyMixin, OtherMixin) {
// class methods here, go ahead, use super!

## Advantages of subclass factories over typical JavaScript mixins

Subclass factory style mixins preserve the object-oriented inheritance properties that classes provide, like method overriding and `super` calls, while letting you compose classes out of mixins without being constrained to a single inheritance hierarchy, and without monkey-patching or copying.

#### Method overriding that just works

Methods in subclasses can naturally override methods in the mixin or superclass, and mixins override methods in the superclass. This means that precedence is preserved - the order is: _subclass_ -> _mixin__1_ -> ... -> _mixin__N_ -> _superclass_.

#### `super` works

Subclasses and mixins can use `super` normally, as defined in standard Javascript, and without needing the mixin library to do special chaining of functions.

#### Mixins can have constructors

Since `super()` works, mixins can define constructors. Combined with ES6 rest arguments and the spread operator, mixins can have generic constructors that work with any super constructor by passing along all arguments.

#### Prototypes and instances are not mutated

Typical JavaScript mixins usually used to either mutate each instance as created, which can be bad for performance and maintainability, or modify a prototype, which means every object inheriting from that prototype gets the mixin. Subclass factories don't mutate objects, they define new classes to subclass, leaving the original superclass intact.

## Usage

### Defining Mixins

The `Mixin` decorator function wraps a plain subclass factory to add deduplication, caching and `instanceof` support:

let MyMixin = Mixin((superclass) => class extends superclass {

constructor(args...) {
// mixins should either 1) not define a constructor, 2) require a specific
// constructor signature, or 3) pass along all arguments.

foo() {
console.log('foo from MyMixin');
// this will call;


Mixins defined with the mixwith.js decorators do not require any helpers to use, they still work like plain subclass factories.

### Using Mixins

Classes use mixins in their `extends` clause. Classes that use mixins can define and override constructors and methods as usual.

class MyClass extends mix(MySuperClass).with(MyMixin) {

constructor(a, b) {
super(a, b); // calls MyMixin(a, b)

foo() {
console.log('foo from MyClass');; // calls


# API Documentation

## apply(superclass, mixin) ⇒ function
Applies `mixin` to `superclass`.

`apply` stores a reference from the mixin application to the unwrapped mixin
to make `isApplicationOf` and `hasMixin` work.

This function is usefull for mixin wrappers that want to automatically enable
[hasMixin](#hasMixin) support.

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: function - A subclass of `superclass` produced by `mixin`

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| superclass | function | A class or constructor function |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | The mixin to apply |

const Applier = (mixin) => wrap(mixin, (superclass) => apply(superclass, mixin));

// M now works with `hasMixin` and `isApplicationOf`
const M = Applier((superclass) => class extends superclass {});

class C extends M(Object) {}
let i = new C();
hasMixin(i, M); // true

## isApplicationOf(proto, mixin) ⇒ boolean
Returns `true` iff `proto` is a prototype created by the application of
`mixin` to a superclass.

`isApplicationOf` works by checking that `proto` has a reference to `mixin`
as created by `apply`.

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: boolean - whether `proto` is a prototype created by the application of
`mixin` to a superclass

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| proto | Object | A prototype object created by [apply](#apply). |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | A mixin function used with [apply](#apply). |

## hasMixin(o, mixin) ⇒ boolean
Returns `true` iff `o` has an application of `mixin` on its prototype

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: boolean - whether `o` has an application of `mixin` on its prototype

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| o | Object | An object |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | A mixin applied with [apply](#apply) |

## wrap(mixin, wrapper) ⇒ [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction)
Sets up the function `mixin` to be wrapped by the function `wrapper`, while
allowing properties on `mixin` to be available via `wrapper`, and allowing
`wrapper` to be unwrapped to get to the original function.

`wrap` does two things:
1. Sets the prototype of `mixin` to `wrapper` so that properties set on
`mixin` inherited by `wrapper`.
2. Sets a special property on `mixin` that points back to `mixin` so that
it can be retreived from `wrapper`

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) - `wrapper`

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | A mixin function |
| wrapper | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | A function that wraps [mixin](mixin) |

## unwrap(wrapper) ⇒ [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction)
Unwraps the function `wrapper` to return the original function wrapped by
one or more calls to `wrap`. Returns `wrapper` if it's not a wrapped

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) - The originally wrapped mixin

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| wrapper | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | A wrapped mixin produced by [wrap](#wrap) |

## Cached(mixin) ⇒ [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction)
Decorates `mixin` so that it caches its applications. When applied multiple
times to the same superclass, `mixin` will only create one subclass, memoize
it and return it for each application.

Note: If `mixin` somehow stores properties its classes constructor (static
properties), or on its classes prototype, it will be shared across all
applications of `mixin` to a super class. It's reccomended that `mixin` only
access instance state.

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) - a new mixin function

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | The mixin to wrap with caching behavior |

## DeDupe(mixin) ⇒ [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction)
Decorates `mixin` so that it only applies if it's not already on the
prototype chain.

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) - a new mixin function

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | The mixin to wrap with deduplication behavior |

## HasInstance(mixin) ⇒ [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction)
Adds [Symbol.hasInstance] (ES2015 custom instanceof support) to `mixin`.

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) - the given mixin function

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | The mixin to add [Symbol.hasInstance] to |

## BareMixin(mixin) ⇒ [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction)
A basic mixin decorator that applies the mixin with [apply](#apply) so that it
can be used with [isApplicationOf](#isApplicationOf), [hasMixin](#hasMixin) and the other
mixin decorator functions.

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) - a new mixin function

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | The mixin to wrap |

## Mixin(mixin) ⇒ [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction)
Decorates a mixin function to add deduplication, application caching and
instanceof support.

**Kind**: global function
**Returns**: [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) - a new mixin function

| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| mixin | [MixinFunction](#MixinFunction) | The mixin to wrap |

## mix([superclass]) ⇒ MixinBuilder
A fluent interface to apply a list of mixins to a superclass.

class X extends mix(Object).with(A, B, C) {}

The mixins are applied in order to the superclass, so the prototype chain
will be: X->C'->B'->A'->Object.

This is purely a convenience function. The above example is equivalent to:

class X extends C(B(A(Object))) {}

**Kind**: global function

| Param | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [superclass] | function | Object |

## MixinFunction ⇒ function
A function that returns a subclass of its argument.

**Kind**: global typedef
**Returns**: function - A subclass of `superclass`

| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| superclass | function |

const M = (superclass) => class extends superclass {
getMessage() {
return "Hello";