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Lightweight debugger for Node.js

alternative debugger lightweight nodejs

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Lightweight debugger for Node.js




# dbgr

**dbgr** is a lightweight debugger function that pauses your script, watches the current file for any changes and only re-runs the specific code that's passed in to it. It's just like `debugger` but requires no IDE or browser dev-tools integrations.

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## 🙋‍♂️ Why?
You can set breakpoints in Node.js with breakpoints or `debugger` statements, but it could be a hassle to set up and can slow down your script.

When you're debugging something heavy with slow startup (eg. server, headless Chrome, etc), you want to use something simple & light to debug.

## 🚀 Install
npm i -D dbgr

## 🚦 Quick Setup

import dbgr from 'dbgr'

// Some async process
(async () => {

// ...

await dbgr((resume) => {
console.log('The debugger has started');

// Write code here and hit save to
// automatically re-run this function

// Call resume() and save to resume the debugger

// ↓ The eval below is necessary for this to work
}, _ => eval(_))

## 🙋‍♀️ FAQ
### How does it work?
Upon invoking dbgr, it detects the file path of the caller by using [V8 stack trace API]( via [callsites]( It then watches the file for changes using [``]( When a change is detected, it parses the source code using [acorn]( to extract the specific function passed into dbgr. It then passes it into the `_ => eval(_)` to run in the original context.

### Does it work in TypeScript files?
Yes. While the AST parser acorn is designed for ES parsing, TS files can be loosely parsed via [acorn-loose](, and the content inside the dbgr hook has the types stripped via [esbuild]( for it to be "safely" `eval()`'d by the JavaScript runtime.