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An automatic library bundler powered by Rollup.js.

bundle bundler library rollup typescript

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An automatic library bundler powered by Rollup.js.




# Bundlib

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An automatic library bundler powered by [Rollup.js](

> :warning: **Bundlib** is under development, please [file a new issue]( if you find any issue or bug, suggestions are welcome as well.

## In this guide

* [Install](#install)
* [Build](#build)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Advanced Configuration](#advanced-configuration)
* [Options](#options)
* [input](#input)
* [sourcemap](#sourcemap)
* [esModule](#esmodule)
* [interop](#interop)
* [chunks](#chunks)
* [format](#format)
* [name](#name)
* [id](#id)
* [extend](#extend)
* [globals](#globals)
* [min](#min)
* [equals](#equals)
* [cache](#cache)
* [project](#project)
* [skip](#skip)
* [Selective Options](#selective-options)
* [Object based selective format](#object-based-selective-format)
* [String based selective format](#string-based-selective-format)
* [Using the CLI tool](#using-the-cli-tool)
* [Using **Bundlib** programmatically](#using-bundlib-programmatically)
* [Types](#types)
* [Features](#features)

## Install

npm i -D bundlib

## Build

**Bundlib** will try to find your entry point file in the **`src`** folder. You can manually set your entry points using the [`input`](#input) option.

### CommonJS module

To build a `CommonJS Module` simply add a `"main"` field to your `package.json` pointing to the output file, [see the configuration section](#configuration) for extra options.

### ES module

To build a `ES Module` add a `"module"` field to your `package.json` pointing to the output file, [see the configuration section](#configuration) for extra options.

### IIFE, AMD and UMD build

For `IIFE`, `AMD` or `UMD` builds, add a `"browser"` field to your `package.json`. The default format is `"umd"` but it can be changed to `"iife"` or `"amd"` using the [`format`](#format) option, see the [configuration section](#configuration) for more info and extra options.

## Configuration

### Automatic Configuration

**Bundlib** will configure [**Rollup**]( according to you `package.json` data, see [Advanced Configuration](#advanced-configuration) for more information.

#### "main"

The `"main"` field will be used as your **CommonJS module** output, if not present, **CommonJS Module** build will be skipped. You can skip the build manually using the [`skip`](#skip) option.

#### "module" or "jsnext:main"

The `"module"` field will be used as your **ES Module** output, if not present, **ES Module** build will be skipped. You can skip the build manually using the [`skip`](#skip) option. `"jsnext:main"` field will also be honored if `"module"` field is not present, but it is recommended to use the `"module"` field.

#### "browser"

The `"browser"` field will be used as your **Browser** build output, if not present, **Browser** build will be skipped. You can skip the build manually using the [`skip`](#skip) option. **Bundlib** only supports `string` type `"browser"` field, it will **throw** otherwise.

#### "bin"

The `"bin"` field will be used as your **Binary** build output, if not present, **Binary** build will be skipped. You can skip the build manually using the [`skip`](#skip) option. **Bundlib** only supports `string` type `"bin"` field, it will **throw** otherwise.

#### "types" or "typings"

The `"types"` field will be used as your **Types** output if you are using `typescript`. You can skip types generation using the [`skip`](#skip) option. `"typings"` field will also be honored if `"types"` field is not present.

#### "dependencies"

The `"dependencies"` field will be used to detect installed packages, it will also be used to set external dependencies for your **CommonJS module**, **ES module**, and **Binary** builds, for **Browser** build dependencies will be bundled into the output file unless otherwise specified using the [`"globals"`](#globals) option.

#### "devDependencies"

The `"devDependencies"` field will be used to detect installed packages.

#### "peerDependencies"

The `"peerDependencies"` field will be used as external dependencies for your **CommonJS module,**, **ES module**, and **Binary** builds.

#### "bundlib"

The `"bundlib"` field can be used for advanced configuration, see [Advanced Configuration](#advanced-configuration) for more information.

### Advanced Configuration

Advanced configuration can be done using the `"bundlib"` field in your `package.json` or by using one of the supported [configuration files](#configuration-files).

#### Configuration in `package.json`

Set `"bundlib"` field in your `package.json` to an `object` with your configuration. See [options](#options) for more information.


// package.json
"name": "my-lib",
"version": "1.0.0",
"browser" : "dist/my-lib.amd.js",
"bundlib": {
"format": "amd"

You can also set `"bundlib"` field in `package.json` to a `string` as a path, relative to the project root, pointing to a `.json`, `.yaml`, `.yml` or `.js` configuration file.


// package.json
"name": "my-lib",
"version": "1.0.0",
"browser" : "dist/my-lib.amd.js",
"bundlib": "custom-options.yaml"
// ...


# custom-options.yaml
format: amd

#### Configuration files

If `"bundlib"` field not present in your `package.json`, **Bundlib** will try to find your configuration file using the following order...

* .bundlibrc (json or yaml format)
* .bundlibrc.json
* .bundlibrc.yaml
* .bundlibrc.yml
* .bundlibrc.js
* bundlib.config.js
* bundlib.config.cjs
* bundlib.config.mjs
* bundlib.config.ts

See the [list of options](#options) below.

### Options

The option object may contain any of the following properties. Any invalid or unknown option will cause **Bundlib** to **throw** at build time. Any option or sub-option set to `null` will be ignored.

#### input

input: string | SelectiveOption;

The path to the files to be used as entry points for each of your builds.

This option supports `object` based [`selective format`](#selective-options). See [Selective Options](#selective-options) for more information.

#### sourcemap

sourcemap: boolean | 'inline' | 'hidden' | SelectiveOption;

default true;

Whether or not to generate source maps, See [Rollup documentation]( for more information. If not specified or set to `null` it will default to `true`.

This option supports `object` based and `string` based [`selective format`](#selective-options). See [Selective Options](#selective-options) for more information.

#### esModule

esModule: boolean | SelectiveOption;

default false;

Whether or not to add a `__esModule: true` property to your module. If `esModule = true` it will affect all builds.

This option supports `object` based and `string` based [`selective format`](#selective-options). See [Selective Options](#selective-options) for more information.

#### interop

interop: boolean | SelectiveOption;

default false;

Whether or not to add an interop block. If `interop = true` it will affect all builds.

This option supports `object` based and `string` based [`selective format`](#selective-options). See [Selective Options](#selective-options) for more information.

#### chunks

chunks: Record;

A map of chunks to be built as `CommonJS` modules. The object `key` represents the input file and the `value` represents the output file, relative to the project root.

Files created using this option won't be bundled into the `CommonJS` and `Binary` builds and will be imported (required) instead.

#### format

format: "iife" | "amd" | "umd";

default "umd";

Defines the format to be used for the `Browser` build.

#### name

name: string;

The name to be used to expose your library to the global scope in a `IIFE` or `UMD` browser build. If not provided it will default to the camelcased, unscoped `"name"` field in `package.json` or the camelcased directory name. If none of those can be obtained, it will **throw** at build time.

#### id

id: string;

Optional amd id for `AMD` or `UMD` build.

If not present, `AMD` `define` method will use no id.

#### extend

extend: boolean;

default false;

Whether or not to extend the globally exposed [name](#name) on a `IIFE` or `UMD` build.

#### globals

globals: { [name: string]: string } | string[];

default {};

`Object` or `array` to map names to globals in `Browser` build.

#### min

min: boolean | SelectiveOption;

default false;

Defines which files should be used to build an additional minified version, if `true` will affect all modules. The minified file will be renamed from `*.ext` to `*.min.ext`. This option will override the default behavior of the [`--dev`, `-d` *cli option*](#-dev-d) , which means only the minified version will be actually minified, the normal version will **NOT** be minified even if you don't set the [`--dev`, `-d` cli option](#-dev-d).

This option supports `object` based and `string` based [`selective format`](#selective-options). See [Selective Options](#selective-options) for more information.

#### equals

equals: boolean;

default false;

Transforms type export for CommonJS module using `export = ...` instead of `export default ...`.

> :warning: *Note that this option should only be used when your library has a* `default` *export and no* `named` *exports, otherwise it may cause the type declarations to become invalid.*

#### cache

cache: string;

default "node_modules/.cache/bundlib";

Defines the directory to be used for cache, relative to the project root.

#### project

project: string | SelectiveOption;

default "tsconfig.json"

Defines the location of typescript `tsconfig.json` file, relative to the project root.

This option supports `object` based [`selective format`](#selective-options). See [Selective Options](#selective-options) for more information.

#### skip

min: boolean | SelectiveOption;

default false;

Defined which build **Bundlib** should skip.

This option supports `object` based and `string` based [`selective format`](#selective-options). See [Selective Options](#selective-options) for more information.

### Selective Options

Some options support a selective format to allow for a more flexible configuration. See [`SelectiveOption`](#selectiveoption) type for more information.

Note that some options support different selective formats. `Boolean` type options support `string` based format and `object` based format while others support only `object` based format.

See [input](#input), [sourcemap](#sourcemap), [esModule](#esmodule), [interop](#interop), [min](#min) and [project](#project) options.

#### Object based selective format

`object` based format works by preserving the default value and overriding it with the provided configuration.


// assuming default = false...

main: true

// ... will resolve to

main: true,
...others: false

##### The special `default` property

You can override the default value as well using the `"default"` object key.


// assuming default = false

default: true,
bin: false

// ... will resolve to

bin: false,
...others: true

##### The special `api` property

The `"api"` object key represents `main`, `module` and `browser`.


// assuming default = false...

api: true

// ... will resolve to

main: true,
module: true,
browser: true,
...others: false

#### String based selective format

`string` based format works in a different way, it does not preserve the default value, included build types will be set to `true` and the others will be set to `false`. It can be a `string` or an `string array`.

##### As string



// ... will resolve to

module: true,
...others: false

##### As array of strings


['main', 'module']

// ... will resolve to

main: true,
module: true,
...others: false

##### The special `api` build type



// ... will resolve to

main: true,
module: true,
browser: true,
...others: false

## Using the CLI tool

bundlib [options]

### CLI Options

Combine options according to your needs. Run `bundlib --help` or `bundlib -h` for a detailed help.

#### `--dev`, `-d`

Create development, not minified builds. Builds affected by the [`min`](#min) option will ignore this option.

#### `--watch`, `-w`

Run **Bundlib** in watch mode.

#### `--silent`, `-s`

Prevent messages from showing in the console.

#### `--version`, `-v`

Show **Bundlib** version.

#### `--help`, `-h`

Show detailed help about the CLI tool.

## Using Bundlib programmatically


// rollup.config.js

import { configsFromPkg } from "bundlib";

const dev = !process.env.production;

export default configsFromPkg(
{ dev },

### readPkg

function readPkg(cwd: string): Promise;

Reads the content of `package.json` (it will throw a TypeError if its not an object) and return it.

### analyzePkg

function analyzePkg(
cwd: string,
pkg: PkgJson = read(cwd + "/package.json"),
): Promise;

Analyzes `package.json` and returns a `Promise` that resolves to useful normalized information, [*see* `PkgAnalyzed`](#pkganalyzed). If `pkg` not provided it will be read from the current working directory `cwd`.

### configsFromPkg

function configsFromPkg(
cwd: string,
options: { dev? boolean, watch?: boolean } | null | false,
pkg: PkgJson = read(cwd + "/package.json"),
): Promise;

Returns a `Promise` that resolves to an array of Rollup configs based on the content of `package.json`. If `pkg` not provided it will be read from the current working directory `cwd`.

## Types

### PkgAnalyzed

interface PkgAnalyzed {
cwd: string;
pkg: PkgJson;
main: ModuleBuildOptions | null;
module: ModuleBuildOptions | null;
browser: BrowserBuildOptions | null;
bin: ModuleBuildOptions | null;
types: TypesBuildOptions | null;
chunks: Record | null;
dependencies: {
runtime: { [name: string]: string } | null;
dev: { [name: string]: string } | null;
peer: { [name: string]: string } | null;
cache: string | null;

*see also:* [`ModuleBuildOptions`](#modulebuildoptions), [`BrowserBuildOptions`](#browserbuildoptions) and [`TypesBuildOptions`](#typesbuildoptions).

### ModuleBuildOptions

interface ModuleBuildOptions {
input: string | null;
output: string;
sourcemap: boolean | 'inline' | 'hidden';
esModule: boolean;
interop: boolean;
min: boolean;
project: string | null;

### BrowserBuildOptions

interface BrowserBuildOptions extends ModuleBuildOptions {
format: "iife" | "amd" | "umd";
name: string | null;
id: string | null;
globals: Record | null;
extend: boolean;

### TypesBuildOptions

interface TypesBuildOptions {
output: string;
equals: boolean;

### SelectiveOption

interface ObjectBasedSelectiveOption {
default: T;
[K: BuildType]: T;

type StringBasedSelectiveOption = BuildType | BuildType[];

type BuildType = 'main' | 'module' | 'browser' | 'bin' | 'api' | ...others;

## Features

* Uses `"main"` field in your `package.json` to build a `CommonJS Module`.
* Uses `"module"` field in your `package.json` (or `"jsnext:main"` field) to build an `ES Module`.
* Uses `"browser"` field in your `package.json` to build a `Browser` module. It only supports `"browser"` field as `string`, `object` format not supported.
* Uses `"bin"` field in your `package.json` to build a `Binary` module. It only supports `"bin"` field as `string`, `object` format not supported.
* Uses `"types"` field in your `package.json` (or `"typings"` field) as path for types declarations.
* Uses `"dependencies"` and `"peerDependencies"` to set external modules for `CommonJS Module`, `ES Module` and `Binary` builds. Dependencies will be bundled by default in `Browser` builds, unless otherwise specified using the [`global`](#globals) option.
* Skip any build based on [options](#skip).
* Uses [`rollup-plugin-typescript2`]( if [`typescript`]( installed as runtime or dev dependency.
* Uses [`@rollup/plugin-babel`]( if [`@babel/core`]( installed as runtime or dev dependency, otherwise it uses [`@rollup/plugin-buble`](
* Uses [`rollup-plugin-strip-shebang`]( and [`rollup-plugin-add-shebang`]( to ensure a shebang on binary build.
* Uses [`@rollup/plugin-json`]( to import JSON files.
* Uses[@rollup/plugin-eslint]( if [`eslint`]( installed as runtime or dev dependency.
* Uses [`rollup-plugin-terser`]( to minify production build.
* Uses [`chokidar`]( for file watch if installed.

## Future Features

* Honor `"type"` field in `package.json`
* Honor `"exports"` field in `package.json`
* Support `package.json` `"bin"` field as an object for multiple cli commands

## Known issues

* Type declarations for chunks created using the [`chunks`](#chunks) options may not work properly.

## License

[MIT](LICENSE) © 2019 [Manuel Fernández](