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:fire: A curated list of resources about Micro frontends grouped by types

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:fire: A curated list of resources about Micro frontends grouped by types




# :art: Micro frontend resources

:fire: A curated list of resources about Micro frontends grouped by types. If you appreciate the content 📖, support projects visibility, give 👍| ⭐| 👏

## Contents

- :atom_symbol: [Websites](#websites)
- :memo: [Blog Posts](#blog-posts)
- :video_camera: [Talks](#talks)
- :books: [Books](#books)
- ▶ [Videos](#videos)
- :package: [Frameworks and Libraries](#frameworks-and-libraries)
- đŸ“č[Courses](#courses)
- :pencil: [Papers](#papers)
- :grey_question: [Stackoverflow topics](#stackoverflow-topics)
- :rocket: [Twitter threads](#twitter-threads)
- :bookmark: [Other lists](#other-lists)
- :construction_worker: [Proof of concepts](#proof-of-concepts)

## Websites


## Blog Posts


- [Everything You Need to Know About Micro Frontends]( by Neo Kim
- [Understanding Module Federation: A Deep Dive]( by Zack Jackson
- [Module Federation Shared API]( by Ruben Casas
- [Micro Frontend Architecture: Helping you move from theory to practice with our workshop]( by Mateja Ristic, Ruslan Bredikhin
- [React Micro Frontends with Module Federation]( by Matteo Pietro Dazzi


- [Multi-Framework and -Version Micro Frontends with Module Federation: Your 4 Steps Guide]( by Manfred Steyer

- [The Micro-Frontends future]( by Luca Mezzalira

- [Integration of dot js Frameworks to Micro Frontend]( by Navdeep Singh Gill

- [The Complete Guide to Micro Frontend with React.js for 2022]( by Rahul Sharma


- [Taking micro-frontends to the next level]( by Shahar Talmi

- [Frontends with Microservices – Why the choice of frontend architecture also impacts team collaboration]( by A. Fleischer and H. Schröder

- [Scaling Applications Using Micro-Frontends - A checklist of problems that require solving while starting a microfrontend application]( by Prasanna

- [Farewell, AngularJS: A study in UI legacy migrations](

- [Micro Frontend Architecture and Best Practices](

- [Let's Create A Web Application With Micro Frontends And Firebase]( by Issam El Nasiri

- [Micro-frontend Architectures on AWS]( by Bryant Bost

- [An Introduction to Micro-Frontends in Enterprise Applications (part 1)]( by David Alecrim

- [Micro frontend tutorial: Creating a form with React + Module Federation for]( by Robert Goik

- [Micro-Frontends: What, why, and how]( by Rany ElHousieny

- [You probably don’t need a micro-frontend]( by Colin Eberhardt

- [Serverless Micro-Frontends with the AWS CDK]( by Fullstack Frontend


- [Micro Frontends Pattern Comparison]( by Florian Rappl

- [How to build a micro-frontends architecture, with Angular and Webpack Module Federation]( by Benoit Hediard

- [Micro frontends: my lessons learned]( by Natalia Venditto

- [Webpack 5 and Module Federation - A Microfrontend Revolution]( by Marais Rossouw

- [The Microfrontend Revolution – Part 2: Module Federation with Angular]( by Manfred Steyer

- [The Story of Micro Frontends]( by Ruben Casas

- [Lessons from DAZN: Scaling Your Project with Micro-Frontends](

- [How We Build Micro Frontends]( by Jonathan Saring

- [Building Micro Frontend with SSR — Routing]( by Vlad Fedosov

- [Microfrontends: Escaping Version Hell with Module Federation]( by Manfred Steyer

- [Microservices frontend: module federation, an handsome promise]( by Julien Froidefond

- [Dynamic Module Federation with Angular - Loading microfrontends not known at compile time.]( by Manfred Steyer

- [“Module Federation Light”: Using Microfrontends With Angular Already Today]( by Manfred Steyer

- [The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation in Webpack 5]( by Manfred Steyer

- [Webpack 5 Module Federation: A game-changer in JavaScript architecture (Medium)]( by Zack Jackson

- [Webpack 5 Module Federation: A game-changer in JavaScript architecture (IndepthDev)]( by Zack Jackson

- [Building Micro-Frontends With Single-spa, React, and Vue]( by Mayur Ingle

- [Introduction to Micro-Frontend Architecture]( by Mayur Ingle

- [Time for the microservice revolution on frontend?]( by Luca Mezzalira

- [Story behind Micro Frontends in Sabre]( by Kamil Thomas

- [Thoughts About Micro-Frontends in 2020]( by JS Dev Ray

- [Let’s Build Micro Frontends with NextJS and Module Federation!]( by Yoav Ganbar

- [Micro-frontend in smallcase]( by Shubham Singh


- [Micro-frontends decisions framework]( by Luca Mezzalira

- [Micro-Frontend Architecture Patterns - Part 2: Backends for Frontends - A tailored approach for performant Micro Frontends.]( by David Leitner

- [Micro-Frontend Architecture Patterns - Part 1: Micro Frontends - A gentle Introduction.]( by David Leitner

- [Micro-frontend Architecture: Dynamic import chunks from another Webpack bundle at runtime. Interleaved Applications]( by Zack Jackson

- [Microfrontends: The Benefits of Microservices for Client-Side Development](

- [Micro Frontend Architecture: Replacing a monolith from the inside out](

- [The Strengths and Benefits of Micro Frontends]( by Bob Myers

- [React Microfrontends and Monorepos: A Perfect Match]( by Jason Jean

- [Modern Web Engineering & Micro Frontends]( by Ivaylo Pavlov

- [It's About Cutting Your Domain, Not (First And Foremost) About Micro Frontends!]( by Manfred Steyer([@ManfredSteyer](

- [I don’t understand micro-frontends](

- [Five Things to Consider Before Choosing Micro Frontends](

- [Micro Frontends by Cam Jackson](

- [Micro-frontends, the future of Frontend architectures](

- [Slaying the UI AngularJS Monolith Using Micro Frontends Architecture - A Micro Frontend Approach to a Framework Agnostic Modular UI Architecture](

**2018 and earlier**

- [A High-Performmance Solution to Microservice UI Composition](

- [Independent micro frontends with Single SPA library](

- [Angular, React, Vue.Js And Co. Peacefully United Thanks To Micro Apps And Web Components](

- [5 Reasons to Use Angular Elements](

- [A Software Architect's Approach Towards Using Angular (And SPAs In General) For Microservices Aka Microfrontends](

- [Micro Front-Ends: Web Components](

- [Experiences Using Micro Frontends at IKEA](

- [Microservice Approach for Web Development: Micro Frontends](

- [Let's build a Webshop out of Micro Frontends](

- [Micro Frontends - How I Built An SPA With Angular And React?](

- [Our micro-front-end web architecture](

- [Managing Frontend in the Microservices Architecture](

- [UI in Microservices World – Micro Frontends pattern and Web Components](

- [Modernizing Upwork with Micro Frontends](

- [Front-End Micro Services: Fragments: limitations, solutions and our approach](

- [**DE-de**] [Micro-Frontends - Die bessere Art User Interfaces zu implementieren?](

- [**DE-de**] [Micro-Frontends - Die bessere Art User Interfaces zu implementieren? Teil 2](

- [**DE-de**] [Micro-Frontends - Die bessere Art User Interfaces zu implementieren? Teil 3](

- [**DE-de**] [Micro-Frontends: Große Webprojekte modularer entwickeln](


- [**DE-de**] [Vorteile von Micro frontend Architecturen fĂŒr Enterprise Application ](

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## Talks

- [Serverless for Frontends]( by Florian Rappl

- [Rethinking Auth for SPAs and Micro Frontends: Easy and Secure With Gateways]( by Manfred Steyer

- [Beyond Micro Frontends: Frontend Moduliths for the Enterprise]( by Manfred Steyer

- [More Than Micro Frontends: 3 Further Use Cases for Module Federation]( by Manfred Steyer

- [The Microfrontend Revolution Module Federation with Angular ]( by Manfred Steyer

- [6 Things You Should Know About MicroFrontends]( by Manfred Steyer

- [Micro Frontend Architecture Building an Extensible UI Platform]( by Erik Grijzen

- [Patterns for micro frontends]( by Erik Dörnenburg

- [Micro frontends: extending service-oriented architecture to frontend development]( by Jakub SowiƄski

- [Web Components & Micro Apps: Angular, React & Vue peacefully united?](

- [Micro-frontend: microservice architecture from your web apps](

- [Introduction to micro-frontends](

- [Micro Frontends - Why do we need Micro Frontends](

- [A Micro Frontends Future: Using Angular with React and Vue in Enterprise apps](

- [RSconf2018. Introduction to Micro Frontends](

- [Michael Geers - Micro Frontends: Break Up You Web App!](

- [A High-Performance Solution to Microservices UI Composition - Arif Wider & Alexey Gravanov](

- [Breakup with your Frontend monolith](

- [Collections of slides to about micro frontend](

- [The Key to Scaling Single Page Applications, Micro Frontends | Webinar Presentation + Demo](

- [**DE-de**] [Micro Frontend im Rewe Shop Evolution eines Headers](

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## Books

- [Journey to Micro Frontends]( by Brendon Co

- [Software Architecture Patterns for Serverless Systems]( by John Gilbert

- [Micro Frontend & Micro Services - Build applications with Micro FE & Services]( by Muralikrishna T

- [The Art of Micro Frontends]( by Florian Rappl

- [Practical Module Federation]( by Zack Jackson & Jack Herrington

- [Enterprise Angular - DDD, Nx Monorepos and Micro Frontends]( by Manfred Steyer

- [Building Micro-frontends]( by Luca Mezzalira

- [Micro Frontends in Action]( by Michael Geers

- [Micro Frontends Architecture: Introduction, Design, Techniques & Technology]( by Ajay Kumar

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## Videos

- [Professional Micro-Frontend Shared State Setup](
- [Micro-Frontends Course - Beginner to Expert](

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## Frameworks and Libraries

- [Piral: Build highly modular applications fully flexible for large scale portal solutions](
- [TUI Modular Web Architecture](
- [Feature Hub - Create scalable web applications using micro frontends](
- [Webpack 5 Module Federation: start treating your component libraries as independently deployed services](
- [Qiankun: Blazing fast, simple and completed solution for micro frontends](
- [Single SPA: a javascript framework for front-end microservices](
- [Ara Framework: Build Micro-frontends easily using Airbnb Hypernova](
- [Icestark: Micro Frontends solution for large application](
- [Puzzle JS: Micro frontend framework for scalable and blazing fast websites](
- [One App: a fresh, modular take on web application development](
- [OpenComponents: Painless micro frontends delivery](
- [Misk-Web: a new micro-frontends Typescript + React web framework from Cash App](
- [Nut JS: a framework born for micro frontends](
- [Cellular JS: A Javascript framework implementation of "UI Focused State Oriented Architecture" grounded by MVP (Model View Presenter), with micro-frontends support](
- [Luigi: Micro frontend framework](
- [Microfronts: Polyglot Front-End Solution for running multiple frameworks as one](
- [Ngx Planet: A powerful, reliable, fully-featured and production ready Micro Frontend library for Angular.](
- [Mooa: A independent-deployment micro-frontend Framework for Angular from single-spa.](
- [Scalecube-js: Toolkit for working in microservices/micro-frontends architecture](
- [RollCake SPA: RollCakeSpa.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building micro-frontends UI on the web.](

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## Courses

- [Learn microfrontends with single-spa](
- [Module Federation video tutorials](
- [Micro Frontends and single-spa video tutorials](

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## Papers

- [Suitability of Micro-Frontends for an AI as a Service Platform]( by T. KĂŒbra (2024)

- [The Future of Web Development: An In-depth Analysis of Micro-Frontend Approaches]( by N. Savani (2023)

- [State Management in Micro Frontends: Challenges and Strategies]( by N. Savani (2023)

- [Benefits, challenges, and performance analysis of a scalable web architecture based on micro-frontends]( by A. Petcu at al. (2023)

- [Scaling a Software Platform Using Micro Frontend]( by K. Zateishchikov (2023)

- [Managing Micro Frontends Across Multiple Tech Stacks - Sharing, Finding & Publishing]( by A. Simeunovic & U. Tripunovic (2023)

- [Experiences on a Frameworkless Micro-Frontend Architecture in a Small Organization]( by J. MÀnnistö, Antti-Pekka Tuovinen et al. (2023)

- [Evaluating Micro Frontend Approaches for Code Reusability]( by Emilija Stefanovska & Vladimir Trajkovik (2023)

- [Moderation panel for the virtual event platform as a micro frontend module]( by Azizyan Samson (2022)

- [The Migration of a Large-Scale Web Application from Monolith to Micro-frontends]( by Xiao Zifan (2022)

- [Implementing Micro Frontends Using Signal-based Web Components]( by Yuma Nishizu, Tetsuo Kamina (2022)

- [**DE-de**] [Extrahieren von Micro-Frontends
aus einer monolithischen
Frontend Anwendung]( by Billy Lando (2022)

- [Design Systems for Micro Frontends -
An Investigation into the Development of Framework-Agnostic
Design Systems using Svelte and Tailwind CSS
]( by M. C. Klimm (2021)

- [Enterprise-Level Migration to Micro Frontends in a Multi-Vendor Environment]( by I. Pölöskei1 and U. Bub (2021)

- [A Brief Review of Micro-frontends]( by Y.R. Prajwal et al. (2021)

- [Design Systems for Micro Frontends-An Investigation into the Development
of Framework-Agnostic Design Systems using Svelte and Tailwind CSS]( by Marvin Christian Klimm (2021)

- [Micro frontend architecture for cross framework
reusability in practice]( by Veerle Ongenae et al. (2021)

- [An Exploratory Study of Micro Frontends]( by Anna Montelius (2021)

- [From Backend to Frontend - Case study on adopting Micro Frontends from a Single Page ERP Application monolith]( by Kroiß Manuel (2021)

- [Motivations, Benefits, and Issues for Adopting Micro-Frontends: A Multivocal Literature Review](
by Severi Peltonen, Luca Mezzalira, Davide Taibi (2021)

- [Micro-frontends: application of microservices to web front-ends]( by Andrey Pavlenko et al. (2020)

- [A Novel Application of Educational Management Information System based on Micro Frontends]( by Daojiang Wang et al. (2020)

- [Plutt: A tool for creating type-safe and version-safe microfrontends]( by Julius Celik (2020)

- [Towards a Modular Architecture for Industrial HMIs]( by M. Shakil and A. Zoitl (2020)

- [Micro frontend architecture for cross framework reusability in practice]( by T. De Smet(2020)

- [Research and Application of Micro Frontends]( by Caifang Yang et al (2019)

- [**DE-de**] [Microservices Architekturen fĂŒr Webanwendungen: Micro-Frontends]( by Billy Lando (2019)

- [**DE-de**] [Machbarkeit und Umsetzung einer Micro-Frontend Architektur mit WebComponents]( by Dominic Karnehm (2019)

- [**DE-de**] [Micro-Frontends]() by Matthias Baumann (2019)

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## Stackoverflow topics

- [VueJs Micro-frontend approach](

- [How to embed an angular app into another app ? ](

- [Micro frontend application](

- [Micro frontend architecture advice](

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## Twitter threads

- [ Micro Frontend can be managed with inside multiple repos or with monorepos]( by Manfred Steyer
- [I don't understand micro frontend]( by Dan Abramov
- [Micro frontends and monorepo]( by Victor Savkin

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## Other lists

- [Awesome micro frontends](

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## Proof of concepts

- [Implementation examples of module federation , by the creators of module federation](

- [Nx micro frontend example](

- [angular-react-microfrontend]( _Angular_ + _React_ + _NodeJS_ + _MySQL_