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Import flow for Excel (.xlsx) and CSV file with automated column matching and validation.

csv data-import excel excel-import import import-flow react sheet sheet-import upload xls xlsx

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Import flow for Excel (.xlsx) and CSV file with automated column matching and validation.




RSI react-spreadsheet-import โšก๏ธ

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A component used for importing XLS / XLSX / CSV documents built with [**Chakra UI**]( Import flow combines:

- ๐Ÿ“ฅ Uploader
- โš™๏ธ Parser
- ๐Ÿ“Š File preview
- ๐Ÿงช UI for column mapping
- โœ UI for validating and editing data

โœจ [**Demo**]( โœจ

## Features

- Custom styles - edit Chakra UI theme to match your project's styles ๐ŸŽจ
- Custom validation rules - make sure valid data is being imported, easily spot and correct errors
- Hooks - alter raw data after upload or make adjustments on data changes
- Auto-mapping columns - automatically map most likely value to your template values, e.g. `name` -> `firstName`


## Figma

We provide full figma designs. You can copy the designs

## Getting started

npm i react-spreadsheet-import

Using the component: (it's up to you when the flow is open and what you do on submit with the imported data)

import { ReactSpreadsheetImport } from "react-spreadsheet-import";


## Required Props

// Determines if modal is visible.
isOpen: Boolean
// Called when flow is closed without reaching submit.
onClose: () => void
// Called after user completes the flow. Provides data array, where data keys matches your field keys.
onSubmit: (data, file) => void | Promise

### Fields

Fields describe what data you are trying to collect.

const fields = [
// Visible in table header and when matching columns.
label: "Name",
// This is the key used for this field when we call onSubmit.
key: "name",
// Allows for better automatic column matching. Optional.
alternateMatches: ["first name", "first"],
// Used when editing and validating information.
fieldType: {
// There are 3 types - "input" / "checkbox" / "select".
type: "input",
// Used in the first step to provide an example of what data is expected in this field. Optional.
example: "Stephanie",
// Can have multiple validations that are visible in Validation Step table.
validations: [
// Can be "required" / "unique" / "regex"
rule: "required",
errorMessage: "Name is required",
// There can be "info" / "warning" / "error" levels. Optional. Default "error".
level: "error",
] as const

## Optional Props

### Hooks

You can transform and validate data with custom hooks. There are hooks after each step:

- **uploadStepHook** - runs only once after uploading the file.
- **selectHeaderStepHook** - runs only once after selecting the header row in spreadsheet.
- **matchColumnsStepHook** - runs only once after column matching. Operations on data that are expensive should be done here.

The last step - validation step has 2 unique hooks that run only in that step with different performance tradeoffs:

- **tableHook** - runs at the start and on any change. Runs on all rows. Very expensive, but can change rows that depend on other rows.
- **rowHook** - runs at the start and on any row change. Runs only on the rows changed. Fastest, most validations and transformations should be done here.


// Validation
if ( === "John") {
addError("name", { message: "No Johns allowed", level: "info" })
// Transformation
return {, name: "Not John" }
// Sorry John

### Initial state

In rare case when you need to skip the beginning of the flow, you can start the flow from any of the steps.

- **initialStepState** - initial state of component that will be rendered on load.

initialStepState?: StepState

type StepState =
| {
type: StepType.upload
| {
type: StepType.selectSheet
workbook: XLSX.WorkBook
| {
type: StepType.selectHeader
data: RawData[]
| {
type: StepType.matchColumns
data: RawData[]
headerValues: RawData
| {
type: StepType.validateData
data: any[]

type RawData = Array

// XLSX.workbook type is native to SheetJS and can be viewed here:


import { ReactSpreadsheetImport, StepType } from "react-spreadsheet-import";


### Dates and time

Excel stores dates and times as numbers - offsets from an epoch. When reading xlsx files SheetJS provides date formatting helpers.
**Default date import format** is `yyyy-mm-dd`. Date parsing with SheetJS sometimes yields unexpected results, therefore thorough date validations are recommended.

- **dateFormat** - sets SheetJS `dateNF` option. Can be used to format dates when importing sheet data.
- **parseRaw** - sets SheetJS `raw` option. If `true`, date formatting will be applied to XLSX date fields only. Default is `true`

Common date-time formats can be viewed [here](

### Other optional props

// Allows submitting with errors. Default: true
allowInvalidSubmit?: boolean
// Translations for each text. See customisation bellow
translations?: object
// Theme configuration passed to underlying Chakra-UI. See customisation bellow
customTheme?: object
// Specifies maximum number of rows for a single import
maxRecords?: number
// Maximum upload filesize (in bytes)
maxFileSize?: number
// Automatically map imported headers to specified fields if possible. Default: true
autoMapHeaders?: boolean
// When field type is "select", automatically match values if possible. Default: false
autoMapSelectValues?: boolean
// Headers matching accuracy: 1 for strict and up for more flexible matching. Default: 2
autoMapDistance?: number
// Enable navigation in stepper component and show back button. Default: false
isNavigationEnabled?: boolean

## Customisation

### Customising styles (colors, fonts)

You can see default theme we use [here]( Your override should match this object's structure.

There are 3 ways you can style the component:

1.) Change theme colors globally



Screenshot 2022-04-13 at 10 24 34

2.) Change all components of the same type, like all Buttons, at the same time



Screenshot 2022-04-13 at 11 04 30

3.) Change components specifically in each Step.

Screenshot 2022-04-13 at 10 21 58

Underneath we use Chakra-UI, you can send in a custom theme for us to apply. Read more about themes [here](

### Changing text (translations)

You can change any text in the flow:



You can see all the translation keys [here](

## VS other libraries

Flatfile vs react-spreadsheet-import and Dromo vs react-spreadsheet-import:

| | RSI | Flatfile | Dromo |
| ------------------------------ | -------------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| Licence | MIT | Proprietary | Proprietary |
| Price | Free | Paid | Paid |
| Support | Github Issues | Enterprise | Enterprise |
| Self-host | Yes | Paid | Paid |
| Hosted solution | In development | Yes | Yes |
| On-prem deployment | N/A | Yes | Yes |
| Hooks | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Automatic header matching | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Data validation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Custom styling | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Translations | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Trademarked words `Data Hooks` | No | Yes | No |

React-spreadsheet-import can be used as a free and open-source alternative to Flatfile and Dromo.

## Contributing

Feel free to open issues if you have any questions or notice bugs. If you want different component behaviour, consider forking the project.

## Credits

Created by Ugnis. [Julita Kriauciunaite]( and [Karolis Masiulis]( You can contact us at `[email protected]`