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[ICLR24] Official implementation of the paper “MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control”

autonomous-vehicles deep-learning diffusion-models image-generation pytorch video-generation

Last synced: 5 days ago
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[ICLR24] Official implementation of the paper “MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control”




# MagicDrive

[![arXiv](]( [![arXiv](](

This repository contains the implementation of the paper

> MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control

> [Ruiyuan Gao](\*, [Kai Chen](\*, [Enze Xie](^, [Lanqing Hong](, [Zhenguo Li](, [Dit-Yan Yeung](, [Qiang Xu](^

> 1CUHK 2HKUST 3Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

> \*Equal Contribution ^Corresponding Authors

Recent advancements in diffusion models have significantly enhanced the data synthesis with 2D control. Yet, precise 3D control in street view generation, crucial for 3D perception tasks, remains elusive. Specifically, utilizing Bird’s-Eye View (BEV) as the primary condition often leads to challenges in geometry control (e.g., height), affecting the representation of object shapes, occlusion patterns, and road surface elevations, all of which are essential to perception data synthesis, especially for 3D object detection tasks. In this paper, we introduce MAGICDRIVE, a novel street view generation framework offering diverse 3D geometry controls, including camera poses, road maps, and 3D bounding boxes, together with textual descriptions, achieved through tailored encoding strategies. Besides, our design incorporates a cross-view attention module, ensuring consistency across multiple camera views. With MAGICDRIVE, we achieve high-fidelity street-view synthesis that captures nuanced 3D geometry and various scene descriptions, enhancing tasks like BEV segmentation and 3D object detection.

## Method

In MagicDrive, we employ two strategies (cross-attention and additive encoder branch) to inject text prompt, camera pose, object boxes, and road maps as conditions for generation. We also propose cross-view attention module for multiview consistency.



- [x] [config](configs/exp/224x400.yaml) and [pretrained weight]( for base resolution (224x400)
- [x] demo for base resolution (224x400)
- [x] GUI for interactive bbox editing
- [x] train and test code release
- [ ] config and pretrained weight for high resolution
- [ ] train and test code for CVT and BEVFusion

## Getting Started

### Environment Setup

Clone this repo with submodules

git clone --recursive

The code is tested with `Pytorch==1.10.2` and `cuda 10.2` on V100 servers. To setup the python environment, follow:

cd ${ROOT}
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
# continue to install `third_party`s

# otherwise, to run GUI only
pip install -r requirements/gui.txt
# our GUI does not need mm-series packages.
# please also install diffusers from `third_party`.

We opt to install the source code for the following packages, with `cd ${FOLDER}; pip -vvv install .`

# install third-party
├── bevfusion -> based on db75150
├── diffusers -> based on v0.17.1 (afcca39)
└── xformers -> based on v0.0.19 (8bf59c9), optional

see [note about our xformers](doc/ If you have issues with environment setup, please check [FAQ](doc/ first.

Setup default configuration for accelearte with
accelerate config

Our default log directory is `${ROOT}/magicdrive-log`. Please be prepared.

### Pretrained Weights

Our training are based on [stable-diffusion-v1-5]( We assume you put them at `${ROOT}/pretrained/` as follows:

├── text_encoder
├── tokenizer
├── unet
├── vae
└── ...

## Street-view Generation with MagicDrive

Download our pretrained weight for MagicDrive from [onedrive]( and put it in `${ROOT}/pretrained/`

**Run our demo**

We recommand users to run our interactive GUI first, because we have minimize the dependencies for GUI demo.
cd ${ROOT}
python demo/
# a gradio-based gui, use your web browser

Run our demo for camera view generation.
cd ${ROOT}
python demo/ resume_from_checkpoint=magicdrive-log/SDv1.5mv-rawbox_2023-09-07_18-39_224x400
The generated images will be located in `magicdrive-log/test`. More information can be find in [demo doc](demo/

## Train MagicDrive

### Prepare Data
We prepare the nuScenes dataset similar to [bevfusion's instructions]( Specifically,

1. Download the nuScenes dataset from the [website]( and put them in `./data/`. You should have these files:
├── maps
├── mini
├── samples
├── sweeps
├── v1.0-mini
└── v1.0-trainval
2. Generate mmdet3d annotation files by:
python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes \
--out-dir ./data/nuscenes_mmdet3d_2 --extra-tag nuscenes
You should have these files:
├── nuscenes_dbinfos_train.pkl (-> ${bevfusion-version}/nuscenes_dbinfos_train.pkl)
├── nuscenes_gt_database (-> ${bevfusion-version}/nuscenes_gt_database)
├── nuscenes_infos_train.pkl
└── nuscenes_infos_val.pkl
Note: As shown above, some files can be soft-linked with the original version from bevfusion. If some of the files is located in `data/nuscenes`, you can move them to `data/nuscenes_mmdet3d_2` manually.

3. (Optional) To accelerate data loading, we prepared cache files in h5 format for BEV maps. They can be generated through `tools/` with different configs in `configs/dataset`. For example:
python tools/ +process=train
python tools/ +process=val
You will have files like `./val_tmp.h5` and `./train_tmp.h5`. You have to rename the cache files correctly after generating them. Our default is
├── train_26x200x200_map_aux_full.h5 (42G)
└── val_26x200x200_map_aux_full.h5 (9G)

### Train the model

Launch training with (with 8xV100):
accelerate launch --mixed_precision fp16 --gpu_ids all --num_processes 8 tools/ \
+exp=224x400 runner=8gpus
During training, you can check tensorboard for the log and intermediate results.

Besides, we provides debug config to test your environment and data loading process (with 2xV100):
accelerate launch --mixed_precision fp16 --gpu_ids all --num_processes 2 tools/ \
+exp=224x400 runner=debug runner.validation_before_run=true

### Test the model
After training, you can test your model for driving view generation through:
python tools/ resume_from_checkpoint=${YOUR MODEL}
# take our pretrained model as an example
python tools/ resume_from_checkpoint=magicdrive-log/SDv1.5mv-rawbox_2023-09-07_18-39_224x400
Please find the results in `./magicdrive-log/test/`.

## Quantitative Results

Compare MagicDrive with other methods for generation quality:


Training support with images generated from MagicDrive:


More results can be found in the main paper.

## Qualitative Results

More results can be found in the main paper.


## Cite Us

title={{MagicDrive}: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control},
author={Gao, Ruiyuan and Chen, Kai and Xie, Enze and Hong, Lanqing and Li, Zhenguo and Yeung, Dit-Yan and Xu, Qiang},
booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations},

## Credit

We adopt following open-sourced projects:

- [bevfusion]( dataloader to handle 3d bounding boxes and BEV map
- [diffusers]( framework to train stable diffusion
- [xformers]( accelerator for attention mechanism