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flowable workflow designer base on @antv/g6

activiti designer editor flowable flowable-modeler g6 g6-editor workflow

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

flowable workflow designer base on @antv/g6




## Workflow Designer

[![NPM Version](](
[![NPM Downloads](](

## Online Demo 1

## Online Demo 2

## Vue version

## Form Designer

## Usage
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Designer from 'wfd';

const data = {
nodes: [{ id: 'startNode', x: 50, y: 200, label: 'Start', clazz: 'start' },
{ id: 'taskNode1', x: 200, y: 200, label: 'Supervisor', assigneType: 'person', assigneValue: 'admin', isSequential:false, clazz: 'userTask' },
{ id: 'taskNode2', x: 400, y: 200, label: 'Manager', assigneType: 'person', assigneValue: 'admin', isSequential:false, clazz: 'userTask' },
{ id: 'decisionNode', x: 400, y: 320, label: 'Cost > 1000', clazz: 'gateway' },
{ id: 'taskNode3', x: 400, y: 450, label: 'CEO', clazz: 'userTask' },
{ id: 'endNode', x: 600, y: 320, label: 'End', clazz: 'end' }],
edges: [{ source: 'startNode', target: 'taskNode1', sourceAnchor:1, targetAnchor:3, clazz: 'flow' },
{ source: 'taskNode1', target: 'endNode', sourceAnchor:0, targetAnchor:0, clazz: 'flow' },
{ source: 'taskNode1', target: 'taskNode2', sourceAnchor:1, targetAnchor:3, clazz: 'flow' },
{ source: 'taskNode2', target: 'decisionNode', sourceAnchor:1, targetAnchor:0, clazz: 'flow' },
{ source: 'taskNode2', target: 'taskNode1', sourceAnchor:2, targetAnchor:2, clazz: 'flow' },
{ source: 'decisionNode', target: 'taskNode3', sourceAnchor:2, targetAnchor:0, clazz: 'flow' },
{ source: 'decisionNode', target: 'endNode', sourceAnchor:1, targetAnchor:2, clazz: 'flow'},
{ source: 'taskNode3', target: 'endNode', sourceAnchor:1, targetAnchor:1, clazz: 'flow' },
{ source: 'taskNode3', target: 'taskNode1', sourceAnchor:3, targetAnchor:2, clazz: 'flow'},

class WFDemo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.wfDef = React.createRef();

handleSave = () => {
const bpm =;

const candidateUsers = [{id:'1',name:'Tom'},{id:'2',name:'Steven'},{id:'3',name:'Andy'}];
const candidateGroups = [{id:'1',name:'Manager'},{id:'2',name:'Security'},{id:'3',name:'OA'}];
return (

## API
##### Designer
###### 属性
* data: 初始化数据
* height: 画布高度
* mode: view为只读,edit为可编辑
* lang: zh为中文,en为英文
* isView: 是否为预览模式(隐藏工具栏和属性栏)
* users: 选择审批人时对应的数据,数组内对象以id为键,name为值
* groups: 选择审批组时对应的数据,数组内对象以id为键,name为值

###### 方法
* save(): 调用生成json
* saveXML(): 调用graph.saveXML(createFile)生成Flowable XML,createFile参数是否同时生成xml文件,默认为true

##### Node
###### 属性
* id: 唯一标识
* x: x点
* y: y点
* label: 节点标题
* hideIcon: 是否隐藏图标
* active: 是否显示节点状态(节点边将显示运动动画)
* clazz: 类,对应flowable节点,支持类型如下:
* start 开始节点
* timerStart 定时启动节点
* messageStart 消息启动节点
* signalStart 信号启动节点
* gateway 排他网关
* exclusiveGateway 排他网关
* parallelGateway 并行网关
* inclusiveGateway 包容网关
* [userTask](#UserTask) 用户审批节点
* [scriptTask](#ScriptTask) 脚本节点
* [mailTask](#MailTask) 邮件节点
* [javaTask](#JavaTask) 自定义类节点
* [receiveTask](#ReceiveTask) 接收状态节点
* timerCatch 定时捕获节点
* messageCatch 消息捕获节点
* signalCatch 信号捕获节点
* end 结束节点

##### Edge
###### 属性
* source: 源节点ID
* target: 目标节点ID
* sourceAnchor: 源节点锚点,0上、1右、2下、3左
* targetAnchor: 目标节点锚点
* clazz: 类,目前只有flow一种

##### UserTask
###### 属性
* assignType 审批类型,包含人员、人员组、自定义类
* assignValue 关联审批人或组
* javaClass 自定义类名
* dueDate 持续时间
* isSequential 是否会签

##### ScriptTask
###### 属性
* script 脚本内容

##### JavaTask
###### 属性
* javaClass 自定义类名

##### ReceiveTask
###### 属性
* waitState 等待状态字段名
* stateValue 等待状态值

##### MailTask
###### 属性
* to 收件人
* subject 邮件主题
* content 邮件内容

## Run Example
npm run dev

## React Version
>= 16.x