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Self-Supervised Representation Learning on Point Clouds (GCPR 2023 | T4V Workshop @ CVPR 2023)

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Self-Supervised Representation Learning on Point Clouds (GCPR 2023 | T4V Workshop @ CVPR 2023)




# point2vec

Self-Supervised Representation Learning on Point Clouds


[[`Paper`](] [[`Project`](] [[`BibTeX`](#citing-point2vec)]


## Installation

### 1. Dependencies

- Python 3.10.4
- CUDA 11.6
- cuDNN 8.4.0
- GCC >= 6 and <= 11.2.1

pip install -U pip wheel
pip install torch torchvision -c requirements.txt --extra-index-url
pip install -r requirements.txt

### 2. Datasets

See []( for download instructions.

### 3. Check (optional)

python -m point2vec.datasets.process.check # check if datasets are complete
./scripts/ # check if training works

## Model Zoo

| Type | Dataset | Evaluation | Config | Checkpoint |
| ---------------------------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Point2vec pre-trained | ShapeNet | - | [config](configs/pretraining/shapenet.yaml) | [checkpoint]( |
| Classification fine-tuned | ModelNet40 | **94.65** / **94.77** (OA / Voting) | [A](configs/classification/modelnet40.yaml) & [B](configs/classification/_pretrained.yaml) | [checkpoint]( |
| Classification fine-tuned | ScanObjectNN | **87.47** (OA) | [A](configs/classification/scanobjectnn.yaml) & [B](configs/classification/_pretrained.yaml) | [checkpoint]( |
| Part segmentation fine-tuned | ShapeNetPart | **84.59** (Cat. mIoU) | [config](configs/part_segmentation/shapenetpart.yaml) | [checkpoint]( |

## Reproducing the results from the paper

The scripts in this section use Weights & Biases for logging, so it's important to log in once with `wandb login` before running them.
Checkpoints will be saved to the `artifacts` directory.

**A note on reproducibility:**
While reproducing our results on most datasets is straightforward, achieving the same test accuracy on ModelNet40 is more complicated due to the high variance between runs (see also,,
To obtain comparable results on ModelNet40, you will likely need to experiment with a few different seeds.
However, if you can precisely replicate our test environment, including installing CUDA 11.6, cuDNN 8.4.0, Python 3.10.4, and the dependencies listed in the `requirements.txt` file, as well as using a Volta GPU (e.g. Nvidia V100), you should be able to replicate our experiments exactly.
Using our _exact_ environment is necessary to ensure that you obtain the same random state during training, as a seed alone does _not_ guarantee reproducibility across different environments.

### Point2vec pre-training on ShapeNet

./scripts/pretraining_shapenet.bash --data.in_memory true

Training curve



### Classification fine-tuning on ScanObjectNN

Replace `XXXXXXXX` with the `WANDB_RUN_ID` from the pre-training run, or use the checkpoint from the model zoo.

./scripts/classification_scanobjectnn.bash --config configs/classification/_pretrained.yaml --model.pretrained_ckpt_path artifacts/point2vec-Pretraining-ShapeNet/XXXXXXXX/checkpoints/epoch=799-step=64800.ckpt

Training curve



### Classification fine-tuning on ModelNet40

Replace `XXXXXXXX` with the `WANDB_RUN_ID` from the pre-training run, or use the checkpoint from the model zoo.

./scripts/classification_modelnet40.bash --config configs/classification/_pretrained.yaml --model.pretrained_ckpt_path artifacts/point2vec-Pretraining-ShapeNet/XXXXXXXX/checkpoints/epoch=799-step=64800.ckpt --seed_everything 1

Training curve



### Voting on ModelNet40

Replace `XXXXXXXX` with the `WANDB_RUN_ID` from the fine-tuning run, and `epoch=XXX-step=XXXXX-val_acc=0.XXXX.ckpt` with the best checkpoint from that run, or use the checkpoint from the model zoo.

./scripts/voting_modelnet40.bash --finetuned_ckpt_path artifacts/point2vec-Pretraining-ShapeNet/XXXXXXXX/checkpoints/epoch=XXX-step=XXXXX-val_acc=0.XXXX.ckpt

Voting Process


### Classification fine-tuning on ModelNet Few-Shot

Replace `XXXXXXXX` with the `WANDB_RUN_ID` from the pre-training run, or use the checkpoint from the model zoo.
You may also pass e.g. `--data.way 5` or `--data.shot 20` to select the desired m-way–n-shot setting.

for i in $(seq 0 9);
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=$i ./scripts/classification_modelnet_fewshot.bash --model.pretrained_ckpt_path artifacts/point2vec-Pretraining-ShapeNet/XXXXXXXX/checkpoints/epoch=799-step=64800.ckpt

### Part segmentation fine-tuning on ShapeNetPart

Replace `XXXXXXXX` with the `WANDB_RUN_ID` from the pre-training run, or use the checkpoint from the model zoo.

./scripts/part_segmentation_shapenetpart.bash --model.pretrained_ckpt_path artifacts/point2vec-Pretraining-ShapeNet/XXXXXXXX/checkpoints/epoch=799-step=64800.ckpt

Training curve



### Baselines


#### Data2vec–pc

Replace the pre-training step with:

./scripts/pretraining_shapenet.bash --data.in_memory true --model.learning_rate 2e-3 --model.decoder false --trainer.devices 2 --data.batch_size 1024 --model.fix_estimated_stepping_batches 16000

If you only have a single GPU (and enough VRAM), you may replace `--trainer.devices 2 --data.batch_size 1024 --model.fix_estimated_stepping_batches 16000` with `--data.batch_size 2048`.


#### From scratch

Skip the pre-training step, and omit all occurences of `--config configs/classification/_pretrained.yaml` and `--model.pretrained_ckpt_path ...`.

## Visualization


We use PCA to project the learned representations into RGB space.
Both a random initialization and data2vec–pc pre-training show a fairly strong positional bias, whereas point2vec exhibits a stronger semantic grouping without being trained on downstream dense prediction tasks.

## Citing point2vec

If you use point2vec in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

title={Point2Vec for Self-Supervised Representation Learning on Point Clouds},
author={Abou Zeid, Karim and Schult, Jonas and Hermans, Alexander and Leibe, Bastian},
journal={German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)},