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CLI tool for extracting images and sounds from visual novels.

Last synced: 2 months ago
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CLI tool for extracting images and sounds from visual novels.




arc\_unpacker - the visual novel extractor

`arc_unpacker` is a command line tool for extracting images, sounds, music and
miscellaneous resources from visual novels (and some other Japanese games).

- [**List of supported
- [**Latest stable
- [Build instructions for Windows and

## Usage

Drag and drop the archive or file onto `arc_unpacker`. It will guess the format
and unpack it for you.


1. The file format might be detected by two or more decoders at once. In such
cases you need to tell the program which one to use by supplying `--dec=...`

2. The file might need more parameters to be correctly unpacked. In such cases
you need to supply them manually. For example, XP3 archives need `--plugin`
that tells what kind of decryption to use. To tell it to use Fate/Stay Night
decryption, supply `--dec=krkr/xp3 --plugin=fsn`.

To learn what parameter your game needs, you can either use `--help` to see all
available parameters, or refer to your game details in the [game
list]( that lists
all required parameters for every supported game.

To learn how to pass parameters to `arc_unpacker`, refer to [this

## Q&A

- ##### I drag the game files onto `arc_unpacker` and it immediately closes.

Try running it from the command prompt to see the output and possible error
message. Usually this behavior is a sign that the game requires additional
parameters which are described in the [game
list](, or it's
not supported.

- ##### What is command prompt?
On Windows, it's `cmd.exe`. On Linux, I think you already know the answer to
this question.

- ##### How do I pass additional options / parameters?

*(for Windows users)*

1. Open up `cmd.exe` and navigate to the directory where you downloaded
`arc_unpacker.exe` by typing a command that looks like this:

cd "C:\downloads"

Alternatively, navigate to the `arc_unpacker` directory in Explorer,
hold Shift and click with right mouse button anywhere, and select "Open
command window here".

2. To run `arc_unpacker` with your game without extra parameters, type a
command that looks like this:

arc_unpacker "C:\games\your game\file you want to unpack.dat"


arc_unpacker "C:\games\your game\directory you want to unpack"

Alternatively, type `arc_unpacker ` (without hitting Enter)
and drop a file onto command prompt. It should enter the path like
above, saving you the effort of typing it manually.

3. To pass additional parameters such as `--dec` etc., run `arc_unpacker`
like this:

arc_unpacker "C:\games\Touhou 08\th08.dat" --dec=team-shanghai-alice/pbgz

To get list of possible parameters, see `arc_unpacker --help`. If your
game needs any extra parameters, they're also outlined inside [the game

- ##### Why command line? Why no windows / GUI?

It'd take a lot of effort to make GUI for `arc_unpacker`:

- cross platform - I'd need to use Qt or Gtk, and this adds to the project
complexity (consider how we support five different compilers).
- design - it's difficult to make a GUI that caters to most of use cases
(recursive unpacking, selecting decoder, passing game key etc.)
- effort - implementing it easily scales to dozens, if not hundreds of man
hours. I'd rather focus on supporting more games.

That being said, it's not entirely impossible for this to happen in the
future. Once C++17 comes out, I plan to ditch some of the non-conforming
compilers, which should ease things up a bit.

- ##### What do I do with `.wavloop` files?

These files are audio loops. You can play them like normal `.wav`,
however, most of the players will ignore looping information that is
contained in such files. If you're looking for players that do support looped
`.wav`s, I recommend either
or [`wavosaur`]( The extension `.wavloop` was
chosen so that it stands out from normal `.wav`s and for compatibility with

- ##### I get `std::bad_alloc`, what gives?

One option is that an archive contains a very large file, which causes
`arc_unpacker` to run out of RAM while it tries to decode that file. To
circumvent this (short of buying more memory), you can try running
`arc_unpacker` with `-t=1 --no-recurse` which should reduce its memory
footprint. Since there only were a few such archives spotted, no special
mechanism was developed to work around this issue, although this might change
in the future. Other options include corrupt game files or a specific kind of
bug in `arc_unpacker`'s decoders, but both are unlikely. If you are unable to
unpack the files, do not hesitate to report the issue to the issue tracker.

- ##### How can I help with development?

Thanks for asking this! There are a number of ways you can help:

- By documenting games that are already supported but are not present on the
games list.
- By porting existing decoders from other projects. Example projects can be
found in
- By reverse engineering games that are not yet supported, and coding new
decoders for them.

For details, check out

- ##### Packing / encoding support?

Not going to happen. Compiling files for games, especially from fan
translation standpoint, almost always needs rolling your own script compiler,
modifying the game .exe, fixing weird quirks, etc. - many things that
wouldn't make sense for `arc_unpacker` to support. At the same time, the user
base that might find encoders useful would be extremely small, and writing
encoders is often much more difficult than writing decoders, so it's not very

## Contact

- Bug reporting: [GitHub issue
- Game requests: [GitHub issue