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🚎 Simple type-safe event bus implementation in swift

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🚎 Simple type-safe event bus implementation in swift




# 🚎 RealEventsBus

RealEventsBus is a small swift experiment package to implement a basic **type-safe event bus** mechanism.
Some other implementations in GitHub are the sources of inspiration for this package.

You can use it as replacement for standard `NSNotification`'s one-to-many messaging.
It uses GCD for messagings, it's thread-safe and, best of all, it's type safe.

## ⭐️ Feature Highlights

- It's **type safe**
- Implement **custom messages**; just set conformance to `Event` or `BufferedEvent` type
- Messages/observers are posted and registered in thread safe
- **Easy to use**; just one line to register and post events
- Supports for **buffered events** (get the last value published by a bus)

## 🕵️ How It Works

This example uses `enum` as datatype for event.
Btw you can use any type you want as event, `struct` or `class` (see the other example below).
First of all we need to define a custom event; if your event is a group of different messages this is the best thing you can do:

public enum UserEvents: Event {
case userDidLogged(username: String)
case userLoggedOut
case profileUpdated(fullName: String, age: Int)

Suppose you want to be notified about this kind of events in your `UIViewController`:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {

Bus.register(self) { event in
switch event {
case .profileUpdated(let fullName, let age):
print("Profile updated with '\(fullName)', which is \(age) old")
case .userDidLogged(let username):
print("User '\(username)' logged in")
case .userLoggedOut:
print("User logged out")

deinit {
// While it's not required (it does not generate any leak)
// you may want to unregister an observer when it's not needed anymore.

When you need to post new events to any registered obserer like the one above just use `post` function:

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### BufferedEvent

If your event is conform to `BufferedEvent` instead of `Event` you can use the `lastValue()` function to get the latest posted value into the bus. It's like Rx.
Moreover: when a new observer is registered it will receive the last value posted into the bus, if any.

This is an example.

First of all we define the message:

public class CustomEvent: BufferedEvent {

var messageValue: String
var options: [String: Any?]?

public init(value: String, options: [String: Any?]) {
self.messageValue = value
self.options = options


// Post a new event "Some message", options: ["a": 1, "b": "some"]))

// At certain point in your code:
let lastValue = Bus.lastValue() // print the type above!

### Custom Dispatch Queue

You can also specify a queue where the message callback will be called.
By default the `.main` queue is used.

Bus.register(self, queue: .global()) { _ in // in background queue
// do something

## Install

### Swift Package Manager

To install it using the Swift Package Manager specify it as dependency in the Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", branch: "main"),

### CocoaPods

Not yet supported.

## Author

This little experiment was created by [Daniele Margutti](mailto:[email protected]).
If you like it you can fork or open a PR or report an issue.
If you want to support my work just [take a look at my Github Profile](

## License

It's the MIT license.