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the WAMP WebSocket subprotocol implemented purely in Swift using Starscream & SwiftyJSON

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

the WAMP WebSocket subprotocol implemented purely in Swift using Starscream & SwiftyJSON




[![Swift Package Manager compatible](](
## Swamp - Swift WAMP implementation

Swamp is a WAMP implementation in Swift.

It currently supports calling remote procedures, subscribing on topics, and publishing events. It also supports authentication using ticket & wampcra authentication.

Swamp utilizes WebSockets as its only available transport, and JSON as its serialization method.

Contributions to support MessagePack & Raw Sockets will be merged gladly!

## Swift Versions

| Swift Version | Swamp Version | Requirements |
| 2.x | 0.1.x | OSX 10.9 or iOS 8.0 |
| 3 | 0.2.0 and above | OSX 10.10 or iOS 8.0 |

## Installation
### cocoapods
To use Swamp through cocoapods, add

pod 'Swamp', '~> 0.2.0'

to your Podfile. (use `'~> 0.1.0'` for Swift 2)

### Swift Package Manager
To use Swamp through Swift Package Manager, create a Package.swift file:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
name: "SwampTestProject",
targets: [],
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 2)

`$ swift build`

## Usage
#### Connect to router

import Swamp

let swampTransport = WebSocketSwampTransport(wsEndpoint: NSURL(string: "ws://")!)
let swampSession = SwampSession(realm: "router-defined-realm", transport: swampTransport)
// Set delegate for callbacks
// swampSession.delegate =
##### SwampSession constructor parameters
* `realm` - which realm to join
* `transport` - a `SwampTransport` implementation
* `authmethods` `authid` `authrole` `authextra` - See your router's documentation and use accordingly

##### Connection/Disconnection
* `connect()` - Establish transport and perform authentication if configured.
* `disconnect()` - Opposite.

Now you should wait for your delegate's callbacks:

##### SwampSessionDelegate interface
Implement the following methods:

* `func swampSessionHandleChallenge(authMethod: String, extra: [String: AnyObject]) -> String`
* Fired when a challenge request arrives.
* You can `return SwampCraAuthHelper.sign("your-secret", extra["challenge"] as! String)` to support `wampcra` auth method.
* `func swampSessionConnected(session: SwampSession, sessionId: Int)`
* Fired once the session has established and authenticated a session, and has joined the realm successfully. (AKA You may now call, subscribe & publish.)
* `func swampSessionEnded(reason: String)`
* Fired once the connection has ended.
* `reason` is usually a WAMP-domain error, but it can also be a textual description of WTF just happened

#### Let's get the shit started!
* **General note: Lots of callback functions receive args-kwargs pairs, check your other client implementaion to see which of them is utilized, and act accordingly.**

##### Calling remote procedures
Calling may fire two callbacks:

* `onSuccess` - if calling has completed without errors.
* `onError` - If the call has failed. (Either in router or in peer client.)

###### Signature
public func call(proc: String, options: [String: AnyObject]=[:], args: [AnyObject]?=nil, kwargs: [String: AnyObject]?=nil, onSuccess: CallCallback, onError: ErrorCallCallback)

###### Simple use case:
```swift"wamp.procedure", args: [1, "argument1"],
onSuccess: { details, results, kwResults in
// Usually result is in results[0], but do a manual check in your infrastructure
onError: { details, error, args, kwargs in
// Handle your error here (You can ignore args kwargs in most cases)

###### Full use case:
```swift"wamp.procedure", options: ["disclose_me": true], args: [1, "argument1"], kwargs: ["arg1": 1, "arg2": "argument2"],
onSuccess: { details, results, kwResults in
// Usually result is in results[0], but do a manual check in your infrastructure
onError: { details, error, args, kwargs in
// Handle your error here (You can ignore args kwargs in most cases)

##### Subscribing on topics
Subscribing may fire three callbacks:

* `onSuccess` - if subscription has succeeded.
* `onError` - if it has not.
* `onEvent` - if it succeeded, this is fired when the actual event was published.

###### Signature
public func subscribe(topic: String, options: [String: AnyObject]=[:], onSuccess: SubscribeCallback, onError: ErrorSubscribeCallback, onEvent: EventCallback)

###### Simple use case:
session.subscribe("wamp.topic", onSuccess: { subscription in
// subscription can be stored for subscription.cancel()
}, onError: { details, error in

}, onEvent: { details, results, kwResults in
// Event data is usually in results, but manually check blabla yadayada

###### Full use case:
session.subscribe("wamp.topic", options: ["disclose_me": true],
onSuccess: { subscription in
// subscription can be stored for subscription.cancel()
}, onError: { details, error in
// handle error
}, onEvent: { details, results, kwResults in
// Event data is usually in results, but manually check blabla yadayada

##### Publishing events
Publishing may either be called without callbacks (AKA unacknowledged) or with the following two callbacks:

* `onSuccess` - if publishing has succeeded.
* `onError` - if it has not.

###### Signature
// without acknowledging
public func publish(topic: String, options: [String: AnyObject]=[:], args: [AnyObject]?=nil, kwargs: [String: AnyObject]?=nil)
// with acknowledging
public func publish(topic: String, options: [String: AnyObject]=[:], args: [AnyObject]?=nil, kwargs: [String: AnyObject]?=nil, onSuccess: PublishCallback, onError: ErrorPublishCallback) {

###### Simple use case:
session.publish("wamp.topic", args: [1, "argument2"])
###### Full use case:
session.publish("wamp.topic", options: ["disclose_me": true], args: [1, "argument2"], kwargs: ["arg1": 1, "arg2": "argument2"],
onSuccess: {
// Publication has been published!
}, onError: { details, error in
// Handle error (What can it be except wamp.error.not_authorized?)

## Testing
For now, only integration tests against crossbar exist. I plan to add unit tests in the future.

In order to run the tests:

1. Install [Docker for Mac]( (Easy Peasy)
2. Open `Example/Swamp.xcworkspace` with XCode
3. Select `Swamp_Test-iOS` or `Swamp_Test-OSX`
4. Run the tests! (`Product -> Test` or ⌘U)

### Troubleshooting
If for some reason the tests fail, make sure:

* You have docker installed and available at `/usr/local/bin/docker`
* You have an available port 8080 on your machine

You can also inspect `Example/swamp-crossbar-instance.log` to find out what happened with the crossbar instance while the tests were executing.

## Roadmap
1. MessagePack & Raw Sockets
2. Callee role
3. More robust codebase and error handling
4. More generic and comfortable API
5. Advanced profile features

## Contributions

- Yossi Abraham, [email protected] (Author)
- Dany Sousa, @danysousa (Swift 3 support
- Kevin Lanik, @MPKevin (Swift Package Manager support)

## License

I don't care, MIT because it's `pod lib create` default and I'm too lazy to [tldrlegal](