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Gradle plugin that generates ErrorProne, Findbugs, Checkstyle, PMD, CPD, Lint, Detekt & Ktlint Tasks for every subproject.

android checkstyle code-quality cpd detekt errorprone findbugs findbugs-plugin gradle gradle-plugin groovy java kotlin ktlint lint pmd

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Gradle plugin that generates ErrorProne, Findbugs, Checkstyle, PMD, CPD, Lint, Detekt & Ktlint Tasks for every subproject.




# gradle-code-quality-tools-plugin

Gradle plugin that configures [Checkstyle](, [PMD](, [CPD](, [Lint](, [Detekt]( & [Ktlint]( All of these tools are also automatically hooked into the `check` gradle task. Below, I'll go more into depth how each of those plugins are configured.

This plugin requires Gradle 5.0 or later.

# Set up


buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.vanniktech:gradle-code-quality-tools-plugin:0.24.0"

apply plugin: ""

### Snapshot

buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "com.vanniktech:gradle-code-quality-tools-plugin:0.25.0-SNAPSHOT"

apply plugin: ""

## Configuration

The philosophy of this plugin is to fail early. This means having zero warnings / errors reported from any tools. If you're just getting started with this in a large code base you might not be able to achieve this right away in which case you might want to set `failEarly` to `false` and then apply at a finer more granular scope how each tool should behave e.g. `checkstyle { ignoreFailures = false }`.

Those are all the available configurations - shown with default values and their types. More information can be found in the [Kotlin Documentation of the Extension](src/main/kotlin/com/vanniktech/code/quality/tools/CodeQualityToolsPluginExtension.kt) and the respective extensions for designated integrations.

codeQualityTools {
boolean failEarly = true
boolean xmlReports = true
boolean htmlReports = false
boolean textReports = false
String[] ignoreProjects = []

checkstyle {
boolean enabled = true
String toolVersion = '8.6'
String configFile = 'code_quality_tools/checkstyle.xml'
Boolean ignoreFailures = null
Boolean showViolations = null
String source = 'src'
List include = ['**/*.java']
List exclude = ['**/gen/**']
pmd {
boolean enabled = true
String toolVersion = '6.0.0'
String ruleSetFile = 'code_quality_tools/pmd.xml'
Boolean ignoreFailures = null
String source = 'src'
List include = ['**/*.java']
List exclude = ['**/gen/**']
lint {
boolean enabled = true
Boolean textReport = true
String textOutput = 'stdout'
Boolean abortOnError = null
Boolean warningsAsErrors = null
Boolean checkAllWarnings = null
String baselineFileName = null
Boolean absolutePaths = null
File lintConfig = null
Boolean checkReleaseBuilds = false
Boolean checkTestSources = null
Boolean checkDependencies = null
ktlint {
boolean enabled = true
String toolVersion = '0.32.0'
boolean experimental = false
detekt {
boolean enabled = true
String toolVersion = '1.0.0'
String config = 'code_quality_tools/detekt.yml'
String baselineFileName = null
boolean failFast = true
cpd {
boolean enabled = true
String source = 'src'
String language = 'java'
Boolean ignoreFailures = null
int minimumTokenCount = 50
kotlin {
boolean allWarningsAsErrors = true

## Tools

Here I'll give a bit more information about how each of the tools will be applied. If there's a Gradle task that this plugin will generate it will also be hooked up into the `check` Gradle task. This means that when you execute `check` all of the rools will be running for you.

### Checkstyle

It'll apply the [Checkstyle Plugin]( and generate the `checkstyle` task that will execute checkstyle. The configuration properties of `codeQualityTools -> checkstyle` mirror the [properties from the plugin](

### PMD

It'll apply the [PMD Plugin]( and generate the `pmd` task that will execute pmd. The configuration properties of `codeQualityTools -> pmd` mirror the [properties from the plugin](

### CPD

It'll apply the [CPD Plugin]( and generate the `cpdCheck` task that will execute cpd. The configuration properties of `codeQualityTools -> cpd` mirror the [properties from the plugin](

### Lint

This will only work when one of the Android Plugins (``, ``, etc.) are applied. The configuration properties of `codeQualityTools -> lint` mirror the [properties from the lintOptions](

### Detekt

It'll use the specified detekt version and generate the `detektCheck` task which will run detekt on your code base.

### Ktlint

It'll use the specified ktlint version and then generate two tasks. `ktlint` which will run ktlint over your code and flag issues. `ktlintFormat` will reformat your code.

**Note:** There might be some configuration properties that are not mirrored in which case feel free to open a PR. Personally, I don't have the need for all of them.

# License

Copyright (C) 2016 Vanniktech - Niklas Baudy

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0