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An Awesome List of Cognitive Science Resources

List: awesome-cogsci

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An Awesome List of Cognitive Science Resources




# [![Awesome](]( Cognitive Science

As the name goes, our aim is to create a reference guide for all the information that could serve as a great guiding point to someone who is getting started in research that lies at the intersection of the beautifully meshed fields studied under a catch-all called Cognitive Science.

Maintained by: [Abi Aryan](

To contribute, please go through the [Contribution Guidelines]( first. Please feel free to contribute by opening a new issue/pull request or responding to existing ones.

# Why Study this Intersection?
Cognitive Science refers to the study of thought, learning, and mental organization, which draws on aspects of psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and computer science.

# Future Scope

# Roadmap

# Good Reads

1. Theoretical Neuroscience - Dayan, Abbott
2. The Computational Brain by Terrence Sejnowiski & Patricia Churchland
3. Collaborative learning: Cognitive and computational approaches by P Dillenbourg
4. An Ecological Approach to Visual Perception - Gibson, James J
5. The New Executive Brain: Goldberg, Elkhonon
6. The Neuropsychology of Anxiety: Gray, Jeffrey and Neil McNaughton
7. The Emotional Brain: LeDoux, Joseph
8. Affective Neuroscience: Panksepp, Jaak
9. Brain Architecture: Understanding the Basic Plan: Swanson, Larry
10. [Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science]( Andy Clark
11. [Being There: Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again]( Andy Clark
12. [Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence]( Andy Clark
13. [Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension]( Andy Clark
14. [Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind]( Andy Clark
15. [Reasoning about Knowledge]( Joe Halpern et. al.
16. [Becoming Human: A Theory of Ontogeny]( - Michael Tomasello
17. [A Natural History of Human Thinking]( Michael Tomasello
18. [Why We Cooperate]( Michael Tomasello
19. [Constructing a Language: A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition]( Michael Tomasello
20. [The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition]( Michael Tomasello
21. [Reinforcement Learning](h Richard Sutton
22. The Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Pyschology - Jerome Busemeyer
23. Human Cognitive Processing: Analogical Modelling
24. Mind & Nature - Gregory Bateson
25. Steps to an Oncology of Mind - Gregory Bateson
26. Non-linear Dynamics in Human Behavior - Armin Fuchs et. al.
27. [Quantitative Models in Psychology]( Robert McGrath
28. [Actual Causality]( Joe Halpern

1. [The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales]( - Oliver Sacks
2. Awakenings - Oliver Sacks
3. An Anthropologist on Mars - Oliver Sacks
4. [Machines Like Me]( Ian McEwan

1. [Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind]( - V.S. Ramachandran, Sandra Blakeslee, Oliver Sacks
2. The Power of Habit - Charles Duhhigg
3. Atomic Habits - James Clear
4. Machine Intelligence: Perspectives on the Computational Model- Andy Clark, Toribio
5. The Siliman Memorial Lecture Series on the Computer and the Brain - John von Neumann, Ray Kurzweil
6. Choices, Values, and Frames - Amos Tversky, Daniel Kahenmann
7. Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahenmann
8. Preference, Belief, and Similarity: Selected Writings - Amos Tversky
9. [The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience]( - Francisco J. Varela

# MOOCs and Blogs You Must Follow

1. [Neuroecology]( by Adam J. Calhoun
2. [Simulation Neuroscience](
3. [Advancing AI through Cognitive Sciences](

# Become a Professional Researcher in the Subject


2. MIT Media Lab
4. Salk Institute
5. Tye Lab
6. Rotman Research Institute
7. Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
8. UCL Allen Institute for Brain Science
9. Computational Neuroscience Lab, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu


1. Human Connectome Project

# Global Projects and Funding Organisations

1. [White House Brain Initiative](
2. [Human Brain Project](

# Top Challenges and Open Problems in the Field

# Notable Researchers in the Field (in no particular order)
1. Terrence Sejnowski
2. Patricia Churchland
3. Oriol Vinayls
4. Shakir Md.
5. Daniel Zoran
6. Paul Bloom
7. Charles Blundell
8. Benigno Uria
9. Alexander Pritzel
10. Demis Hassabis
11. Daan Wierstra
12. Rosalind Picard
13. Kay Tye
14. Alex Huk
15. Jürgen Schmidhuber
16. Sepp Hochreiter
17. Geoffrey E. Hinton
18. Marvin Minsky
19. TM Mitchell
20. MA Wheeler
21. E Tulving
22. Jordan Peterson
23. Josh Tennenbaum
24. Feiry Cushman
25. Andy Clark
26. Carol Dweck
27. Richard Sutton
28. Judea Pearl
29. Jerome Busemeyer
29. Brendt Brehmer
30. Yoav Shoham
31. Richard Thaler
32. Cass R. Sunstein
33. Dan Ariely
34. Herbert Simon
35. John Von Neumann
36. Joseph (Joe) Halpern

# Relevant Conferences
4. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
7. Bernstein Conference
8. [ESANN](

# Important Papers
1. [Cognitive Psychology for Deep Neural Network by Google Deep Mind](
2. [Foraging for foundations in decision neuroscience: insights from ethology](

# Journals
1. Nature
2. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
3. The Journal of Neuroscience Methods

# Relevant Resources
1. For asking questions [Psychology and Neuroscience beta - Stack Exchange](