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🦕 Asynchronous primitive modules for Deno.

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🦕 Asynchronous primitive modules for Deno.




# async

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Asynchronous primitive modules for [Deno][deno].

[python's asyncio]:

## Usage

### Barrier

`Barrier` is a synchronization primitive that allows multiple tasks to wait
until all of them have reached a certain point of execution before continuing.

import { Barrier } from "$MODULE_VERSION/barrier.ts";

const barrier = new Barrier(3);

async function worker(id: number) {
console.log(`worker ${id} is waiting`);
await barrier.wait();
console.log(`worker ${id} is done`);


### WaitGroup

`WaitGroup` is a synchronization primitive that enables promises to coordinate
and synchronize their execution. It is particularly useful in scenarios where a
specific number of tasks must complete before the program can proceed.

import { delay } from "[email protected]/async/delay.ts";
import { WaitGroup } from "$MODULE_VERSION/wait_group.ts";

const wg = new WaitGroup();

async function worker(id: number) {
console.log(`worker ${id} is waiting`);
await delay(100);
console.log(`worker ${id} is done`);

await wg.wait();

### Lock/RwLock

`Lock` is a mutual exclusion lock that provides safe concurrent access to a
shared value.

import { AsyncValue } from "$MODULE_VERSION/testutil.ts";
import { Lock } from "$MODULE_VERSION/lock.ts";

// Critical section
const count = new Lock(new AsyncValue(0));
await count.lock(async (count) => {
const v = await count.get();
count.set(v + 1);

`RwLock` is a reader-writer lock implementation that allows multiple concurrent
reads but only one write at a time. Readers can acquire the lock simultaneously
as long as there are no writers holding the lock. Writers block all other
readers and writers until the write operation completes.

import { AsyncValue } from "$MODULE_VERSION/testutil.ts";
import { RwLock } from "$MODULE_VERSION/rw_lock.ts";

const count = new RwLock(new AsyncValue(0));

// rlock should allow multiple readers at a time
await Promise.all([...Array(10)].map(() => {
return count.rlock(async (count) => {
console.log(await count.get());

// lock should allow only one writer at a time
await Promise.all([...Array(10)].map(() => {
return count.lock(async (count) => {
const v = await count.get();
count.set(v + 1);

### Mutex

`Mutex` is a mutex (mutual exclusion) is a synchronization primitive that grants
exclusive access to a shared resource.

This is a low-level primitive. Use `Lock` instead of `Mutex` if you need to
access a shared value concurrently.

import { AsyncValue } from "$MODULE_VERSION/testutil.ts";
import { Mutex } from "$MODULE_VERSION/mutex.ts";

const count = new AsyncValue(0);

async function doSomething() {
const v = await count.get();
await count.set(v + 1);

// Critical section
const mu = new Mutex();
await mu.acquire();
try {
await doSomething();
} finally {

### Notify

`Notify` is an async notifier that allows one or more "waiters" to wait for a

import { assertEquals } from "[email protected]/assert/mod.ts";
import { promiseState } from "$MODULE_VERSION/state.ts";
import { Notify } from "$MODULE_VERSION/notify.ts";

const notify = new Notify();
const waiter1 = notify.notified();
const waiter2 = notify.notified();
assertEquals(await promiseState(waiter1), "fulfilled");
assertEquals(await promiseState(waiter2), "pending");
assertEquals(await promiseState(waiter1), "fulfilled");
assertEquals(await promiseState(waiter2), "fulfilled");

### Queue/Stack

`Queue` is a queue implementation that allows for adding and removing elements,
with optional waiting when popping elements from an empty queue.

import { assertEquals } from "[email protected]/assert/mod.ts";
import { Queue } from "$MODULE_VERSION/queue.ts";

const queue = new Queue();
assertEquals(await queue.pop(), 1);
assertEquals(await queue.pop(), 2);
assertEquals(await queue.pop(), 3);

`Stack` is a stack implementation that allows for adding and removing elements,
with optional waiting when popping elements from an empty stack.

import { assertEquals } from "[email protected]/assert/mod.ts";
import { Stack } from "$MODULE_VERSION/stack.ts";

const stack = new Stack();
assertEquals(await stack.pop(), 3);
assertEquals(await stack.pop(), 2);
assertEquals(await stack.pop(), 1);

### Semaphore

A semaphore that allows a limited number of concurrent executions of an

import { Semaphore } from "$MODULE_VERSION/semaphore.ts";

const sem = new Semaphore(5);
const worker = () => {
return sem.lock(async () => {
// do something
await Promise.all([...Array(10)].map(() => worker()));

### promiseState

`promiseState` is used to determine the state of the promise. Mainly for testing

import { promiseState } from "$MODULE_VERSION/mod.ts";

const p1 = Promise.resolve("Resolved promise");
console.log(await promiseState(p1)); // fulfilled

const p2 = Promise.reject("Rejected promise").catch(() => undefined);
console.log(await promiseState(p2)); // rejected

const p3 = new Promise(() => undefined);
console.log(await promiseState(p3)); // pending

### AsyncValue

`AsyncValue` is a class that wraps a value and allows it to be set

import { assertEquals } from "[email protected]/assert/mod.ts";
import { AsyncValue } from "$MODULE_VERSION/testutil.ts";

const v = new AsyncValue(0);
assertEquals(await v.get(), 0);
await v.set(1);
assertEquals(await v.get(), 1);

## License

The code follows MIT license written in [LICENSE](./LICENSE). Contributors need
to agree that any modifications sent in this repository follow the license.