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[![Licence: GPL v3](](LICENCE)

# xy-type-models

xy-type-models is an open-source Fortran-Python application that implements the event-chain and Metropolis Monte Carlo
algorithms for the simulation of XY-type models in statistical physics.

Event-chain and Metropolis simulation is available for the two-dimensional XY and harmonic XY (HXY) spin models. Both
uniform- and Gaussian-noise versions of the Metropolis algorithm are provided. Uniform-noise Metropolis simulation is
available for the two-dimensional Maggs lattice-field electrolyte model in the grand canonical ensemble (for particles).
Gaussian-noise Metropolis simulation is available for the three-dimensional XY model. Each model is defined on a square
or cubic lattice. Unless otherwise stated, the two-dimensional XY model is assumed.

We provide multivalued and elementary versions of the lattice-field electrolyte. In the former, the charge value at
each lattice site can be any integer multiple of the elementary charge, q; in the latter, the charge values are zero or
±q. In order to easily compare with the XY and HXY models, we have set q = 2\pi.

For an introduction to the three-dimensional Maggs lattice-field electrolyte model in the canonical ensemble (for
particles), see [\[Maggs2002\]]( For an introduction to both the
two-dimensional lattice-field electrolyte model in the grand canonical ensemble (for particles) and its equivalence
with the two-dimensional Villain model of magnetism ([\[Villain1975\]](, see [\[Faulkner2015\]](
(Section II and Appendices B and C are particularly useful; the paper itself demonstrates the power of the model in
characterising the nonergodic phase of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition). For an analysis of the
similarities between the HXY model and two-dimensional lattice-field electrolyte, see [\[Faulkner2017\]](

If you use xy-type-models in published work, please cite "Phys. Rev. B 91, 155412 (2015)" [\[Faulkner2015\]](

## Installation

To install xy-type-models, clone this repository, navigate to the top xy-type-models directory and run `make`. The
`make` command creates the eight Fortran executables, and stores them in a new directory called `executables`. The
Fortran executables simulate the Markov processes. Their corresponding source code is contained in the [`src`](src)

The code that analyses the resultant samples (i.e., that contained in the [`sample_analysis`](sample_analysis)
directory) was written in Python and depends on [`numpy`]( Some of it also depends on
[`matplotlib`](, [`rpy2`]( or [`scipy`]( To manage
external Python packages, we use [conda]( environments via the
[miniconda distribution]( However, we found [`rpy2`]( to be buggy when installed via conda. Instead, we `pip install rpy2` from within the project's
conda environment (after having `conda install`ed [`numpy`](, [`matplotlib`](
and [`scipy`](

[``](sample_analysis/ depends on the R packages
[`LaplacesDemon`]( and [`mcmcse`]( To install these R packages: download the binaries [here]( and [here](
and then run `R CMD INSTALL ` in your terminal.

The Fortran code was written in Fortran 90. The Python code is likely to support any Python version >= 3.6 (though we
need to check this). We tested the Fortran / Python code with GNU Fortran (Homebrew GCC 10.2.0_4) 10.2.0 / CPython.

## Implementation

The user interface of xy-type-models consists of the [``]( script and a configuration file. The [``]( script expects the path to the configuration file as the first positional argument. Configuration files should
be located in the [`config_files`](config_files) directory.

To run xy-type-models, open your terminal, navigate to the top directory and enter `python
`. The generated sample data will appear in the location corresponding to the value of
`output_directory` in the configuration file. Sample analysis can then be performed via the Python scripts contained in
the [`sample_analysis`](sample_analysis) directory. Most sample-analysis scripts expect the path to the configuration
file as the first positional argument, but there are some exceptions.

## Configuration files

Configuration files are located in the [`config_files`](config_files) directory. Their contents must follow the
strict algorithm-dependent orders given in the subsections below.

All floats must be given in non-exponential form to 14 significant figures and with the suffix `d0`.

All strings must be enclosed between two apostrophes, e.g., `'string'`. Typically, the value of `output_directory`
starts with `'output/`, i.e., the entire value is of the form `'output/rest_of_string'`, but this is not a requirement
([`output`](output) is the xy-type-models output directory, but we often replace this with `../bc4-output` – the
relative location of the output directory on our cluster machine). For the value of `output_directory`, i) refrain from
giving long strings, as this can lead to Fortran runtime errors, and ii) ensure three tabbed spaces between the value
of `output_directory` and the word `output_directory` itself, as this avoids Fortran errors when performing multiple
runs of the same simulation (the number of runs is set by the value of `no_of_runs`).

The minimum / maximum value of `no_of_temperature_increments` is 0 / 99.

The values of `no_of_runs` and `max_no_of_cpus` must be positive integers. For the value of `max_no_of_cpus`, we
recommend giving half the number of CPUs available on your personal machine, e.g., for a four-core machine with two
threads per core, we set `max_no_of_cpus = 4`; if `no_of_runs = 8`, xy-type-models will perform two sets of four
parallel runs of the same simulation, and similarly for certain sample-analysis processes.

In the case of the
uniform-noise distribution, the value of `width_of_proposal_interval` corresponds to the volume of the support; for the
Gaussian-noise distribution, it corresponds to the standard deviation of the noise distribution.

Note that each configuration file whose name is suffixed with a letter is a Markov-process configuration file, where
the configuration file with no suffix must be used for the sample analysis. For example, in the [`cvm_figs`](
config_files/cvm_figs) configuration-file directory, `64x64_metrop_low_temps_a.txt`, `64x64_metrop_low_temps_b.txt`,
`64x64_metrop_low_temps_c.txt`, `64x64_metrop_low_temps_d.txt` and `64x64_metrop_low_temps_e.txt` are the five
Markov-process configuration files that generate the samples for `64x64_metrop_low_temps.txt`. This allows us to
submit five separate Markov-process runs to the cluster, thus optimising simulation time and ensuring larger system
sizes fall within the time limit.

### hxy-ecmc configuration file (an example)

'hxy-ecmc' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/hxy/ecmc' output_directory
8 integer_lattice_length
10000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
100000 no_of_observations
1.3d0 initial_temperature
1.3d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
0 vacuum_permittivity_sum_cutoff
.false. randomise_initial_field_configuration
.true. use_external_global_moves
.true. measure_magnetisation
.false. measure_helicity
.false. measure_potential
.false. measure_potential_minimising_twists
.false. measure_external_global_moves
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

### hxy-uniform-noise-metropolis configuration file (an example)

'hxy-uniform-noise-metropolis' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/hxy/uniform_noise_metropolis' output_directory
8 integer_lattice_length
100000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
1000000 no_of_observations
1.3d0 initial_temperature
1.3d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
1.0d0 width_of_proposal_interval (initial)
0.44d0 target_acceptance_rate_of_field_rotations
0 vacuum_permittivity_sum_cutoff
.false. randomise_initial_field_configuration
.true. use_external_global_moves
.true. measure_magnetisation
.false. measure_helicity
.false. measure_potential
.false. measure_potential_minimising_twists
.false. measure_external_global_moves
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

### hxy-gaussian-noise-metropolis configuration file (an example)

'hxy-gaussian-noise-metropolis' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/hxy/gaussian_noise_metropolis' output_directory
8 integer_lattice_length
100000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
1000000 no_of_observations
1.3d0 initial_temperature
1.3d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
1.0d0 width_of_proposal_interval (initial)
0.44d0 target_acceptance_rate_of_field_rotations
0 vacuum_permittivity_sum_cutoff
.false. randomise_initial_field_configuration
.true. use_external_global_moves
.true. measure_magnetisation
.false. measure_helicity
.false. measure_potential
.false. measure_potential_minimising_twists
.false. measure_external_global_moves
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

### xy-ecmc configuration file (an example)

'xy-ecmc' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/xy/ecmc' output_directory
8 integer_lattice_length
10000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
100000 no_of_observations
0.8d0 initial_temperature
0.8d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
.false. randomise_initial_field_configuration
.true. use_external_global_moves
.true. measure_magnetisation
.false. measure_helicity
.false. measure_potential
.false. measure_potential_minimising_twists
.false. measure_external_global_moves
.false. measure_twist_relaxations
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

### xy-uniform-noise-metropolis configuration file (an example)

'xy-uniform-noise-metropolis' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/xy/uniform_noise_metropolis' output_directory
8 integer_lattice_length
100000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
1000000 no_of_observations
0.8d0 initial_temperature
0.8d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
1.0d0 width_of_proposal_interval (initial)
0.44d0 target_acceptance_rate_of_field_rotations
.false. randomise_initial_field_configuration
.true. use_external_global_moves
.true. measure_magnetisation
.false. measure_helicity
.false. measure_potential
.false. measure_potential_minimising_twists
.false. measure_external_global_moves
.false. measure_twist_relaxations
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

### xy-gaussian-noise-metropolis configuration file (an example)

'xy-gaussian-noise-metropolis' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/xy/gaussian_noise_metropolis' output_directory
8 integer_lattice_length
100000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
1000000 no_of_observations
0.8d0 initial_temperature
0.8d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
1.0d0 width_of_proposal_interval (initial)
0.44d0 target_acceptance_rate_of_field_rotations
.false. randomise_initial_field_configuration
.true. use_external_global_moves
.true. measure_magnetisation
.false. measure_helicity
.false. measure_potential
.false. measure_potential_minimising_twists
.false. measure_external_global_moves
.false. measure_twist_relaxations
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

### elementary-electrolyte configuration file (an example)

'elementary-electrolyte' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/electrolyte/elementary' output_directory
8 integer_lattice_length
100000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
1000000 no_of_observations
1.5d0 initial_temperature
1.5d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
1.0d0 width_of_proposal_interval (initial)
0.44d0 target_acceptance_rate_of_field_rotations
0.66666666666666d0 charge_hop_proportion
.true. use_external_global_moves
.false. measure_electric_field_sum
.true. measure_potential
.false. measure_external_global_moves
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

### multivalued-electrolyte configuration file (an example)

'multivalued-electrolyte' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/electrolyte/multivalued' output_directory
8 integer_lattice_length
100000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
1000000 no_of_observations
1.5d0 initial_temperature
1.5d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
1.0d0 width_of_proposal_interval (initial)
0.44d0 target_acceptance_rate_of_field_rotations
0.66666666666666d0 charge_hop_proportion
.true. use_external_global_moves
.false. measure_electric_field_sum
.true. measure_potential
.false. measure_external_global_moves
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

### 3dxy configuration file (an example)

'3dxy-gaussian-noise-metropolis' algorithm_name
'output/convergence_tests/3dxy' output_directory
4 integer_lattice_length
10000 no_of_equilibration_sweeps
100000 no_of_observations
0.5d0 initial_temperature
0.5d0 final_temperature
0 no_of_temperature_increments
1.0d0 width_of_proposal_interval (initial)
0.44d0 target_acceptance_rate_of_field_rotations
.false. randomise_initial_field_configuration
.false. use_external_global_moves
.true. measure_magnetisation
.false. measure_potential
1 no_of_runs
0 initial_run_index
1 max_no_of_cpus

## Convergence tests

In order to test the convergence of our code, we run (for example)
`python config_files/convergence_tests/xy/ecmc.txt` followed by
`python sample_analysis/ config_files/convergence_tests/xy/ecmc.txt` (and similarly for the other
seven algorithms).

This computes the effective sample size of the sample generated by the Markov process and produces a plot of the
cumulative distribution functions of both a reference sample and the generated sample. If the two cumulative
distribution functions agree, we can be fairly sure that the code is working. Unit tests would be preferable, but we
didn't have time to create any.

## Code structure

The structure of the Fortran 90 code is very much non-beautiful! This is because Fortran 90 does not lend itself well
to object-oriented programming. However, Fortran is a very fast language, so xy-type-models is useful for numerical
experiments that require large system and sample sizes, e.g., the analysis of both ergodicity breaking and general
symmetry breaking at the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition.

While xy-type-models does not use classes, it is still relatively modular. The main program scripts are [
`ecmc_algorithm.f90`](src/ecmc_algorithm.f90) and [`metropolis_algorithm.f90`](src/metropolis_algorithm.f90). Each main
program calls many subroutines, each of which is contained in its eponymous file, e.g., [
`pre_simulation_processes.f90`](src/pre_simulation_processes.f90) (for subroutines common to all models and simulation
methods) and [`xy_ecmc_read_config_file.f90`](src/xy_models/xy/ecmc/xy_ecmc_read_config_file.f90) (for subroutines
common to, e.g., the xy-ecmc algorithm). There are a couple of exceptions: each subroutine that is only used in one
other program or subroutine is located beneath that program or subroutine.

In the future, we would like to integrate these XY-type models into [super-aLby](, our object-oriented Python application for super-relativistic Monte
Carlo simulation. super-aLby uses the [mediator-design pattern]( and is
therefore highly modular and beautiful. This would require additional super-aLby functionality for both the models and
Metropolis/event-chain simulation. The slow functions would then be rewritten using the Fortran (or perhaps equivalent
C) code of xy-type-models. We would then benchmark super-aLby against xy-type-models; if the total CPU times prove to
be similar, this would provide evidence for Fortran/C code contained within a mediator-based, object-oriented Python
structure being the optimal approach to coding in statistical physics (since Python is relatively easy to read and
write and contains a lot of functionality).

## Makefiles

In the top directory, the `make` command runs the [`makefile`](makefile) contained there. By running eight different
makefiles, this creates all eight executables (`xy_ecmc_algorithm.exe`, `xy_uniform_noise_metropolis_algorithm.exe`,
`xy_gaussian_noise_metropolis_algorithm.exe`, `hxy_ecmc_algorithm.exe`, `hxy_uniform_noise_metropolis_algorithm.exe`,
`hxy_gaussian_noise_metropolis_algorithm.exe`, `elementary_electrolyte_algorithm.exe`,
`multivalued_electrolyte_algorithm.exe` and `3dxy_gaussian_noise_metropolis_algorithm.exe`) and stores them in a new
directory called `executables`.

Each makefile is located in the youngest child directory corresponding to the relevant algorithm, e.g., the
[`makefile`](src/xy_models/xy/ecmc/makefile) for `xy_ecmc_algorithm.exe` is contained in [the xy-ecmc directory](
src/xy_models/xy/ecmc). To create a single Fortran executable, open your terminal, navigate to the top xy-type-models
directory and enter `make xy-ecmc`, `make xy-uniform-noise-metropolis`, `make xy-gaussian-noise-metropolis`,
`make hxy-ecmc`, `make hxy-uniform-noise-metropolis`, `make hxy-gaussian-noise-metropolis`,
`make elementary-electrolyte`, `make multivalued-electrolyte` or `make 3dxy`. This will create the corresponding
executable and store it in the `executables` directory.

## *Sampling algorithms in statistical physics* [\[Faulkner2022a\]](

This details how to make its XY figures.

### Figure 12

- Run each configuration file in [`config_files/sampling_algos_xy_figs`](
config_files/sampling_algos_xy_figs) via the command `python config_files/sampling_algos_xy_figs/16x16_ecmc.txt`,

- Once all simulations are complete, run the relevant sample-analysis script via the command
`python sample_analysis/ False`.

### Figures 2, 9, 10 and 11

Go to [super-aLby]( and follow the
instructions in the [README]( We aim to eventually
integrate xy-type-models into [super-aLby](

## *General symmetry breaking at a topological phase transition* [\[Faulkner2022b\]](

This details how to make its figures.

### Figures 1 and 2a

1. Run each configuration file in [`config_files/mag_evolution_figs`](
config_files/mag_evolution_figs) via the command `python config_files/mag_evolution_figs/16x16_ecmc.txt`,

2. Once all simulations are complete, run the relevant sample-analysis script via the command
`python sample_analysis/`.

### Figures 2b-c

1. Complete Figures 3a-c (as their analysed data is used in this figure).
2. Run each configuration file in [`config_files/twist_figs`](
config_files/twist_figs) via the command `python config_files/twist_figs/4x4_low_temp_all.txt`,

3. Once all simulations are complete, run the relevant sample-analysis script via the command
`python sample_analysis/`.

Simulations for Figures 2b-c require approximately 3.6TB of scratch space.

### Figures 3a-c

1. Run each configuration file in [`config_files/cdf_figs`](
config_files/cdf_figs) via the command `python config_files/cdf_figs/64x64_ecmc.txt`,

2. Once all simulations are complete, run the relevant sample-analysis script via the command
`python sample_analysis/`.

### Figures 3d-e

1. Run each configuration file in [`config_files/cvm_figs`](
config_files/cvm_figs) via the command `python config_files/cvm_figs/4x4_ecmc.txt`,

2. Once all simulations are complete, run the relevant sample-analysis script via the command
`python sample_analysis/`.

As the Cramér-von Mises statistic converges on long simulation timescales, these simulations require significant
amounts of temporary scratch space to store the samples before analysis. Simulations of each system composed of *N* <=
32x32 sites require approximately 2.5TB of scratch space. Simulations of each system composed of *N* > 32x32 require
approximately 4.75TB of scratch space. (NB, the required scratch space increases with system size because the
directional mixing timescale increases with system size at low temperature; indeed, we do not present estimate the
estimate of the *N* = 128x128 CvM statistic at beta J = 1 / 0.3 (the lowest value of the temperature for all
*N* <= 64x64) as it has not converged on the timescale defined in the configuration file).

The total required scratch space is therefore around 20TB. If you are limited to 20TB or less, we suggest,
for example, running all simulations for systems composed of *N* <= 32x32 sites and then running
`python sample_analysis/ 4` (where the `4` restricts the script to analysing the four smallest system
sizes). Then delete the samples and run the simulations of the *N* > 32x32 systems before running
`python sample_analysis/`. Analysis including the *N* > 32x32 systems require around 2.5GB of memory
per processor. For the smaller systems, 2GB of memory per processor should be ample.

For clarity, we detail the required space below in terms of each configuration file.

For each Metropolis configuration file with the suffix `low_temps`:
1. Those for systems composed of *N* <= 32x32 sites require approximately 1.1TB of scratch space.
2. Those for systems composed of *N* > 32x32 sites require approximately 3.3TB of scratch space.

Each Metropolis configuration file with the suffix `lower_trans` requires approximately 1.1TB of scratch space.

Each Metropolis configuration file with the suffix `upper_trans` or `high_temps` requires approximately 210GB of
scratch space.

Each ECMC configuration file requires approximately 40GB of scratch space.

### Figure 4

Run the relevant script via the command `python sample_analysis/`.

## Citation

If you use xy-type-models in published work, please cite "Phys. Rev. B 91, 155412 (2015)" [\[Faulkner2015\]](