
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Quick T3 Stack with SvelteKit for rapid deployment of highly performant typesafe web apps.

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Quick T3 Stack with SvelteKit for rapid deployment of highly performant typesafe web apps.





*Looking for Maintainers! Message me...*


NPM version




Just Build

npx create-t3svelte-app

## Outline

* [Get Building](#get-building)
* [npm](#npm)
* [yarn](#yarn)
* [Prisma Requirements](#prisma-requirements)
* [Available Templates](#available-templates)
* [Standard](#standard-recommended)
* [Custom (Modular)](#custom-modular-build)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Caveats & Addendums](#caveats--addendums)
* [Server-Side Rendering](#server-side-rendering)
* [Vercel's Edge Cache for Serverless Functions](#vercels-edge-cache-for-serverless-functions)
* [Shoutouts](#shoutouts)
* [License](#license)

## Get Building

create-t3svelte-app is completely modular. Choose the components you need!

✅ Elegant full-stack framework powered by [SvelteKit](
✅ Static typing support with [TypeScript](
✅ End-to-end typesafe APIs with [tRPC](
✅ Enjoyable database interaction with [Prisma](
✅ Efficient styling with [Tailwind CSS](

### npm

npx create-t3svelte-app@latest

### yarn

yarn create t3svelte-app

### Prisma Requirements

If you choose not to init DB on first build, you can initialize prisma db at any time by editing the `DATABASE_URL` in `.env` and then running `npx prisma db pull` and `npx prisma generate`. You can read more about Prisma on their [docs](

## Available Templates

A simple CLI with highly opinionated, out-of-the-box ready SvelteKit/tRPC/Prisma/Tailwind application. CLI options include 'Standard' and 'Custom' (modular build). Just run and start building.

### Standard (Recommended)

- [**SvelteKit**](
- [**TypeScript**](
- [**tRPC**]( - preconfigured with example API call in `+page.svelte`
- [**Tailwind CSS**]( - preconfigured with eslint/prettier & 'tailwind prettier plugin' integration
- [**Prisma ORM**]( - CLI option to initialize DB on run - no need to run `prisma db pull` or `prisma db generate`

### Custom (Modular Build)

#### Tech Stack Options:

- SvelteKit
- TypeScript || JavaScript
- tRPC
- Tailwind CSS
- Prisma ORM

#### Tool Options:

- [ESLint](
- [Prettier](
- [Tailwind Prettier Plugin](
- [Prisma ORM](
- [Svelte Headless UI](
- [Svelte HeroIcons](

#### Config Options:

- Git Init
- DB Auto Configure w/ Prisma (Postgresql, MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite)
- Auto Dependency Install

## Contributing

See a bug? Want to help? Easiest way is to clone the main repo and run `npm link` in the cloned directory. You can code and then run `create-t3svelte-app` in any directory.

git clone
cd create-t3svelte-app
npm i
npm link
mkdir test-project
cd test-project

Run `npm unlink create-t3svelte-app` to undo.

## Caveats & Addendums

### Server-Side Rendering

If you need to use the tRPC client in SvelteKit's [`load()`]( function for SSR, make sure to initialize it like so:

// $lib/trpcClient.ts

import { browser } from '$app/env';
import type { Router } from '$lib/trpcServer';
import * as trpc from '@trpc/client';
import type { LoadEvent } from "@sveltejs/kit";

const url = browser ? '/trpc' : 'http://localhost:3000/trpc';
export default (loadFetch?: LoadEvent['fetch']) =>
url: loadFetch ? '/trpc' : url,
transformer: trpcTransformer,
...(loadFetch && { fetch: loadFetch as typeof fetch })


Then use it like so:

// src/routes/+authors.svelte

import trpcClient from '$lib/trpcClient';
import type { Load } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export const load: Load = async ({ fetch }) => { // 👈 make sure to pass in this fetch, not the global fetch
const authors = await trpcClient(fetch).query('authors:browse', {
genre: 'fantasy',
return { props: { authors } };

### Vercel's Edge Cache for Serverless Functions

Your server responses must [satisfy some criteria]( in order for them to be cached on Vercel's Edge Network. tRPC's `responseMeta()` comes in handy here since you can initialize your handle in [`src/hooks.server.ts`]( like so:

// src/hooks.server.ts

import { router } from '$lib/trpcServer';
import { createTRPCHandle } from 'trpc-sveltekit';

export const handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
const response = await createTRPCHandle({
url: '/trpc',
responseMeta({ type, errors }) {
if (type === 'query' && errors.length === 0) {
const ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24;
return {
headers: {
'cache-control': `s-maxage=1, stale-while-revalidate=${ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS}`
return {};

return response;

## Shoutouts

- [Theo @ T3]( for T3 Stack inspiration!
- [Nexxel]( for the OG create-t3-app!
- [Ionut-Cristian Florescu]( for his wonderful work on SvelteKit + tRPC & SSR Info!
- [Ryan Gossiaux]( for enabling TailwindUI & HeadlessUI on Svelte!

## License