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Grunt plugin to automate Jasmine suite execution for Apache Cordova plugins, inside emulators and devices

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Grunt plugin to automate Jasmine suite execution for Apache Cordova plugins, inside emulators and devices




# grunt-cordova-jasmine
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> This project contains a Grunt plugin which automates [Jasmine]( Test Suite execution for [Apache Cordova]( plugins. _Currently only the **Android** part is implemented._

You can find a relevant video which depicts the execution procedure [here](

## Getting Started
This plugin assumes that **Android SDK**, **Ant** and **Git** are already configured in the execution environment.

The plugin requires Grunt `~0.4.1`

If you haven't used [Grunt]( before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started]( guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile]( as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-cordova-jasmine --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


## execute-jasmine-suite task
> This task configures the Cordova libraries, sets the given Cordova version, creates a Cordova project, installs the given plugin and executes the configured Jasmine test suite inside emulators and devices. You can execute the task by using:

_`execute-jasmine-suite:jasmine-suite-1`_ where jasmine-suite-1 is the jasmine id as shown below

grunt_cordova_jasmine: {
jasmine: [{
id: "jasmine-suite-1",
project: {
android: {
targetDir: "./temp/projects/cordova-android",
name: "CordovaAndroid",
package_name: "",
sdk: 'android-18',
cordova_version: "3.0.0"
plugin_test: {
targetDir: "./temp/plugins",
testsDir: "./tests",
testsuite: "index.html",
plugin: '../aerogear-pushplugin-cordova'
platforms: ["android"],
device_ids: {
android: [/*"emulator-5554", "emulator-5558"*/]
cordova_libs: {
android: {
path: '',
git: {
url: "",
targetDir: "./temp/cordova-libraries"
### Gruntfile Configuration

Type: `String`
Description: `A custom identifier which helps the plugin to read the correct configuration from the Gruntfile`
Usage: [required]

Type: `String`
Description: `Specifies the directory of the new Cordova Android project which is created by the plugin`
Usage: [required]

Type: `String`
Description: `Specifies the main activity name`
Usage: [required]

Type: `String`
Description: `Specifies the project's package`
Usage: [required]

Type: `String`
Description: `Specifies the target SDK`
Usage: [optional]

Type: `String`
Description: `Specifies the Cordova version`
Usage: [optional]
_This plugin has been tested for Cordova versions >=3.0.0_

#### jasmine.plugin_test.targetDir
Type: `String`
Description: `Specifies the directory to hold the fetched plugin`
Usage: [required]

#### jasmine.plugin_test.testsDir
Type: `String`
Description: `Specifies the directory which contains all the test resources (Jasmine Test Suite, JS libraries etc)`
Usage: [required]

#### jasmine.plugin_test.testsuite
Type: `String`
Description: `Specifies the Jasmine Test Suite which will be executed inside the emulators/devices`
Usage: [required]

#### jasmine.plugin_test.plugin
Type: `String`
Description: `Local path of the plugin which is under testing or the Cordova plugin's registry id`
Usage: [required]

Type: `String`
Description: `Local path of the cordova-android library`
Usage: [optional]
_If this setting is not provided, the cordova-android library will be cloned from GitHub_

Type: `String`
Description: `GitHub URL of the repository which holds the cordova-android library`
Usage: [optional]

Type: `String`
Description: `The directory to hold the cloned cordova-android repository`
Usage: [optional]

If cordova_libs_android_path is defined, then cordova_libs.git.url && cordova_libs.git.targetDir settings are ignored. If all settings are empty then the proccess stops with a failure status.

#### jasmine.platforms
Type: `Array`
Description: `Specifies the target platforms`
_Currently only **android** is supported_

Type: `Array`
Description: `Specifies the emulator/device serial numbers in which the Jasmine Suite should be executed.`
_If it is empty, the tests will be executed inside all the available emulators/devices recognized during the process execution._

## Important Notes
The plugin expects that the Jasmine Test Suite contains the Jasmine HTML reporter.






The Html reporter name should match one of the following regular expressions:

`jasmine([^>]*)html([^>]*)js` or `HtmlReporter([^>]*)js`

In addition the plugin searches for a Jasmine [addReporter]( and adds a custom reporter after this line.

Note that when selecting a specific cordova version, the [framework]( app of cordova-android requires a specific target sdk to be installed. Make sure that this target sdk is installed in your environment. In the [example]( which is shipped with the project, the cordova version is set to be [3.0.0]( This means that you must have android target sdk android-17 installed in your environment, since cordova-android version 3.0.0 requires the target sdk android-17.

## Example
> The [example]( folder contains a sample example which depicts how to use this plugin. This example is running on [Travis CI](

## Release History

### 0.1.0
*Released 01 November 2013*

* Initial release