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A Python GraphQL Client library providing ability to validate and make type-safe GraphQL calls

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A Python GraphQL Client library providing ability to validate and make type-safe GraphQL calls




DEPRECATION NOTICE: this package is deprecated in favor of the new changes made in `gql` over at

# GQL: Python GraphQL Client Library

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## Introduction

GQL is a GraphQL Client Python library intended to help Python application make GraphQL
API call while enjoying the advantages that come with GraphQL.

- **Strongly Typed** response objects (dynamically created in build time to match your query)
- **Query Validation** that checks your code's queries against the GraphQL server's schema.

## Installation

Simply install from PyPi:

pip install gql-next

Then go to your project folder and run `gql init`

## Quick Start

`gql` works by parsing query files (`**/*.graphql` by default) into their own Python module where
an class, named after the operation defined in the file, allows you to make that query and get a typed

For example, given the following file `get_film.graphql` file:
query GetFilm($id: ID!) {
film(id: $id) {

A `` will be created defining a `GetFilm` class:

# AUTOGENERATED file. Do not Change!
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, List
from enum import Enum
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from gql.clients import Client, AsyncIOClient

class GetFilm:
class GetFilmData:
class Film:
title: str
director: str
film: Film = None

data: GetFilmData = None
errors: Any = None

def execute(cls, id: str, on_before_callback: Callable[[Mapping[str, str], Mapping[str, str]], None] = None) -> GetFilm:

async def execute_async(cls, id: str, on_before_callback: Callable[[Mapping[str, str], Mapping[str, str]], None] = None) -> GetFilm:

Allowing you to make the GraphQL query:

from .get_film import GetFilm

result = GetFilm.execute('meaning_of_life')
film =

*Important notes:*
* Operations defined in graphql query __must be named__ so that we can name the relevant Python Class which you can then import in your code

## How it works

### The `gql` client

#### `gql init`
Initializes a project to use GQL as client - writes a .gql.json configuration file.

#### `gql run`

Run through your project's files and compile GraphQL queries into into Python types.

#### `gql watch`

Useful during development. Listen to file changes in your project's folder and continuously
builds GraphQL queries as they change.
This allows you to:
* Immediately verify query changes you make are valid.
* Enjoy your IDE's autocomplete features on GraphQL auto-generated objects while developing
as `watch` will auto-update them as you change queries.

# Sponsors