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A kubectl plugin that makes kubectl smart with name search.Type less letters!Save more life!

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A kubectl plugin that makes kubectl smart with name search.Type less letters!Save more life!




# kubectl-smart
A kubectl plugin that makes kubectl smart with name search.Type less letters!Save more life!

# Installation
using curl:
curl -LO
chmod +x ./kubectl-smart
sudo mv ./kubectl-smart /usr/local/bin/kubectl-smart
kubectl smart -h

using krew:
kubectl smart -h

# Usage

smart sub_command [options...] [name_pattern...]
gp : shortcut for get pod
l,logs : shortcut for logs
e,exec : shortcut for exec
edp : shortcut for edit pod
ed,edit : shortcut for edit
dp : shortcut for delete pod
g : shortcut for get
h,help : show this message
-n : namespace
-w,--wide : TODO get with wide output
-f,--follow : follow log output
--tail : tail logs
-t : --tty=true: Stdin is a TTY
-i : --stdin=true: Pass stdin to the container
-s : sort by create datetime
-c : TODO container name.
-e : use exact match rather than grep. Only use this when you want to disable grep when grep return multi items.
# if you installed through krew, you should **kubectl smart** to replace **kubectl s**
# get pod with name contains my in namespace her-namespace
# (kubectl get pod -n her-namespace-a |grep my)
kubectl smart gp -n her.*a my

# get log for pod with name my
# (kubectl logs --tail 100 -f $(kubectl get pods | awk '/my/ {print $1;exit}'))
kubectl smart l my

# exec into pod
# kubectl exec -ti my-pod-i3jx bash
kubectl smart e my bash

# get deploy with name contains my
# (kubectl get deploy | grep my)
kubectl smart g deploy my

alias k=`kubectl smart`

# get pod with ascending sort
# --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
k gp my -s

# get pod with descending sort
# --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
k gp my -s | tac