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Filterable (grep, head and tail) HTTP file server

go golang

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Filterable (grep, head and tail) HTTP file server




# NVGD - Night Vision Goggles Daemon

HTTP file server to help DevOps.

[![Go Report Card](](


* [How to use](#how-to-use)
* [Acceptable path](#acceptable-path)
* [Protocols](#protocols)
* [Configuration file](#configuration-file)
* [File Protocol Handler](#file-protocol-handler)
* [Command Protocol Handlers](#command-protocol-handlers)
* [S3 Protocol Handlers](#config-s3-protocol-handlers)
* [Config DB Protocol Handler](#config-db-protocol-handler)
* [Configure filters](#configure-filters)
* [Default Filters](#default-filters)
* [Filters](#filters)
* [Prefix Aliases](#prefix-aliases)

## How to use

Download an archive file which matches to your environment from [latest

Extract an executable `nvgd` or `nvgd.exe` from the archive file. Then copy it
to one of directory in PATH environment variable. (ex. `/usr/local/bin`)


$ nvgd


$ curl

NOTE: Pre-compiled binary for Linux is built with newer glibc. So it can't be
run on Linux with old glibc, like CentOS 7 or so. In that case, you must
compile nvgd by your self. Please check next section to build from source.

### Build from source

Nvgd uses `replace` directives. So it couldn't be installed with `go install`
for now.

Requirements to build:

* Go 1.19 or above (1.20.4 is recommended)
* Git
* C compiler (gcc or clang) for CGO

# Check out source.
$ git clone -b v1.12.2 --depth 1 nvgd

# Change current working directory.
$ cd nvgd

# Build and install.
$ go install

See also: [How to build on CentOS 7](doc/

## Acceptable path

Nvgd accepts path in these like format:


### Protocols

Nvgd supports these `protocol`s:

* `file` - `/file:///path/to/source`
* support [glob][globspec] like `*`


* `command` - result of pre-defined commands
* `s3obj`
* get object: `/s3obj://bucket-name/key/to/object`
* `s3list`
* list common prefixes and objects: `/s3list://bucket-name/prefix/of/key`
* `db` - query pre-defined databases
* query `id` and `email` form users in `db_pq`:

/db://db_pq/select id,email from users

* support multiple databases:

/db://db_pq2/foo/select id,email from users
/db://db_pq2/bar/select id,email from users

This searches from `foo` and `bar` databases.

* show query form for `db_pq`:


* `db-dump` - dump tables to XLSX.

curl -o dst.xlsx

Or access `` by web browser.
Then start to download a excel file.

* `db-restore` - restore (clear all and import) tables from XLSX.

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' \
--data-binary @src.xlsx

Or access `` by web browser.
You can upload a excel file from the form.

* `db-update` - update tables by XLSX (upsert)

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' \
--data-binary @src.xlsx

Or access `` by web browser.
You can upload a excel file from the form.

* `redis` - access to redis.

[See document for details](doc/

* `trdsql` - TRDSQL query editor

[See docuemnt for detail](doc/

* `echarts` - ECharts query editor

[See docuemnt for detail](doc/

* `examples` - Example files to use demo/document of filters

* `config` - current nvgd's configuration

`/config://` or `/config/` (alias)

* `help` - show help ( of nvgd.

`/help://` or `/help/` (alias)

It would be better that combining with `markdown` filter.


* `version` - show nvgd's version

Path is `/version://` or `/version/` (alias)

See also:

* [Filters](#filters)

## Configuration file

Nvgd takes a configuration file in YAML format. A file `nvgd.conf.yml` in
current directory or given file with `-c` option is loaded at start.

`nvgd.conf.yml` consist from these parts:

# Listen IP address and port (OPTIONAL, default is "")
addr: ""

# Path prefix for absolute links, use for sub-path multiple tenancy
path_prefix: /tenant_name/

# Destination (path or keyword) for error log, default is `(stderr)`
error_log: (stderr)

# Destination (path or keyword) for access log, default is `(discard)`
access_log: (stdout)

# File which served as "/" root.
root_contents_file: "/opt/nvgd/index.html"

# Configuration for protocols (OPTIONAL)

# File protocol handler's configuration.

# Pre-defined command handlers.

# AWS S3 protocol handler configuration (see other section, OPTIONAL).

# DB protocol handler configuration (OPTIONAL, see below)

# Configuration for each filters (OPTIONAL)




# Default filters: pair of path prefix and filter description.

# Custom prefix aliases, see later "Prefix Aliases" section.

# Enable "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" (CORS).
# This value is put with "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header in responses.
access_control_allow_origin: "*"

### File Protocol Handler


- '/var/log/'
- '/etc/'

- '/etc/ssh'
- '/etc/passwd'

use_unixtime: true

This configuration has `locations`, `forbiddens` properties. These props
define accessible area of file system.

When paths are given as `locations`, only those paths are permitted to access,
others are forbidden. Otherwise, all paths are accessible.

When `forbiddens` are given, those paths can't be accessed even if it is under
path in `locations`.

If the value of `use_unixtime` property is set to true, UNIX time will be used
instead of RFC1123 for all time expressions: `modified_at` or so.

### Command Protocol Handlers

Configuration of pre-defined command protocol handler maps a key to
corresponding command source.


"df": "df -h"
"lstmp": "ls -l /tmp"

This enables two resources under `command` protocol.

* `/command://df`
* `/command://lstmp`

You could add filters of course, like: `/command://df?grep=re:foo`

### Config S3 Protocol Handlers

Configuration of S3 protocor handlers consist from 2 parts: `default` and
`buckets`. `default` part cotains default configuration to connect S3. And
`buckets` part could contain configuration for each buckets specific.


# IANA timezone to show times (optional). "Asia/Tokyo" for JST.
timezone: Asia/Tokyo

# default configuration to connect to S3 (REQUIRED for S3)

# Access key ID for S3 (REQUIRED)
access_key_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Secret access key (REQUIRED)
secret_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Access point to connect (OPTIONAL, default is "ap-northeast-1")
region: ap-northeast-1

# Session token to connect (OPTIONAL, default is empty: not used)
session_token: xxxxxxx

# MaxKeys for S3 object listing. valid between 1 to 1000.
# (OPTIONAL, default is 1000)
max_keys: 10

# HTTP PROXY to access S3. (OPTIONAL, default is empty: direct access)
http_proxy: "http://your.proxy:port"

# bucket specific configurations (OPTIONAL)

# bucket name can be specified as key.
# same properties with "default" can be placed at here.

# other buckets can be added here.

# UNIX time will be used instead of RFC1123 for all time expression:
# `modified_at` or so. (OPTIONAL)
use_unixtime: true

### Config DB Protocol Handler

Sample of configuration for DB protocol handler.

# key could be set favorite name for your database
# driver supports 'postgres' or 'mysql' for now
driver: 'postgres'
# name is driver-specific source name (DSN)
name: 'postgres://pqgotest:password@localhost/pqgotest?sslmode=verify-full'
# limit number of rows for a query (default: 100)
max_rows: 50

# sample of connecting to MySQL
driver: 'mysql'
name: 'user:password@/dbname'

With above configuration, you will be able to access those databases with below URLs or commands.

* `curl ''`
* `curl ''`


To restore or update MySQL database with `db-restore` or `db-update` protocol,
we recommend to use TRADITIONAL mode to make MySQL checks types strictly. You
should add `?sql_mode=TRADITIONAL` to connection URL to enabling it.


driver: mysql
name: "mysql:abcd1234@tcp("

#### Multiple Databases in an instance

To make DB protocol handler connect with multiple databases in an instance,
there are 3 steps to make it enable.

1. Add `multiple_database: true` property to DB configuration.
2. Add `{{.dbname}}` placeholder in value of `name`.
3. Access to URL `/db://DBNAME@db_pq/you query`.

DBNAME is used to expand `{{.dbname}}` in above.

As a result, your configuration would be like this:

driver: 'postgres'
name: 'postgres://pqgotest:password@localhost/{{.dbname}}?sslmode=verify-full'
multiple_database: true

# sample of connecting to MySQL
driver: 'mysql'
name: 'user:password@/{{.dbname}}'
multiple_database: true

### Configure filters

Some filters can be configured by `filters` section.

* `custom_css_urls`: Array of string. Specify external CSS's URL for each string.

Supported filters: htmltable, indexhtml, markdown

Example: markdown filter outputs two `link` elements to including external CSS.
indexhtml filters outputs a `link` elements for CSS.



### Default Filters

Default filters provide a capability to apply implicit filters depending on
path prefixes. See [Filters](#filters) for detail of filters.

To apply `tail` filter for under `/file:///var/log/` path:

- "tail"

If you want to show last 100 lines, change like this:

- "tail=limit:100"

You can specify different filters for paths.

- "tail"
- "head"

Default filters can be ignored separately by [all (pseudo) filter](#all-pseudo-filter).

Default filters are ignored for directories source of file protocols.

## Filters

Nvgd supports these filters:

* [Grep filter](#grep-filter)
* [Head filter](#head-filter)
* [Tail filter](#tail-filter)
* [Cut filter](#cut-filter)
* [Pager filter](#pager-filter)
* [Hash filter](#hash-filter)
* [LTSV filter](#ltsv-filter)
* [JSONArray filter](#jsonarray-filter)
* [Index HTML filter](#index-html-filter)
* [HTML Table filter](#html-table-filter)
* [Text Table filter](#text-table-filter)
* [Markdown filter](#markdown-filter)
* [Refresh filter](#refresh-filter)
* [Download filter](#download-filter)
* [TRDSQL filter](#trdsql-filter)
* [Echarts filter](#echarts-filter)
* [All (pseudo) filter](#all-pseudo-filter)

### Filter Spec

Where `{filters}` is:


Where `{filter}` is:


Where `{options}` is:


See other section for detail of each filters.

Example: get last 50 lines except empty lines.


### Grep filter

Output lines which matches against regular expression.

As default, matching is made for whole line. But when valid option `field` is
given, then matching is made for specified a field, which is splitted by
`delim` character.

`grep` command equivalent.

* filter\_name: `grep`
* options
* `re` - regular expression used for match.
* `match` - output when match or not match. default is true.
* `field` - a match target N'th field counted from 1.
default is none (whole line).
* `delim` - field delimiter string (default: TAB character).
* `context` - show a few lines before and after the matched line.
default is `0` (no contexts).
* `number` - prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number.
when `true`

### Head filter

Output the first N lines.

`head` command equivalent.

* filter\_name: `head`
* options
* `start` - start line number for output. default is 0.
* `limit` - line number for output. default is 10.

### Tail filter

Output the last N lines.

`tail` command equivalent.

* filter\_name: `tail`
* options
* `limit` - line number for output. default is 10.

### Cut filter

Output selected fields of lines.

`cut` command equivalent.

* filter\_name: `cut`
* options:
* `delim` - field delimiter string (default: TAB character).
* `white` - use consecutive whites as one single field separator (default: false)
* `list` - selected fields, combinable by comma `,`.
* `N` - N'th field counted from 1.
* `N-M` - from N'th, to M'th field (included).
* `N-` - from N'th field, to end of line.
* `-N` - from first, to N'th field.

### Pager filter

`pager` is a filter that divides the input stream into pages by lines that
match the specified pattern.

* filter\_name: `pager`
* options:
* `eop`: Regular expression that matches page separator lines.
* `pages`: Page number to output (1-based number)

You can specify multiple pages separated by commas. Examples

* `1`: First page only
* `2,4,6`: Page 2, 4, and 6
* `-1`: Last page
* `-3`: 3rd page from the end
* `1,-1`: First and last pages
* `10-12`: Pages 10 to 12

* `num`: Boolean. Output a page number at the top of the page.

Example: `(page 12)`

### Hash filter

Output hash value.

* filter\_name: `hash`
* options:
* `algorithm` - one of `md5` (default), `sha1`, `sha256` or `sha512`
* `encoding` - one of `hex` (default), `base64` or `binary`

### Count filter

Count lines.

* filter\_name: `count`
* options: (none)

### LTSV filter

A filter that outputs only the specified labels from the rows of LTSV that
match the another specified label value.

* filter\_name: `ltsv`
* options:
* `grep` - match parameter: `{label},{pattern}`
* `match` - output when match or not match. default is true.
* `cut` - selected labels, combinable by comma `,`.

### JSONArray filter

Convert each line as a string of JSON array.

* filter\_name: `jsonarray`
* options: (none)

### Index HTML filter

Convert LTSV to Index HTML.
(limited for s3list and files (dir) source for now)

* filter\_name: `indexhtml`
* options:
* `timefmt`: Time layout for "Modified At" or so. default is `RFC1123`.
Possible values are, case insensitive: `ANSIC`, `UNIX`, `RUBY`, `RFC822`,
`RFC822Z`, `RFC850`, `RFC1123`, `RFC1123Z`, `RFC3339`, `RFC3339NANO`,
* configurations:
* `custom_css_urls`: list of URLs to link as CSS.

Example: list objects in S3 bucket "foo" with Index HTML.

This filter should be the last of filters.

### HTML Table filter

Convert LTSV to HTML table.

* filter\_name: `htmltable`
* options:
* `linefeed` - boolean: expand all `\n` as linefeed.
* configurations:
* `custom_css_urls`: list of URLs to link as CSS.

Example: query id and email column from users table on mine database.,email%20from%20users?htmltable

This filter should be the last of filters.

### Text Table filter

Convert LTSV to plain text table.

* filter\_name: `texttable`
* options: (none)

Example: query id and email column from users table on mine database.,email%20from%20users?texttable

Above query generate this table.

| id | email |
| 0|[email protected] |
| 1|[email protected] |

This filter should be the last of filters.

### Markdown filter

Convert markdown text to HTML.

* filter\_name: `markdown`
* options: (none)
* configurations:
* `custom_css_urls`: list of URLs to link as CSS.

Example: show help in HTML.

### Refresh filter

Add "Refresh" header with specified time (sec).

* filter\_name: `refresh`
* options: interval seconds to refresh. 0 for disable.

Example: Open below URL using WEB browser, it refresh in each 5 seconds

### Download filter

Add "Content-Disposition: attachment" header to the response. It make the
browser to download the resource instead of showing in it.

* filter\_name: `download`
* options: (none)

Example: download the file "messages" and would be saved as file.

### TRDSQL filter

TRDSQL filter provides SQL on CSV.
[See docuemnt for detail](doc/

### Echarts filter

Echarts filter provides drawing charts feature.
[See docuemnt for detail](doc/

### All (pseudo) filter

Ignore [default filters](#default-filters)

* filter\_name: `all`
* options: (none)

Example: if specified some default filters for `file:///var/`, this ignore

## Prefix Aliases

nvgd supports prefix aliases to keep compatibilities with [koron/night][night].
Currently these aliases are registered.

* `files/` -> `file:///`
* `commands/` -> `command://`
* `config/` -> `config://`
* `help/` -> `help://`
* `trdsql/` -> `trdsql:///`
* `echarts/` -> `echats:///`
* `version/` -> `version://`

For example this URL:

It works same as below URL:

### Custom prefix aliases

You can add custom prefix aliases with `aliases` section in `nvgd.conf.yml`.

For example with below settings...

'dump/': 'db-dump://'

You can dump a "mytable" table in "mydb" RDBMS with this URL:

Instead of this:

Custom prefix aliases can be used to avoid to containing `://` sub string in

## References

* [koron/night][night] previous implementation which written in NodeJS.
