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A webpack plugin that use externals of CDN urls for production and local node_modules for development

assets cdn cdnjs html node nodejs npm unpkg webpack webpack-plugin webpack2 webpack3 webpack4 yarn

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A webpack plugin that use externals of CDN urls for production and local node_modules for development




*Note:* This only works on Webpack 4, if you're still on Webpack 3 or below please use version 1.x

## CDN extension for the HTML Webpack Plugin

[![Build Status](](

Enhances [html-webpack-plugin]( functionality by allowing you to specify the modules you want to externalize from node_modules in development and a CDN in production.

Basically this will allow you to greatly reduce build time when developing and improve page load performance on production.

### Installation

It is recommended to run webpack on **node 5.x or higher**

Install the plugin with npm:

npm install webpack-cdn-plugin --save-dev

or yarn

yarn add webpack-cdn-plugin --dev

### Basic Usage

Require the plugin in your webpack config:

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const WebpackCdnPlugin = require('webpack-cdn-plugin');

Add the plugin to your webpack config:

module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
new WebpackCdnPlugin({
modules: [
name: 'vue',
var: 'Vue',
path: 'dist/vue.runtime.min.js'
name: 'vue-router',
var: 'VueRouter',
path: 'dist/vue-router.min.js'
name: 'vuex',
var: 'Vuex',
path: 'dist/vuex.min.js'
publicPath: '/node_modules'
// ...

This will generate an `index.html` file with something like below:


Webpack App


And u also need config in

# src/router
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'

if (!window.VueRouter) Vue.use(VueRouter)
// ...
// Any lib need Vue.use() just to do so

When you set `prod` to `false`, it will output urls using `publicPath`, so you might need to expose it as some sort of static route.


Webpack App


You can also use your own custom html template, please refer to [html-webpack-plugin](

Please see the [example](example) folder for a basic working example.

### Configuration

You can pass an object options to WebpackCdnPlugin. Allowed values are as follows:

##### `modules`:`array` or `object`(for multiple pages)

The available options for each module, which is part of an array.
If you want inject cdn for multiple pages, you can config like this:

// ...otherConfig
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
title: 'title',
cdnModule: 'vue',
favicon: 'path/to/favicon',
template: 'path/to/template',
filename: 'filename',
// other config
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
title: 'title',
cdnModule: 'react',
favicon: 'path/to/favicon',
template: 'path/to/template',
filename: 'filename',
// other config
new WebpackCdnPlugin({
modules: {
'vue': [
{ name: 'vue', var: 'Vue', path: 'dist/vue.min.js' },
'react': [
{ name: 'react', var: 'React', path: `umd/react.${process.env.NODE_ENV}.min.js` },
{ name: 'react-dom', var: 'ReactDOM', path: `umd/react-dom.${process.env.NODE_ENV}.min.js` },

The extra `html-webpack-plugin` option `cdnModule` corresponds to the configuration __key__ that you config inside the `webpack-cdn-plugin` modules
- If you do not give `cdnModule` this value, the default is to take the first one
- If you set `cdnModule = false`, it will not inject cdn

More detail to see [#13](


The name of the module you want to externalize

`cdn`:`string` (optional)

If the name from the CDN resource is different from npm, you can override with this i.e. `moment` is `moment.js` on cdnjs

`var`:`string` (optional)

A variable that will be assigned to the module in global scope, webpack requires this. If not supplied than it will be the same as the name.

`path`:`string` (optional)

You can specify a path to the main file that will be used, this is useful when you want the minified version for example if main does not point to it.

`paths`:`string[]` (optional)

You can alternatively specify multiple paths which will be loaded from the CDN.

`style`:`string` (optional)

If the module comes with style sheets, you can also specify it as a path.

`styles`:`string[]` (optional)

You can alternatively specify multiple style sheets which will be loaded from the CDN.

`cssOnly`:`boolean` | `false`

If the module is just a css library, you can specify `cssOnly` to `true`, it will ignore path.

`localScript`:`string` (option)

Useful when you wanted to use your own build version of the library for js files

`localStyle`:`string` (option)

Useful when you wanted to use your own build version of the library for css files

`prodUrl`:`string` (option)

Overrides the global prodUrl, allowing you to specify the CDN location for a specific module

`devUrl`:`string` (option)

Overrides the global devUrl, allowing you to specify the location for a specific module

##### `prod`:`boolean` | `true`

`prod` flag defaults to `true`, which will output uri using the CDN, when `false` it will use the file from `node_modules` folder locally.

##### `prodUrl`:`string` | `//`

You can specify a custom template url with the following replacement strings:

`:name`: The name of the module e.g. `vue`

`:version`: The version of the module e.g. `1.0.0`

`:path`: The path to the file e.g. `lib/app.min.js`

A common example is you can use cdnjs e.g. `//`. If not specified it will fallback to using

##### `devUrl`:`string` | `/:name/:path`

Similar to `prodUrl`, this option overrides the default template url for when `prod` is `false`

##### `publicPath`:`string` (optional)

Prefixes the assets with this string, if none is provided it will fallback to the one set globally in `webpack.options.output.publicPath`, note that this is always empty when prod is `true` so that it makes use of the CDN location because it is a remote resource.

##### `optimize`:`boolean` | `false`

Set to `true` to ignore every module not actually required in your bundle.

##### `crossOrigin`:`string` (optional)

Allows you to specify a custom `crossorigin` attribute of either `"anonymous"` or `"use-credentials"`, to configure the CORS requests for the element's fetched data. Visit [MDN]( for more information.

##### `sri`:`boolean` | `false`

Adds a Subresource Integrity (SRI) hash in the integrity attribute when generating tags for static files. See [MDN]( for more information.

##### `pathToNodeModules?: string` (optional)

Path to the `node_modules` folder to "serve" packages from. This is used to determinate what version to request for packages from the CDN.

If not provided, the value returned by `process.cwd()` is used.

### Contribution

This is a pretty simple plugin and caters mostly for my needs. However, I have made it as flexible and customizable as possible.

If you happen to find any bugs, do please report it in the [issues](/../../issues) or can help improve the codebase, [pull requests](/../../pulls) are always welcomed.

### Resources

- [Webpack vs Gulp](
- [Managing your Node.js versions](

### Contributors

Many thanks to the following contributors:

- [xiaoiver](
- [QingWei-Li](
- [jikkai](
- [likun7981](
- [kagawagao](
- [mahcloud](
- [mistic100](
- [gaje](
- [myst729](
- [MrTreasure](
- [Neo-Zhixing](
- [G-Rath](
- [prsnca](