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The official TypeScript/JS client library and query builder for EdgeDB

database-driver edgedb edgeql high-performance typescript

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The official TypeScript/JS client library and query builder for EdgeDB




The official Node.js client library for EdgeDB

Build status

NPM version



> The `v1.0.0` version of this library was released on Oct 21, 2022. There are a number of new features and breaking changes, especially regarding the query builder workflow. Refer to the [release notes]( for full information.

This is the official [EdgeDB]( client library
for JavaScript and TypeScript.

If you're just getting started with EdgeDB, we recommend going through the
[EdgeDB Quickstart]( first. This walks
you through the process of installing EdgeDB, creating a simple schema, and
writing some simple queries.

### Requirements

- Node.js 16+
- We rely on global `fetch` being available, so you can bring your own
polyfill and if you run Node 16, you'll need to run with the
`--experimental-fetch` flag enabled.
- For TypeScript users:
- TypeScript 4.4+ is required
- `yarn add @types/node --dev`

### Installation

npm install edgedb # npm users
yarn add edgedb # yarn users

> EdgeDB 2.x requires `v0.21.0` or later

## Packages

- `packages/driver`: The `edgedb` client library.
- `packages/generate`: The `@edgedb/generate` package. Implements code generators, including `edgeql-js` and `queries`.
- `packages/deno`: The directory where the auto-generated `` package is generated into. Both the driver and codegen tools are generated into this module.
- `packages/edgeql-js`: A skeleton package that prints an informative error message when `npx edgeql-js` is executed without `edgedb` installed.

## Basic usage

> The examples below demonstrate only the most fundamental use cases for this
> library. **[Go to the complete documentation site. >](**

### Create a client

A _client_ is an instance of the `Client` class, which maintains a pool of
connections to your database and provides methods for executing queries.

_For TypeScript (and Node.js+ESM)_

import * as edgedb from "edgedb";

const client = edgedb.createClient();

_For Node.js (CommonJS)_

const edgedb = require("edgedb");

const client = edgedb.createClient();

### Configuring the connection

The call to `edgedb.createClient()` doesn't require arguments, as the library
can determine how to connect to your database using the following mechanisms.

1. _For local development_: initialize a project with the `edgedb project init`
command. As long as the file is within a project directory, `createClient`
will be able to auto-discover the connection information of the project's
associated instance. For more information on projects, follow the
[Using projects]( guide.

2. _In production_: configure the connection using **environment variables**.
(This can also be used during local development if you prefer.) The easiest
way is to set the `EDGEDB_DSN` variable; a DSN (also known as a "connection
string") is a string of the form

For advanced cases, see the
[DSN specification]( and
[Reference > Connection Parameters](

### Run a query

> The remainder of the documentation assumes you are using ES module (`import`)
> syntax.

import * as edgedb from "edgedb";

const client = edgedb.createClient();
await client.query("select 2 + 2"); // => [4]

Note that the result is an _array_. The `.query()` method always returns an
array, regardless of the result cardinality of your query. If your query
returns _zero or one elements_, use the `.querySingle()` instead.

// empty set, zero elements
await client.querySingle("select {}"); // => null

// one element
await client.querySingle("select 2 + 2"); // => 4

// one element
await client.querySingle(
`select Movie { title }
filter .id = '2eb3bc76-a014-45dc-af66-2e6e8cc23e7e';`
); // => { title: "Dune" }

## Generators

Install the `@edgedb/generate` package as a dev dependency to take advantage of EdgeDB's built-in code generators.

npm install @edgedb/generate --save-dev # npm users
yarn add @edgedb/generate --dev # yarn users

Then run a generator with the following command:

$ npx @edgedb/generate [FLAGS]

The following ``s are currently supported:

- `queries`: Generate typed functions from `*.edgeql` files
- `edgeql-js`: Generate the query builder

### `queries`

Run the following command to generate a source file for each `*.edgeql` system in your project.

$ npx @edgedb/generate queries

Assume you have a file called `getUser.edgeql` in your project directory.

// getUser.edgeql
select User {
filter .email = $email;

This generator will generate a `getUser.query.ts` file alongside it that exports a function called `getUser`.

import {createClient} from "edgedb";
import {myQuery} from "./myQuery.query";

const client = createClient();

const user = await myQuery(client, {name: "Timmy"});
user; // {name: string; email: string}

The first argument is a `Client`, the second is the set of _parameters_. Both the parameters and the returned value are fully typed.

### `edgeql-js` (query builder)

The query builder lets you write queries in a code-first way. It automatically infers the return type of your queries.

To generate the query builder, install the `edgedb` package, initialize a project (if you haven't already), then run the following command:

$ npx @edgedb/generate edgeql-js

This will generate an EdgeQL query builder into the `./dbschema/edgeql-js`
directory, as defined relative to your project root.

For details on generating the query builder, refer to the [complete documentation]( Below is a simple `select` query as an example.

import { createClient } from "edgedb";
import e from "./dbschema/edgeql-js";

const client = createClient();
const query =, (movie) => ({
id: true,
title: true,
actors: { name: true },
num_actors: e.count(movie.actors),
filter_single: e.op(movie.title, "=", "Dune"),

const result = await;
result.actors[0].name; // => Timothee Chalamet

For details on using the query builder, refer to the full [query builder docs](

## Contribute

Contributing to this library requires a local installation of EdgeDB. Install
EdgeDB from [here]( or
[build it from source](

$ git clone [email protected]:edgedb/edgedb-js.git
$ cd edgedb-js
$ yarn # install dependencies
$ yarn workspaces run build # build all packages
$ yarn workspaces run test # run tests for all packages

## License

`edgedb-js` is developed and distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.