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Rules system for live typing completions

appkit nstextview swift text

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Rules system for live typing completions




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# TextFormation

TextFormation is simple rule system that can be used to implement typing completions and whitespace control. Think matching "}" with "{" and indenting.

## Integration

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.8.0")

## Concept

TextFormation's core model is a `Filter`. Filters are typically set up once for a given language. From there, changes in the form of a `TextMutation` are fed in. The filter examines a `TextMutation` **before** it has been applied. A filter can have three possible result actions.

- `none` indicates that the mutation should be passed to the next filter in the list
- `stop` means no further filtering should be applied
- `discard` is just like stop, but also means the `TextMutation` shouldn't be applied

Filters do not necessarily change the text. You must respect the filter action, ensuring that the mutation is actually applied in the cases of `none` and `stop`. The design of the filters tries hard to allow mutations to occur to help maintain the expected selection and undo behaviors of a standard text view.

## Usage

Careful use of filter nesting, possibly `CompositeFilter`, and these actions can produce some pretty powerful behaviors. Here's an example of a chain that produces typing completions that roughly matches what Xcode does for open/close curly braces:

// skip over closings
let skip = SkipFilter(matching: "}")

// apply whitespace to our close
let closeWhitespace = LineLeadingWhitespaceFilter(string: "}")

// handle newlines inserted in between opening and closing
let newlinePair = NewlineWithinPairFilter(open: "{", close: "}")

// auto-insert closings after an opening, with special-handling for newlines
let closePair = ClosePairFilter(open: "{", close: "}")

// surround selection-replacements with the pair
let openPairReplacement = OpenPairReplacementFilter(open: "{", close: "}")

// delete a matching close when adjacent and the opening is deleted
let deleteClose = DeleteCloseFilter(open: "{", close: "}")

let filters: [Filter] = [skip, closeWhitespace, openPairReplacement, newlinePair, closePair, deleteClose]

// treat a "stop" as only applying to our local chain
let filter = CompositeFilter(filters: filters, handler: { (_, action) in
switch action {
case .stop, .none:
return .none
case .discard:
return .discard

This kind of usage is probably going to be common, so all this behavior is wrapped up in a pre-made filter: `StandardOpenPairFilter`.

let filter = StandardOpenPairFilter(open: "{", close: "}")

Using filters:

// simple indentation algorithm that uses minimal text context
let indenter = TextualIndenter()

// delete any trailing whitespace, and use our indenter to compute
// any needed leading whitespace using a four-space unit
let providers = WhitespaceProviders(leadingWhitespace: indenter.substitionProvider(indentationUnit: " ", width: 4),
trailingWhitespace: { _, _ in return "" })

let action = filter.shouldProcessMutation(mutation, in: textView, with: providers)

There's also a nice little type called `TextViewFilterApplier` that can make it easier to connect filters up to an `NSTextView` or `UITextView`. All you need to do use one of the stand-in delegate methods:

public func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, shouldChangeTextInRanges affectedRanges: [NSValue], replacementStrings: [String]?) -> Bool
public func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, shouldChangeTextInRange affectedRange: NSRange, replacementString: String?) -> Bool

public func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool

### Indenting

Correctly indenting in the general case may require parsing. It also typically needs some understanding of the user's preferences. The included `TextualIndenter` type has a pattern-based system that can perform sufficiently in many situations.

It also includes pre-defined patterns for some languages:


### Suggestions or Feedback

We'd love to hear from you! Get in touch via an issue or pull request.

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