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Block UI Loader/Spinner for Angular

angular block-ui blocking loader loading spinner

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Block UI Loader/Spinner for Angular




# NG Block UI

A Block UI implementation for Angular

[![Build Status](](

## Installation

Add to your project via [npm](

npm install ng-block-ui --save

Include the `BlockUIModule` in your main app module.

// All other imports
import { BlockUIModule } from 'ng-block-ui';

imports: [
export class AppModule { }

## Quick Start

Wrap your main components in your app root template with a `block-ui` component.

Import the `BlockUI` decorator into your component and declare a property with the decorator.
This decorator will auto wire this property to the main Block UI instance of your app.

To start blocking your app, simply invoke the `start` method.
This method also can take a custom message to display while blocking.
Once finished call the `stop` method to stop blocking the app.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

// Import BlockUI decorator & optional NgBlockUI type
import { BlockUI, NgBlockUI } from 'ng-block-ui';

selector: 'app-root',
template: `

export class AppComponent {
// Decorator wires up blockUI instance
@BlockUI() blockUI: NgBlockUI;

constructor() {
this.blockUI.start('Loading...'); // Start blocking

setTimeout(() => {
this.blockUI.stop(); // Stop blocking
}, 2000);

### Current Release

For more information and/or migrating to the newest version see [Releases](./

## Settings

Settings can be changed on the module level and component/directive level. Also, in some cases settings can be overwritten via the method level.

### Default Message

A default message can be configured to be shown instead of passing a message each time to the `start` method. The default message will be shown any time blocking is activated.

| Setting | Type | Description |
| --------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| `message` | `string` | Custom message to be displayed while blocking. |

#### Module Level

imports: [
message: 'Default Message'
export class AppModule { }

#### Component Level



#### Method Level

template: `

export class Cmp {
@BlockUI() blockUI: NgBlockUI;

defaultMessage() {
this.blockUI.start(); // "Default Message" will display

customMessage() {
this.blockUI.start('Updating...'); // "Updating..." will display

### Delay Start/Stop

When blocking with fast service calls the block overlay can flicker for a small amount of time.
To prevent this a `delayStart` and a `delayStop` can be configured to prevent this scenario.

| Setting | Type | Description |
| ------------ | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `delayStart` | `number` | Waits given amount of milliseconds before starting to block. |
| `delayStop` | `number` | Waits given amount of milliseconds before stopping current block. |

#### Module Level

imports: [
delayStart: 500,
delayStop: 500
export class AppModule { }

#### Component Level



### Custom Template

If you want to display other markup than the default spinner and message then you can provide a custom template.
Custom templates can be provided as a `Component` or `TemplateRef`. The template will then be used instead of the default template whenever blocking.

| Setting | Type | Description |
| ---------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| `template` | Component | TemplateRef | Custom template to be used when blocking |

#### Component Custom Template

Create a component and declare it in your app module.
The component also will need to be added to the `entryComponents` property of the module.

_Example Component:_

_Note: When providing a `Component` as a template just add the `{{message}}`
interpolation to your template and it will display your default message or the message passed to the `start` method._

// Template component
// Use block-ui-template class to center div if desired
template: `

{{ message }}

export class BlockTemplateCmp {}

##### Module Level

imports: [
template: BlockTemplateCmp
declarations: [
BlockTemplateCmp // Declare template component
entryComponents: [ BlockTemplateCmp ]
export class AppModule { }

##### Component Level

selector: "app-root",
template: `

export class AppComponent {
// Declare template component
blockTemplate: BlockTemplateCmp = BlockTemplateCmp;

#### TemplateRef Custom Template

Add a `` with a template reference variable to the view. Then pass the template reference variable to the `blockUI` component using the `[template]` property.

_Note: TemplateRef templates can only be set on a Component level._

##### Component Level

selector: "cmp",
template: `

export class Cmp {}

## Block UI Directive

Sometimes you want to only apply blocking to a certain element in your app.
The Block UI directive can be added to an element to apply blocking only to that specific element.

Add the `*blockUI` structural directive to any element
and pass it an instance name `*blockUI="'contact-list'"`.

Then in a component create a class property using the Block UI decorator with the instance name `@BlockUI('contact-list')`. This will then take care of wiring up that property to point to that specific instance in your app.

selector: 'app-cmp',
template: `

export class AppComponent {
// Pass instance name to decorator
@BlockUI('contact-list') blockUIList: NgBlockUI;

constructor() {
this.blockUIList.start('Loading...'); // Start blocking element only
this.blockUIList.stop(); // Stop blocking

### Directive Settings

Angular has a specific syntax for passing properties to structural directives. Properties are passed in `key: value;` pair. To pass settings to a Block UI directive they must be passed as shown below.



## NgBlockUI Instance

### NgBlockUI Instance Properties

Below highlights all the properties that can be found on a BlockUI instance when a class property is decorated with the `@BlockUI()` decorator.

| Property | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `name` | Name of the targeted instance (defaults to main instance). |
| `isActive` | Indicates if the targeted instance is blocking. |
| `start` | Starts blocking for instance, can be passed an optional message. |
| `stop` | Stops blocking for instance. |
| `reset` | Stops blocking for all targeted instances regardless of the `delayStop` option. |
| `resetGlobal` | Stops blocking app wide for all instances regardless of the `delayStop` option. |
| `update` | Updates current instances blocking message with the passed message. |
| `unsubscribe` | Unsubscribe an instance so it no longer can be blocked. All BlockUI components/directives unsubscribe by default during `onDestroy`. |

### NgBlockUI Instance Settings

Below are all the settings that can be passed as a second argument to the `@BlockUI()` decorator (`@BlockUI(, )`).

| Property | Description |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `scopeToInstance` | When set to `true` a unique `name` will be given to the blockUI instance which will "scope" it to the parent component instance. |

## BlockUIService

In some cases you may want to have more control over all the instances in you app.
Instead of declaring separate instances with the `@BlockUI()` decorator you can use the `BlockUIService`. This service allows you to easily target multiple instance across your app.

| Method | Parameters | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `isActive` | target: string | string[] | Indicates if the targeted instance(s) is blocking. |
| `start` | target: string | string[], message?: any | Starts blocking for a single instance or multiple instances by passing instance name(s). |
| `stop` | target: string | string[] | Stops blocking for a single instance or multiple instances by passing instance name(s). |
| `update` | target: string | string[], message: any | Updates message for a single instance or multiple instances by passing instance name(s). |
| `reset` | target: string | string[] | Resets blocking for a single instance or multiple instances by passing instance name(s). |
| `resetGlobal` | N/A | Resets blocking app wide for all instances. |
| `unsubscribe` | target: string | string[] | Unsubscribes a single instance or multiple instances by passing instance name(s). |

## Other Modules

### [Http Module](docs/ - Automatically block during http requests

### [Router Module](docs/ - Prevent route changes while blocking

## Guides

### [SystemJS Config](docs/

## Examples

### BlockUI Component - [Stackblitz](

### BlockUI Component Default Message - [Stackblitz](

### BlockUI Directive - [Stackblitz](

### BlockUI Custom Spinner Styles - [Stackblitz](

### BlockUI Custom Template - [Stackblitz](