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🏁 Quick-start template repository for creating new Node-RED node sets in TypeScript.

node node-red nodejs starter typescript

Last synced: 2 months ago
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🏁 Quick-start template repository for creating new Node-RED node sets in TypeScript.




# Node-RED Node TypeScript Starter

This is a quick-start template repository for creating new Node-RED node sets in TypeScript.

## Project Structure

├──src/ * source files of the node set
│ ├──__tests__/ * tests for the node set (test file names should match *.test.ts glob pattern)
│ │ └──transform-text.test.ts * tests for the transform-text node
│ │
│ └──nodes/ * node set folder, where subfolder names = node types
│ ├──shared/ * folder for .ts files shared across multiple nodes in the node set
│ │
│ └──transform-text/ * source files of the transform-text node
│ ├──icons/ * custom icons used by the node set in the editor
│ │
│ ├──modules/ * .ts modules for the runtime side (transform-text.js file) of the node
│ │
│ ├──shared/ * folder for .ts files shared between the runtime side (.js file) and the editor side (.html file) of the node
│ │
│ ├──transform-text.html/ * files for compiling and bundling into the editor side (transform-text.html file) of the node
│ │ ├──modules/ * .ts modules
│ │ ├──editor.html * html template for the edit dialog
│ │ ├──help.html * html template for the help in the info tab
│ │ └──index.ts * entry file
│ │
| └──transform-text.ts * entry file for the runtime side (transform-text.js file) of the node
├──package.json * dependencies and node types for the Node-RED runtime to load
├──rollup.config.editor.json * rollup config for building the editor side of the nodes
├──tsconfig.json * base typescript config, for the code editor
├──tsconfig.runtime.json * config for creating a production build of the runtime side of the nodes
└── * config for watching and incremental building the runtime side of the nodes

## Getting Started

1. Generate a new GitHub repository by clicking the `Use this template` button at the top of the repository homepage, then clone your new repo. Or you might just clone this repo: `git clone` and cd into it: `cd node-red-node-typescript-starter`.
2. This project is designed to work with `yarn`. If you don't have `yarn` installed, you can install it with `npm install -g yarn`.
3. Install dependencies: `yarn install`.

## Adding Nodes

You can quickly scaffold a new node and add it to the node set. Use the following command to create `my-new-node-type` node:

yarn add-node my-new-node-type

The node generator is based on mustache templates. At the moment there are three templates available:

- `blank` (used by default) - basic node for Node-RED >=1.0
- `blank-0` - node with a backward compatibility for running on Node-RED <1.0
- `config` - configuration node

To generate a node using a template, specify it as the third argument:

yarn add-node my-new-node-type blank


yarn add-node my-new-node-config config

### Adding Node Templates

If you want to make your own template available, add it to `./utils/templates/`.

## Developing Nodes

Build & Test in Watch mode:

yarn dev

## Building Node Set

Create a production build:

yarn build

## Backers 💝

[[Become a backer](]


## Testing Node Set in Node-RED

[Read Node-RED docs]( on how to install the node set into your Node-RED runtime.

## License

MIT © Alex Kaul