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Store your Laravel application settings in one or multiple JSON files ⚙️

cache config laravel package

Last synced: 7 days ago
JSON representation

Store your Laravel application settings in one or multiple JSON files ⚙️




# Store your Laravel application settings in JSON files.

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This is a fork of
The main change is: I added namespaces that get saved into individual files.
I still don´t know if that is good idea, so let´s find out ;)

This package provides a simple `SettingsRepository` class that can be used to store your application's settings in a single JSON file.

## Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require macropage/laravel-json-settings

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="json-settings-config"

## Usage

You can resolve an instance of `macropage\LaravelJsonSettings\SettingsRepository` from the container by type-hinting it in any DI-supported method, e.g. a controller method.

class IndexController
public function __invoke(SettingsRepository $settings)
return view('index', [
'title' => $settings->get('index.title'),

The `SettingsRepository` class contains the following methods:

* `get(string $key, mixed $default = null)` - retrieve the value of a setting by providing the key (dot-notation supported).
* `set(string $key, mixed $value, bool $save = true)` - set the value of a setting and toggle auto-save.
* `has(string $key)` - determine if a setting exists.
* `save()` - manually save your settings back to disk.
* `reload()` - clear the cache and reload the settings from disk.

If you prefer to use facades, you can interact with the `macropage\LaravelJsonSettings\Facades\Settings` facade directly too.

## Testing

composer test

## Contributing

Please see [CONTRIBUTING](.github/ for details.

## Credits

- [Michael Bladowski](
- [Ryan Chandler](
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.