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Facebook Messenger chat bot using Heroku + Firebase

chatbot firebase javascript

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Facebook Messenger chat bot using Heroku + Firebase






This sample project uses Heroku's free-tier to host the chat bot. [Heroku's pricing change]( will be removing their free-tier and there are no plans to move this sample chat bot project to a paid-tier. While this project can still be used, the project will **no longer be actively maintained**.


# messenger-chatbot
A simple Facebook Messenger chat bot using Heroku + Firebase

![]( "Heroku + Firebase")

Q: Why not just use one or the other?

A: Hosting Messenger chatbot using Firebase Functions would require external invocations - which is currently only available on [Paid Plan]( See Functions > Outbound Networking. Also, I want to demonstrate Firebase Realtime Database using javascript.

Try [Magic X Ball]( Messenger Bot now.

![]( "is the weather good today?")

## Setup
1. Install [Heroku CLI]( Create an account on [Heroku]( if you don't have one.
2. Install [nodejs]( Open your terminal and make sure that you have the updated version. If you're having issues with your npm version, you may use nvm and follow this guide [here](

sudo npm install -g npm
npm -v // Check npm version
3. Create a folder for your project and create a initialize a new Node project.

npm init
4. Install additional Node dependencies. Express is for the server, request is for sending out messages, and body-parser is to process messages.

npm install express request body-parser --save
5. Follow steps on [Facebook docs]( for the setup of your Messenger chatbot and getting the required API Keys.

6. You may use the index.js on this project as a base and fill the required API Keys for your app to work.

``` javascript
const token = "FB_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get the Page Access Token by following the Step 3 of the [docs](

7. This app mimics a Magic 8 Ball. The bot will only accept answers when called as 'magic ball' or 'magicball'. An answer will be detected if the message from the user has a '?' at the end of the sentence.

``` javascript
var engaged = false; // set as false by default
if (messageText) {
// If we receive a text message, check to see if it matches a keyword
// and send back an answer. Otherwise, ask the question again.
if (messageText.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '')includes("magicball")){
engaged = true; // Start accepting questions
sendTextMessage(senderID, "Yes?");
} else if (engaged && messageText.toLowerCase().includes("?")) {
engaged = false; // Once question is answered - set to false again
} else if (engaged){
sendTextMessage(senderID, "Could you repeat your question again?");
} else if (messageAttachments) {
sendTextMessage(senderID, "Message with attachment received");

8. For Firebase, currently, we'll only be using Realtime Database to fetch data. Create an account on [Firebase]( if you don't have one.

9. For Realtime Datbase, you may follow the quickstart guide [here]( You can find your Realtime Database URL in the Database tab in the [Firebase console]( It will be in the form of

``` javascript
/** Firebase **/
var firebase = require("firebase");
// Set the configuration for your app
var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "FIREBASE_API_KEY", // Firebase Console > Project > Settings > Web API Key
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "", // This chatbot only utilizes Firebase RTDB
storageBucket: ""
// Get a reference to the database service
var database = firebase.database();

10. Reading from Firebase Realtime Database. You may read the docs [here](

``` javascript
function sendAnswer(senderID){
let listAnswers = [];
database.ref('xball/answers').once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var answer = {}; // initialize new object
// key
answer['answerType'] = childSnapshot.key;
// childData
answer['answerText'] = childSnapshot.val();
console.log("sendAnswer " + answer.answerType + " " + answer.answerText);
let min = Math.ceil(0), max = Math.floor(Object.keys(listAnswers).length);
// Generate random num
let randNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
console.log("sendAnswer [" + randNum + "] ");
sendTextMessage(senderID, listAnswers[randNum].answerText);
The data is based from the list of possible answers of a [Magic 8 Ball](

![]( "Magic 8 Ball Answers")

11. Create a file named Procfile and copy the line below. This is so Heroku can know what file to run.

web: node index.js

12. Commit all the code with Git then create a new Heroku instance and push the code to the cloud.

git init
git add .
git commit --message "Initial commit"
heroku create // This will create a new project on Heroku, do this if you don't have a project for your chatbot yet.
git push heroku master

13. Test your bot

14. Make your bot public! Try this bot now - [Magic X Ball](
* You may share your bot by sharing its link
* If you haven't published your bot yet, it can only respond to registered Developers/Testers on your [Facebook App](
* Publish your Facebook App (Messenger Bot) by following their guide [here](

## Sources
This won't be possible without the sources from:
* Facebook Messenger Platform guide [link](
* Firebase docs [link](
* jw84/messenger-bot-tutorial [link](