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A tribal inspired ZSH theme for Linux.

c linux oh-my-zsh-theme scripting shell shell-scripting shell-theme terminal zsh zsh-scripting zsh-theme

Last synced: 2 months ago
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A tribal inspired ZSH theme for Linux.




≥v≥v river-dreams ≥v≥v




## ❡ About

A tribal inspired ZSH theme for Linux designed to help you develop your dream projects.

It includes many features that inform you about your environment, making it a great addition for any desktop setup, specially minimalist tiling window managers.

Caption: a preview of River Dreams applied on ZSH. The terminal theme used is Flamerial and font is Iosevka SS08.

### Features

Its left prompt displays:

- Your local IPV4 address.
- Your disk usage.
- Your battery charge, if any.
- A calendar.
- A clock.
- A decorator when you are the root user.
- The exit code of the last command you typed in.
- The active Python virtual environment, if you have sourced one.
- The active directory path, shorting it when inside of a Git repository.
- The active branch, when inside of a Git repository.
- A decorator when you do not have access to the active directory.

Its right prompt displays:

- The total of each entry type in the active directory: regulars, directories, blocks, characters, sockets, fifos and symlinks.
- The total of background jobs.

## ❡ Install

### Dependencies

The following dependencies must be installed before installing it:

- **git**: it will be used to clone this repository.
- **gcc**, **make**: they will be used to compile this theme.
- [**Nerd Font Symbols**](, **Noto Sans**: they provide the pretty symbols used in the theme.

### Procedures

#### Manual Procedures

If you want to install this theme without a plugin manager or for a specific framework, follow these steps:

- Clone this repository using `git`:

git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/zsh/themes/river-dreams;

- Source the file `river-dreams.zsh-theme` that is inside of the repository you just cloned in your `~/.zshrc` configuration file:

source ~/.config/zsh/themes/river-dreams/river-dreams.zsh-theme;

- Reopen `zsh`.

#### Procedures For OhMyZSH

If you want to install and use this theme with the [`ohmyzsh`]( framework, follow these steps:

- Clone this repository using `git`:

git clone --depth 1\

- Apply the theme in `~/.zshrc` configuration by setting the `ZSH_THEME` variable:


- Reopen `zsh`.

#### Procedures For Antidote

If you want to install this theme with the [`antidote`]( plugin manager, follow these steps:

- Add this repository to your plugins file, usually `~/.zsh_plugins.txt`.


- Use `antidote` to load your plugins.

antidote load ~/.zsh_plugins.txt;

## ❡ Help

If you need help related to this project, open a new issue in its [issues pages]( or send me an [e-mail](mailto:[email protected]) describing what is going on.

## ❡ Contributing

This project is open to review and possibly accept contributions, specially fixes and suggestions. If you are interested, send your contribution to its [pull requests page]( or to my [e-mail](mailto:[email protected]).

By contributing to this project, you agree to license your work under the same license that the project uses.

## ❡ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. Refer to the `LICENSE` file that comes in its source code for license and copyright details.

≥v≥v Here Be Dragons! ≥v≥
Made with love by skippyr <3