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openai/gym's popular toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms port to C#.

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openai/gym's popular toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms port to C#.




# Gym.NET


A port of [openai/gym]( to C#.

##### openai/gym
OpenAI Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. This is the gym open-source library, which gives you access to a standardized set of environments.

## Installation
### For gym's abstract classes for RL, install:
PM> Install-Package Gym.NET

### For implemented environments, install:
PM> Install-Package Gym.NET.Environments
PM> Install-Package Gym.NET.Rendering.Avalonia
PM> Install-Package Gym.NET.Rendering.WinForm

## Example
The following example runs and renders cartpole-v1 environment.
using NumSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using Gym.Environments;
using Gym.Environments.Envs.Classic;
using Gym.Rendering.WinForm;

CartPoleEnv cp = new CartPoleEnv(WinFormEnvViewer.Factory); //or AvaloniaEnvViewer.Factory
bool done = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
if (done)
NDArray observation = cp.Reset();
done = false;
var (observation, reward, _done, information) = cp.Step((i % 2)); //we switch between moving left and right
done = _done;
//do something with the reward and observation.

SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image img = cp.Render(); //returns the image that was rendered.
Thread.Sleep(15); //this is to prevent it from finishing instantly !


## Roadmap
- Implement [Spaces](
- [X] `Space` (base class)
- [X] `Box`
- [X] `Discrete`
- [ ] `multi.*.py`

- Implement [Env]( base classes
- [X] Env(object)
- [ ] GoalEnv(Env)

- Implement environments

To run an environment, see [Gym.Tests](./tests/Gym.Tests/)
- [X] Convert Gym.Environments to a net-standard project.
- [ ] classics
- [X] CartPole-v1
- [ ] Compare visually against python's version
- [ ] walker2d_v3
- [ ] acrobot
- [ ] continuous_mountain_car
- [ ] mountain_car
- [ ] pendulum
- [ ] rendering
- [ ] Mujco
- [ ] ant_v3
- [ ] half_cheetah_v3
- [ ] hopper_v3
- [ ] humanoid_v3
- [ ] humanoidstandup
- [ ] inverted_double_pendulum
- [ ] inverted_pendulum
- [ ] mujoco_env
- [ ] pusher
- [ ] reacher
- [ ] striker
- [ ] swimmer_v3
- [ ] thrower
- [ ] box2d
- [ ] bipedal_walker
- [ ] car_dynamics
- [ ] car_racing
- [X] lunar_lander
- [ ] atari