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Kubernetes network monitoring

golang kubernetes monitoring network prometheus

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Kubernetes network monitoring




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- [Kubenurse](#kubenurse)
- [Grafana dashboard](#grafana-dashboard)
- [Metrics](#metrics)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Helm deployment](#helm-deployment)
- [Helm parameters](#helm-parameters)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [HTTP Endpoints](#http-endpoints)
- [Health Checks](#health-checks)
- [API Server Direct](#api-server-direct)
- [API Server DNS](#api-server-dns)
- [Me Ingress](#me-ingress)
- [Me Service](#me-service)
- [Neighbourhood](#neighbourhood)
- [Neighbourhood filtering](#neighbourhood-filtering)
- [Neighbourhood incoming checks metric](#neighbourhood-incoming-checks-metric)

# Kubenurse

Kubenurse is a little service that monitors all network connections in a
Kubernetes cluster. Kubenurse measures request durations, records errors and
exports those metrics in Prometheus format.

Here's an overview of the checks performed by kubenurse, which are exposed as
labels for the various duration/error prometheus metrics.

![kubenurse request types](./doc/kubenurse.png)

## Grafana dashboard

Once the kubenurse pods are up and running and scraped by your metrics agent,
you can import the [example dashboard](./doc/grafana-kubenurse.json) to start
scrutinizing network latencies and errors.

![Grafana overview](doc/grafana.png "Grafana ingress view")

## Metrics

All performed checks expose metrics which can be used to monitor/alert:

- node-to-node network latencies and errors
- pod-to-apiserver communication
- Ingress roundtrip latencies and errors
- Service roundtrip latencies and errors (kube-proxy / your CNI)
- Major kube-apiserver issues
- kube-dns (or CoreDNS) errors
- External DNS resolution errors (ingress URL resolution)

At `/metrics` you will find the following metrics:

| metric name | labels | description |
| ----------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ~~`kubenurse request duration`~~ | `type` | (deprecated since v1.13.0) latency histogram for request duration, replaced with the metric below. |
| `kubenurse httpclient request duration seconds` | `type` | latency histogram for request duration, partitioned by request type |
| `kubenurse httpclient trace request duration seconds` | `type, event` | latency histogram for httpclient _trace_ metric instrumentation, partitioned by request type and httptrace connection events |
| `kubenurse httpclient requests total` | `type, code, method` | counter for the total number of http requests, partitioned by HTTP code, method, and request type |
| `kubenurse errors total` | `type, event` | error counter, partitioned by httptrace event and request type |
| `kubenurse neighbourhood incoming checks` | n\a | gauge which reports how many unique neighbours have queried the current pod in the last minute |

For metrics partitioned with a `type` label, it is possible to precisely know
which request type increased an error counter, or to compare the latencies of
multiple request types, for example compare how your service and ingress
latencies differ.

Some `event` labels include `dns_start`, `got_conn`, `tls_handshake_done`, and
more. the details can be seen in the

## Deployment

You can get the Docker image from [Docker Hub](
The [examples]( directory
contains manifests which can be used to deploy kubenurse to the kube-system namespace of your cluster.

### Helm deployment

You can also deploy kubenurse with Helm, the Chart can be found in repository `` or directory `./helm/kubenurse/`.
The following command can be used to install kubenurse with Helm: `helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] --install --repo kubenurse`.

#### Helm parameters

helm parameters list

| Setting | Description | Default |
| ---------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| daemonset.image.repository | The repository name | `postfinance/kubenurse` |
| daemonset.image.tag | The tag/ version of the image | `v1.4.0` |
| daemonset.podLabels | Additional labels to be added to the pods of the daemonset | `[]` |
| daemonset.podAnnotations | Additional annotations to be added to the pods of the daemonset | `[]` |
| daemonset.podSecurityContext | The security context of the daemonset | `{}` |
| daemonset.priorityClassName | The priority class name for the daemonset pods | `""` |
| daemonset.containerSecurityContext | The security context of the containers within the pods of the daemonset | `{}` |
| daemonset.containerResources | The container resources of the containers within the pods of the daemonset | `{}` |
| daemonset.containerImagePullPolicy | The container image pull policy the pods of the daemonset | `IfNotPresent` |
| daemonset.tolerations | The tolerations of the daemonset | See Default tolerations below |
| daemonset.dnsConfig | Specifies the DNS parameters of the pods in the daemonset | `{}` |
| daemonset.volumeMounts | Additional volumeMounts to be added to the pods of the daemonset | `[]` |
| daemonset.volumes | Additional volumes to be added to the daemonset | `[]` |
| serviceMonitor.enabled | Adds a ServiceMonitor for use with [Prometheus-operator]( | `false` |
| serviceMonitor.labels | Additional labels to be added to the ServiceMonitor | `{}` |
| | The name of the service account which is used | `Release.Name` |
| | The name of service which exposes the kubenurse application | `8080-8080` |
| service.port | The port number of the service | `8080` |
| service.labels | Additional labels to be added to the Service | |
| ingress.enabled | Enable/ Disable the ingress | `true` |
| ingress.className | The classname of the ingress controller (e.g. the nginx ingress controller) | `nginx` |
| ingress.url | The url of the ingress; e.g. | `` |
| insecure | Set `KUBENURSE_INSECURE` environment variable | `true` |
| allow_unschedulable | Sets `KUBENURSE_ALLOW_UNSCHEDULABLE` environment variable | `false` |
| neighbour_filter | Sets `KUBENURSE_NEIGHBOUR_FILTER` environment variable | `` |
| neighbour_limit | Sets `KUBENURSE_NEIGHBOUR_LIMIT` environment variable | `10` |
| histogram_buckets | Sets `KUBENURSE_HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS` environment variable | |
| extra_ca | Sets `KUBENURSE_EXTRA_CA` environment variable | |
| check_api_server_direct | Sets `KUBENURSE_CHECK_API_SERVER_DIRECT` environment variable | `true` |
| check_api_server_dns | Sets `KUBENURSE_CHECK_API_SERVER_DNS` environment variable | `true` |
| check_me_ingress | Sets `KUBENURSE_CHECK_ME_INGRESS` environment variable | `true` |
| check_me_service | Sets `KUBENURSE_CHECK_ME_SERVICE` environment variable | `true` |
| check_neighbourhood | Sets `KUBENURSE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD` environment variable | `true` |
| check_interval | Sets `KUBENURSE_CHECK_INTERVAL` environment variable | `5s` |
| reuse_connections | Sets `KUBENURSE_REUSE_CONNECTIONS` environment variable | `false` |
| use_tls | Sets `KUBENURSE_USE_TLS` environment variable | `false` |
| cert_file | Sets `KUBENURSE_CERT_FILE` environment variable | |
| cert_key | Sets `KUBENURSE_CERT_KEY` environment variable | |

### Configuration

kubenurse environment variables list

- `KUBENURSE_INGRESS_URL`: An URL to the kubenurse in order to check the ingress
- `KUBENURSE_SERVICE_URL`: An URL to the kubenurse in order to check the Kubernetes service
- `KUBENURSE_INSECURE`: If "true", TLS connections will not validate the certificate
- `KUBENURSE_EXTRA_CA`: Additional CA cert path for TLS connections
- `KUBENURSE_NAMESPACE`: Namespace in which to look for the neighbour kubenurses
- `KUBENURSE_NEIGHBOUR_FILTER`: A Kubernetes label selector (eg. `app=kubenurse`) to filter neighbour kubenurses
- `KUBENURSE_NEIGHBOUR_LIMIT`: The maximum number of neighbours each kubenurse will query
- `KUBENURSE_ALLOW_UNSCHEDULABLE`: If this is `"true"`, path checks to neighbouring kubenurses are made even if they are running on unschedulable nodes.
- `KUBENURSE_CHECK_API_SERVER_DIRECT`: If this is `"true"` kubenurse will perform the check [API Server Direct](#API Server Direct). default is "true"
- `KUBENURSE_CHECK_API_SERVER_DNS`: If this is `"true"`, kubenurse will perform the check [API Server DNS](#API Server DNS). default is "true"
- `KUBENURSE_CHECK_ME_INGRESS`: If this is `"true"`, kubenurse will perform the check [Me Ingress](#Me Ingress). default is "true"
- `KUBENURSE_CHECK_ME_SERVICE`: If this is `"true"`, kubenurse will perform the check [Me Service](#Me Service). default is "true"
- `KUBENURSE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD`: If this is `"true"`, kubenurse will perform the check [Neighbourhood](#neighbourhood). default is "true"
- `KUBENURSE_CHECK_INTERVAL`: the frequency to perform kubenurse checks. the string should be formatted for [time.ParseDuration]( defaults to `5s`
- `KUBENURSE_REUSE_CONNECTIONS`: whether to reuse connections or not for all checks. default is "false"
- `KUBENURSE_HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS`: optional comma-separated list of float64, used in place of the [default prometheus histogram buckets]([email protected]/prometheus#DefBuckets)
- `KUBENURSE_USE_TLS`: If this is `"true"`, enable TLS endpoint on port 8443
- `KUBENURSE_CERT_FILE`: Certificate to use with TLS endpoint
- `KUBENURSE_CERT_KEY`: Key to use with TLS endpoint

Following variables are injected to the Pod by Kubernetes and should not be defined manually:

- `KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST`: Host to communicate to the kube-apiserver
- `KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT`: Port to communicate to the kube-apiserver

## HTTP Endpoints

The kubenurse service listens for http requests on port 8080 (optionally https on port 8443) and exposes endpoints:

- `/`: Redirects to `/alive`
- `/alive`: Returns a pretty printed JSON with the check results, described below
- `/alwayshappy`: Returns http-200 which is used for testing itself
- `/metrics`: Exposes [Prometheus]( metrics

The `/alive` endpoint returns a JSON like this with status code 200 if everything is OK else 500:

"api_server_direct": "ok",
"api_server_dns": "ok",
"me_ingress": "ok",
"me_service": "ok",
"hostname": "kubenurse-1234-x2bwx",
"neighbourhood_state": "ok",
"neighbourhood": [
"PodName": "kubenurse-1234-8fh2x",
"PodIP": "",
"HostIP": "",
"NodeName": "",
"Phase": "Running"
"PodName": "kubenurse-1234-ffjbs",
"PodIP": "",
"HostIP": "",
"NodeName": "",
"Phase": "Running"
"headers": {
"Accept": [
"Accept-Encoding": [
"gzip, deflate, br"

## Health Checks

Every five seconds, the checks described below are run.

### API Server Direct

Checks the `/version` endpoint of the Kubernetes API Server through

Metric type: `api_server_direct`

### API Server DNS

Checks the `/version` endpoint of the Kubernetes API Server through
the Cluster DNS URL `https://kubernetes.default.svc:$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT`.
This also verifies a working `kube-dns` deployment.

Metric type: `api_server_dns`

### Me Ingress

Checks if the kubenurse is reachable at the `/alwayshappy` endpoint behind the ingress.
This address is provided by the environment variable `KUBENURSE_INGRESS_URL` that
could look like ``.
This also verifies a correct upstream DNS resolution.

Metric type: `me_ingress`

### Me Service

Checks if the kubenurse is reachable at the `/alwayshappy` endpoint through the Kubernetes service.
The address is provided by the environment variable `KUBENURSE_SERVICE_URL` that
could look like `http://kubenurse.mynamespace.default.svc:8080`.
This also verifies a working `kube-proxy` setup.

Metric type: `me_service`

### Neighbourhood

Checks if every neighbour kubenurse is reachable at the `/alwayshappy` endpoint.
Neighbours are discovered by querying the kube-apiserver for every Pod in the
The request is done directly to the Pod-IP (port 8080, or 8443 if TLS is enabled) and the metric types contains the prefix
`path_` and the hostname of the kubelet on which the neighbour kubenurse should run.
Only kubenurses on nodes that are schedulable are considered as neighbours,
this can be changed by setting `KUBENURSE_ALLOW_UNSCHEDULABLE="true"`.

Metric type: `path_$KUBELET_HOSTNAME`

## Neighbourhood filtering

The number of checks for the neighbourhood used to grow as $O(N^2)$, which
rendered `kubenurse` impractical on large clusters, as documented in issue
To combat this, a node filtering feature was implemented, which works as follows

- kubenurse computes the `sha256` checksums for all neighbours' node names
- it sorts those checksums (this is actually implemented with a max-heap)
- it computes its own node name checksum, and queries the next 10 (per default)
nodes in the sorted checksums list

Here's an example with 6 nodes, where each node queries the next 3 nodes:

![node filtering drawing](./doc/kubenurse-node-filtering.png)

Thanks to this, every node is making queries to the same 10 nodes, unless one
of those nodes disappears, in which case kubenurse will pick the next node in
the sorted checksums list. This comes with several advantages:

- because of the way we first hash the node names, the checks are randomly
distributed, independant of the node names. if we only picked the 10 next
nodes in a sorted list of the node names, then we might have biased the
results in environments where node names are sequential
- metrics-wise, a `kubenurse` pod should typically only have entries for ca. 10
other neighbouring nodes worth of checks, which greatly reduces the load on
your monitoring infrastructure
- because we use a deterministic algorithm to choose which nodes to query, the
metrics churn rate stays minimal. (that is, if we randomly picked 10 nodes
for every check, then in the end there would be one prometheus bucket for
every node on the cluster, which would put useless load on the monitoring

Per default, the neighbourhood filtering is set to 10 nodes, which means that
on cluster with more than 10 nodes, each kubenurse will query exactly 10 nodes,
as described above.

### Neighbourhood incoming checks metric

It is possible to check that each node receives the proper number of
neighbourhood queries with the `kubenurse_neighbourhood_incoming_checks`
metric. If you have the neighbourhood limit set to e.g. 10, then this
metric should be equal to 10 on all nodes, with some variations during a
rollout restart.

To bypass the node filtering feature, you simply need to set the
`KUBENURSE_NEIGHBOUR_LIMIT` environment variable to 0.