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Cloud-native authorization for modern applications and APIs

abac access-control api authorization cloud-native golang opa rbac rebac security zanzibar

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Cloud-native authorization for modern applications and APIs




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# Topaz - cloud-native authorization for modern applications and APIs

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![GitHub release (latest SemVer)](
[![CII Best Practices](](

Topaz is an open-source authorization service providing fine-grained, real-time, policy-based access control for applications and APIs.

It uses the [Open Policy Agent]( (OPA) as its decision engine, and provides a built-in directory that is inspired by the Google [Zanzibar]( data model.

Authorization policies can leverage user attributes, group membership, application resources, and relationships between them. All data used for authorization is modeled and stored locally in an embedded database, so authorization decisions can be evaluated quickly and efficiently.

topaz model visualization

## Documentation and support

Read more at []( and the [docs](

Join the community [Slack channel]( for questions and help!

## Benefits

* **Authorization in one place**: a single authorization service, instead of spreading authorization logic everywhere.
* **Fine-grained**: following the Principle of Least Privilege, assign the smallest set of fine-grained permissions to each user or group.
* **Policy-based**: convert authorization "spaghetti code" into a policy expressed in its own domain-specific language, managed as code, and built into an immutable, signed artifact.
* **Real-time**: gate each protected resource with an authorization call that ensures the user has the right permission.
* **Blazing fast**: deploy the authorizer as a sidecar or microservice, right next to your app, for low latency and high availability.
* **Comprehensive decision logging**: log every decision to facilitate audit trails, compliance, and forensics.
* **Flexible authorization model**: Start simple, and grow from multi-tenant RBAC to ABAC or ReBAC, or a combination.
* **Capture your domain model**: Create object types and relationships that reflect your domain model.
* **Separation of concerns**: application developers can own the app logic, and security engineers can own the authorization policy.

## Table of Contents
- [Getting Topaz](#getting-topaz)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Building from source](#building-from-source)
- [Running with Docker](#running-with-docker)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [Install container image](#install-topaz-authorizer-container-image)
- [Install Todo template](#install-the-todo-template)
- [Issue an API call](#issue-an-api-call)
- [Issue authorization request](#issue-an-authorization-request)
- [Run the sample application](#run-the-sample-application)
- [Command Line](#command-line-options)
- [gRPC Endpoints](#grpc-endpoints)
- [Demo video](#demo)
- [Credits](#credits)
- [Contribution Guidelines](#contribution-guidelines)

## Getting Topaz

### Installation

`topaz` is available on Linux, macOS and Windows platforms.

* Binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac are available as tarballs in the [release]( page.

* Via Homebrew for macOS or LinuxBrew for Linux

brew tap aserto-dev/tap && brew install aserto-dev/tap/topaz

* Via a GO install

go install

### Building from source

`topaz` is currently using golang v1.22.* to compile, `go.mod` files are pinned to 1.21 or lower. In order to build `topaz` from source you must:

1. Install [mage](
2. Clone the repo
3. Build and run the executable

mage build && ./dist/build_linux_amd64/topaz

### Running with Docker

You can run as a Docker container:

docker run -it --rm --help

## Quickstart

These instructions help you get Topaz up and running as the authorizer for a sample Todo app.

### Install Topaz authorizer container image

The Topaz authorizer is packaged as a Docker container. You can get the latest image using the following command:

topaz install

**NOTE:** If you get the following errors/warnings from Topaz commands:

`Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?`

Be sure to allow the default Docker socket to be used in your Docker Desktop Advanced settings.

### Install the todo template

Topaz has a set of pre-built templates that contain three types of artifacts:
* an authorization policy
* a domain model (in the form of a manifest file)
* sample data (users, groups, objects, relationships)

You can use the CLI to install the todo template:

topaz templates install todo

#### Artifacts

This command will install the following artifacts in `$HOME/.config/topaz/`:

tree $HOME/.config/topaz
├── certs
│   ├── gateway-ca.crt
│   ├── gateway.crt
│   ├── gateway.key
│   ├── grpc-ca.crt
│   ├── grpc.crt
│   └── grpc.key
├── cfg
│   └── config.yaml
├── data
│   ├── citadel_objects.json
│   └── citadel_relations.json
├── db
│   └── directory.db
└── model
└── manifest.yaml

* `certs/` contains a set of generated self-signed certificates for Topaz.
* `cfg/config.yaml` contains a Topaz configuration file which references the sample Todo **policy image**. A policy image is an OCI image that contains an OPA policy. For the Todo template, this is the public GHCR image ``. The source code for the policy image can be found [here](
* `data/` contains the objects and relations for the Todo template - in this case, a set of 5 users and 4 groups that are based on the "Rick & Morty" cartoon.
* `db/directory.db` contains the embedded database which houses the model and data.
* `model/manifest.yaml` contains the manifest file which describes the domain model.

For a deeper overview of the `cfg/config.yaml` file, see [topaz config](

#### What just happened?

Besides laying down the artifacts mentioned, installing the Todo template did the following things:

* started Topaz in daemon (background) mode (see `topaz start --help`).
* set the manifest found in `model/manifest.yaml` (see `topaz set manifest --help`).
* imported the objects and relations found in `data/` (see `topaz import --help`).
* opened a browser window to the Topaz [console](https://localhost:8080/ui/directory) (see `topaz console --help`).

Feel free to play around with the Topaz console! Or follow the next few steps to interact with the Topaz policy and authorization endpoints.

### Issue an API call

To verify that Topaz is running with the right policy image, you can issue a `curl` call to interact with the REST API.

This API call retrieves the set of policies that Topaz has loaded:

curl -k https://localhost:8383/api/v2/policies

### Issue an authorization request

Issue an authorization request using the `is` REST API to verify that the user Rick is allowed to GET the list of todos:

curl -k -X POST 'https://localhost:8383/api/v2/authz/is' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"identity_context": {
"identity": "[email protected]"
"policy_context": {
"path": "todoApp.GET.todos",
"decisions": ["allowed"]

### Run the sample application

To run the sample Todo backend in the language of your choice, and see how Topaz is used to authorize requests, refer to the [docs](

To start an interactive session with the Topaz endpoints over gRPC, see the [gRPC endpoints](#grpc-endpoints) section.

## Command line options

topaz --help
Usage: topaz [flags]

Topaz CLI

start start topaz in daemon mode
stop stop topaz instance
restart restart topaz instance
status status of topaz daemon process
run run topaz in console mode
manifest manifest commands
test test assertions commands
templates template commands
console open console in the browser
import import directory objects
export export directory objects
backup backup directory data
restore restore directory data
install install topaz container
configure configure topaz service
certs cert commands
update update topaz container version
uninstall uninstall topaz container
version version information

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-N, --no-check disable local container status check ($TOPAZ_NO_CHECK)
-L, --log log level

Run "topaz --help" for more information on a command.

## gRPC Endpoints

To interact with the authorizer endpoint, install `grpcui` or `grpcurl` and point them to `localhost:8282`:

grpcui --insecure localhost:8282

To interact with the directory endpoint, use `localhost:9292`:

grpcui --insecure localhost:9292

For more information on APIs, see the [docs](

## Demo

## Credits

Topaz uses a lot of great and amazing open source projects and libraries.

A big thank you to all of them!

## Contribution Guidelines

Topaz is a work in progress - if something is broken or there's a feature that you want, please file an issue and if so inclined submit a PR!

We welcome contributions from the community! Here are some general guidelines:

* File an issue first prior to submitting a PR!
* Ensure all exported items are properly commented
* If applicable, submit a test suite against your PR