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API to access OpenAI Gym from other languages via HTTP

Last synced: 4 months ago
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API to access OpenAI Gym from other languages via HTTP




**Status:** Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected)


This project provides a local REST API to the [gym]( open-source library, allowing development in languages other than python.

A python client is included, to demonstrate how to interact with the server.

Contributions of clients in other languages are welcomed!


To download the code and install the requirements, you can run the following shell commands:

git clone
cd gym-http-api
pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting started

This code is intended to be run locally by a single user. The server runs in python. You can implement your own HTTP clients using any language; a demo client written in python is provided to demonstrate the idea.

To start the server from the command line, run this:


In a separate terminal, you can then try running the example python agent and see what happens:


The example lua agent behaves very similarly:

cd binding-lua
lua example_agent.lua

You can also write code like this to create your own client, and test it out by creating a new environment. For example, in python:

remote_base = ''
client = Client(remote_base)

env_id = 'CartPole-v0'
instance_id = client.env_create(env_id)
client.env_step(instance_id, 0)


This repository contains integration tests, using the python client implementation to send requests to the local server. They can be run using the `nose2` framework. From a shell (such as bash) you can run nose2 directly:

cd gym-http-api

API specification

* POST `/v1/envs/`
* Create an instance of the specified environment
* param: `env_id` -- gym environment ID string, such as 'CartPole-v0'
* returns: `instance_id` -- a short identifier (such as '3c657dbc')
for the created environment instance. The instance_id is
used in future API calls to identify the environment to be

* GET `/v1/envs/`
* List all environments running on the server
* returns: `envs` -- dict mapping `instance_id` to `env_id`
(e.g. `{'3c657dbc': 'CartPole-v0'}`) for every env on the server

* POST `/v1/envs//reset/`
* Reset the state of the environment and return an initial
* param: `instance_id` -- a short identifier (such as '3c657dbc')
for the environment instance
* returns: `observation` -- the initial observation of the space

* POST `/v1/envs//step/`
* Step though an environment using an action.
* param: `instance_id` -- a short identifier (such as '3c657dbc')
for the environment instance
* param: `action` -- an action to take in the environment
* returns: `observation` -- agent's observation of the current
* returns: `reward` -- amount of reward returned after previous action
* returns: `done` -- whether the episode has ended
* returns: `info` -- a dict containing auxiliary diagnostic information

* GET `/v1/envs//action_space/`
* Get information (name and dimensions/bounds) of the env's
* param: `instance_id` -- a short identifier (such as '3c657dbc')
for the environment instance
* returns: `info` -- a dict containing 'name' (such as 'Discrete'), and
additional dimensional info (such as 'n') which varies from
space to space

* GET `/v1/envs//observation_space/`
* Get information (name and dimensions/bounds) of the env's
* param: `instance_id` -- a short identifier (such as '3c657dbc')
for the environment instance
* returns: `info` -- a dict containing 'name' (such as 'Discrete'), and
additional dimensional info (such as 'n') which varies from
space to space

* POST `/v1/envs//monitor/start/`
* Start monitoring
* param: `instance_id` -- a short identifier (such as '3c657dbc')
for the environment instance
* param: `force` (default=False) -- Clear out existing training
data from this directory (by deleting every file
prefixed with "openaigym.")
* param: `resume` (default=False) -- Retain the training data
already in this directory, which will be merged with
our new data
* (NOTE: the `video_callable` parameter from the native
`env.monitor.start` function is NOT implemented)

* POST `/v1/envs//monitor/close/`
* Flush all monitor data to disk
* param: `instance_id` -- a short identifier (such as '3c657dbc')
for the environment instance

* POST `/v1/upload/`
* Flush all monitor data to disk
* param: `training_dir` -- A directory containing the results of a
training run.
* param: `api_key` -- Your OpenAI API key
* param: `algorithm_id` (default=None) -- An arbitrary string
indicating the paricular version of the algorithm
(including choices of parameters) you are running.

* POST `/v1/shutdown/`
* Request a server shutdown
* Currently used by the integration tests to repeatedly create and destroy fresh copies of the server running in a separate thread


See the [contributors page] (