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Simple PHP client for ElasticSearch

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Simple PHP client for ElasticSearch




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# ElasticSearch PHP client
ElasticSearch is a distributed lucene powered search indexing, this is a PHP client for it

## Usage

### Initial setup

1. Install composer. `curl -s | php`
2. Create `composer.json` containing:

"require" : {
"nervetattoo/elasticsearch" : ">=2.0"
3. Run `./composer.phar install`
4. Keep up-to-date: `./composer.phar update`

### Indexing and searching

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \ElasticSearch\Client;
// The recommended way to go about things is to use an environment variable called ELASTICSEARCH_URL
$es = Client::connection();

// Alternatively you can use dsn string
$es = Client::connection('');

$es->index(array('title' => 'My cool document'), $id);

### Creating mapping

'title' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'index' => 'analyzed'

### Search multiple indexes or types

$results = $es
->setIndex(array("one", "two"))
->setType(array("mytype", "other-type"))

### Using the Query DSL

'query' => array(
'term' => array('title' => 'cool')

### Provide configuration as array

Using an array for configuration also works

$es = Client::connection(array(
'servers' => '',
'protocol' => 'http',
'index' => 'myindex',
'type' => 'mytype'

### Support for Routing

$document = array(
'title' => 'My routed document',
'user_id' => '42'
$es->index($document, $id, array('routing' => $document['user_id']));
$es->search('title:routed', array('routing' => '42'));

### Support for Bulking

$document = array(
'title' => 'My bulked entry',
'user_id' => '43'
$es->index($document, $id, array('routing' => $document['user_id']));

->index($document, $id, 'myIndex', 'myType', array('parent' => $parentId));


### Usage as a service in Symfony2

In order to use the Dependency Injection to inject the client as a service, you'll have to define it before.
So in your bundle's services.yml file you can put something like this :
class: ElasticSearch\Transport\HTTP
- localhost
- 9200
- 60

class: ElasticSearch\Client
- @your_bundle.elastic_transport
To make Symfony2 recognize the `ElasticSearch` namespace, you'll have to register it. So in your `app/autoload.php` make sure your have :
// ...

// ...
'ElasticSearch' => __DIR__.'/path/to/your/vendor/nervetattoo/elasticsearch/src',
Then, you can get your client via the service container and use it like usual. For example, in your controller you can do this :
class FooController extends Controller
// ...

public function barAction()
// ...
$es = $this->get('your_bundle.elastic_client');
$results = $es
->setIndex(array("one", "two"))
->setType(array("mytype", "other-type"))