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Route and Event Annotations for the Laravel Framework

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Route and Event Annotations for the Laravel Framework




## Annotations for The Laravel Framework

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# Annotations

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Scanning](#scanning)
- [Event Annotations](#events)
- [Route Annotations](#routes)
- [Scanning Controllers](#controllers)
- [Model Annotations](#models)
- [Custom Annotations](#custom-annotations)

## Installation

> If you have changed the top-level namespace to something like 'MyCompany', then you would use the new namespace instead of 'App'.

Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's `composer.json` file to require `laravelcollective/annotations`.

"require": {
"laravelcollective/annotations": "6.0.\*"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Once composer is done, you'll need to create a Service Provider in `app/Providers/AnnotationsServiceProvider.php`.

// ...
// ...

This doesn't replace the `RouteServiceProvider`, this is still required as this handles loading of the route cache etc.

## Setting up Scanning

Add event handler classes to the `protected $scanEvents` array to scan for event annotations.

* The classes to scan for event annotations.
* @var array
protected $scanEvents = [

Add controllers to the `protected $scanRoutes` array to scan for route annotations.

* The classes to scan for route annotations.
* @var array
protected $scanRoutes = [

Add models to the `protected $scanModels` array to scan for model annotations.

* The classes to scan for model annotations.
* @var array
protected $scanModels = [

Alternatively, you can set `protected $scanEverything` to `true` to automatically scan all classes within your application's namespace. *Note:* This may increase the time required to execute the scanners, depending on the size of your application.

Scanning your event handlers, controllers, and models can be done manually by using `php artisan event:scan`, `php artisan route:scan`, or `php artisan model:scan` respectively. In the local environment, you can scan them automatically by setting `protected $scanWhenLocal = true`.

## Event Annotations

### @Hears

The `@Hears` annotation registers an event listener for a particular event. Annotating any method with `@Hears("SomeEventName")` will register an event listener that will call that method when the `SomeEventName` event is fired.


## Route Annotations

Route annotations can be incredibly powerful, however the order of your route definitions can impact how your application matches specific routes, specifically any wildcard routes. If `protected $scanEverything` is set to `true`, you will have no control over the order of your route definitions.

### @Get

The `@Get` annotation registeres a route for an HTTP GET request.


return redirect( route('login') );


### @Resource

Using the `@Resource` annotation on a controller allows you to easily set up a Resource Controller.


## Scan the Controllers Directory

To recursively scan the entire controllers namespace ( `App\Http\Controllers` ), you can set the `$scanControllers` flag to true.

It will automatically adjust `App` to your app's namespace.

$scanControllers = true;

### Advanced

If you want to use any logic to add classes to the list to scan, you can override the `routeScans()` or `eventScans()` methods.

The following is an example of adding a controller to the scan list if the current environment is `local`:

public function routeScans() {
$classes = parent::routeScans();

if ( $this->app->environment('local') ) {
$classes = array_merge($classes, [App\Http\Controllers\LocalOnlyController::class]);

return $classes;

#### Scanning Namespaces

You can use the `getClassesFromNamespace( $namespace )` method to recursively add namespaces to the list. This will scan the given namespace. It only works for classes in the `app` directory, and relies on the PSR-4 namespacing standard.

This is what the `$scanControllers` flag uses with the controllers directory.

Here is an example that builds on the last one - adding a whole local-only namespace.

public function routeScans() {
$classes = parent::routeScans();

if ( $this->app->environment('local') ) {
$classes = array_merge(
$this->getClassesFromNamespace( App\Http\Controllers\Local::class )

return $classes;

## Model Annotations

You can use annotations to automatically bind your models to route parameters, using [Route Model Binding]( To do this, use the `@Bind` annotation.

* @Bind("users")
class User extends Eloquent {

This is the equivalent of calling `Route::model('users', 'App\Users')`.

## Custom Annotations

If you want to register your own annotations, create a namespace containing subclasses of `Collective\Annotations\Routing\Annotations\Annotations\Annotation` - let's say `App\Http\Annotations`.

Then, in your annotations service provider, override the `addRoutingAnnotations( RouteScanner $scanner )` method, and register your routing annotations namespace:

addAnnotationNamespace( 'App\Http\Annotations' );

Your annotation classes must must have the `@Annotation` class annotation (see the following example).

There is an equivalent method for event annotations: `addEventAnnotations( EventScanner $scanner )`.

### Custom Annotation Example

Here is an example to make an `@Auth` annotation. It provides the same functionality as using the annotation `@Middleware("auth")`.

In a namespace - in this example, `App\Annotations`:

foreach ($endpoint->getPaths() as $path)
$path->middleware = array_merge($path->middleware, (array) 'auth');
$endpoint->middleware = array_merge($endpoint->middleware, (array) 'auth');
