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This is a library with some reusable functions for TypeScript SDK

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This is a library with some reusable functions for TypeScript SDK




# temporal-time-utils

This is a library with some reusable functions for [ TypeScript SDK](

- `sleepUntil`: sleep to a specific date, instead of by number of milliseconds
- `UpdatableTimer`: sleep to a specific date, updatable and queryable
- `ScheduleWorkflow`: *[Deprecated in favor of [Schedules](]* schedule other workflows by extended cron syntax, with support for jitter, timezone, max invocations, manual triggers, pausing/unpausing, querying future executions, and more.

This serves as both a utility library and a demonstration of how you can publish reusable Temporal libraries (both for Workflows and Activities).

⚠️ **Note:** This is not an officially supported Temporal library due to the fact that `sleepUntil` and `UpdatableTimer` are not guaranteed to be accurate: the number of milliseconds until the given date is calculated up front, so if any time/date adjustments are made (like changes in timezones, daylight savings, leap seconds), the timer may not fire at the exact correct time.

npm i temporal-time-utils

## `sleepUntil`

This is a simple drop in replacement for Temporal's `workflow.sleep()` API for when you need to sleep to a specific date rather than a fixed number of milliseconds.

import { sleepUntil } from "temporal-time-utils";

// inside workflow function
sleepUntil("30 Sep " + (new Date().getFullYear() + 1)); // wake up when September ends
sleepUntil("5 Nov 2022 00:12:34 GMT"); // wake up at specific time and timezone

// optional 2nd arg
sleepUntil("5 Nov 2022 00:12:34 GMT", specificDateTime); // take control over the "start" time in case you need to

This is a very simple function - under the hood it just uses `date-fns/differenceInMilliseconds` to calculate time difference.

This is discussed in the docs

## `UpdatableTimer`

`sleep` only lets you set a fixed time upfront.
`UpdatableTimer` is a special class that lets you update that while sleeping.
You can consider it the next step up from `sleepUntil`.

After you instantiate it with an initial datetime to wake up at, it exposes only two APIs: `then()` for you to `await`, and `.deadline` that you can set and get.

// example usage inside workflow function
export async function countdownWorkflow(initialDeadline: Date): Promise {
const timer = new UpdatableTimer(initialDeadline);
(deadline) => void (timer.deadline = deadline)
); // send in new deadlines via Signal
wf.setHandler(timeLeftQuery, () => timer.deadline -; // get time left via Query
await timer; // if you send in a signal with a new time, this timer will resolve earlier!
console.log("countdown done!");

This is discussed in the docs

## `ScheduleWorkflow`

A Workflow that schedules other Workflows.

This is a premade Workflow that you can register in a Worker and call from a client, to invoke other Workflows on a schedule. You can consider this the next step up from "Cron Workflows".

See example usage inside of `/apps/fixture`:

- invoke the `ScheduleWorkflow` and pass in an `example` Workflow to call on a schedule
- necessary export for Worker to pick it up

// inside client file
async function run() {
const client = new WorkflowClient();
const handle = await client.start(ScheduleWorkflow, {
args: [
"exampleWorkflow", // workflow to be executed on a schedule. must be string name.
args: ["Example arg payload"], // static for now, but possible to modify to make dynamic in future - ask swyx
// // regular workflow options apply here, with two additions (defaults shown):
// cancellationType: ChildWorkflowCancellationType.WAIT_CANCELLATION_COMPLETED,
// parentClosePolicy: ParentClosePolicy.PARENT_CLOSE_POLICY_TERMINATE
// args
cronParser: {
expression: "* * * * *", // every minute
// options:
// maxInvocations?: number;
// jitterMs?: number;
taskQueue: "tutorial",
workflowId: "my-schedule-id",

This uses under the hood, thereby getting support for things like timezones and "last of the week" extensions to the cron syntax:

// client.ts
const handle = await client.start(ScheduleWorkflow, {
args: [
"exampleWorkflow", // as above
{}, // if no args needed
// scheduleOptions
cronParser: {
expression: "0 0 * * * 1,3L", // run every Monday as well as the last Wednesday of the month
options: {
currentDate: "2016-03-27 00:00:01",
endDate: new Date("Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:40:00 UTC"),
tz: "Europe/Athens",
maxInvocations: 500,
jitterMs: 1000,
taskQueue: "scheduler",
workflowId: "schedule-for-" + userId,

The Workflow exposes a number of useful queries and signals:

import {
// ...
} from "temporal-time-utils";

await handle.query(numInvocationsQuery); // get how many times exampleWorkflow has been invoked by ScheduleWorkflow
await handle.query(futureScheduleQuery, 3); // get the next 3 times it is set to be invoked. defaults to 5
await handle.signal(manualTriggerSignal); // manually trigger workflow
await handle.signal(stateSignal, "PAUSED" as ScheduleWorkflowState); // pause workflow
await handle.signal(stateSignal, "RUNNING" as ScheduleWorkflowState); // resume workflow
await handle.cancel(); // stop schedule workflow completely
await handle.query(stateQuery); // get wf state (running, paused, or stopped)

This is a decoupled and slightly modified variant of what was discussed in the docs:

## Monorepo details

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### Build

To build all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd my-turborepo
npm run build

### Develop

To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd my-turborepo
npm run dev

### Remote Caching

Turborepo can use a technique known as [Remote Caching (Beta)]( to share cache artifacts across machines, enabling you to share build caches with your team and CI/CD pipelines.

cd my-turborepo
npx turbo login
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