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NIST-based CVE lookup store and API powered by Rust.

cve cve-scanning cve-search rust security-tools

Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation

NIST-based CVE lookup store and API powered by Rust.




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Kepler is a vulnerability database and lookup store and API currently utilising [National Vulnerability Database]( as data sources; implementing CPE 2.3 tree expressions and version range evaluation in realtime.

# Setup

## Docker (recommended)

We provide a docker bundle with `kepler`, dedicated PostgreSQL database and [Ofelia]( as job scheduler for continuous update

docker compose build
docker compose up

### Database migration notes
When the application starts checks for pending database migrations and automatically applies them. Remove the `--migrate` option to stop when a pending migration is detected

## Build from sources

Alternatively you can build `kepler` from sources. To build you need `rust`, `cargo` and `libpg-dev` (or equivalent PostgreSQL library for your Linux distribution)

cargo build --release

# Data sources

The system will automatically fetch and import new records every 3 hours if you use our [bundle](#docker-recommended), while historical data must be imported manually.

Kepler currently supports two data sources, [National Vulnerability Database]( and [NPM Advisories]( You can import the data sources historically as follows.

## NIST Data

To import NIST records from all available years (2002 to 2022):

for year in $(seq 2002 2022); do
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/data \
-e DATABASE_URL=postgres://kepler:kepler@localhost:5432/kepler \
--network=kepler_default \
kepler:dev import_nist $year -d /data;

The system will automatically fetch and import new records records every 3 hours.

# APIs

There are two primary APIs as of right now — the `product` API and the `cve` API detailed below.

## Products API

Products can be listed:

curl http://localhost:8000/products

Grouped by vendor:

curl http://localhost:8000/products/by_vendor

Or searched:

curl http://localhost:8000/products/search/iphone


To use the vulnerabilities search API via cURL (prepend `node-` to the product name in order to search for NPM specific packages):

curl \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"product":"libxml2","version":"2.9.10"}' \

Responses are cached in memory with a LRU limit of 4096 elements.